pt. 14

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"sadiee!" caleb calls as i walked into the room. "hey caleb!" i respond as i sit down at my hospital bed, max was supposed to be in this episode. "have you seen the script? there's a big plot hole because the rest dots, see?" he points out on his script. "yeah i know." i tell him as i glance over my script. because i was in the 'big plot hole' i didn't have the red dots caleb and the rest of the cast did. i red what was on the script, and i soon realized that max was going to confess to el, and then kiss her. "hey what's your script look like?" caleb asked as he sat down beside me, and scooted a bit closer. "oh it's-"
just then millie burst in, and then stared at us with a confused expression. "caleb what are you doing in here? we're about to shoot a scene with me and sadie." millie told him. "right, sorry, i'll leave." caleb said awkwardly as he stood up and walked out of the room.

i awkwardly stared at millie, and then the duffers and a few other camrea people came in. "okay, you guys ready to shoot max's confession?" matt asked as a few people set up the cameras and microphones. "yeah, i'm ready." millie said as she got into character. i glanced at my script one more time, and then set it down. i was really really nervous, and i felt like my chest was going to explode any second. my palms were sweaty, and i took a deep breath, as millie switched over to her american accent. "okay.. 3..2..1.. ACTION!" somebody yelled.

i took a deep breath, and then spoke. "el?" i asked as millie turned around to face me. "yeah max?" millie asked. "i- i think i need to tell you something.. it's really serious and after i almost died it made me realize i need to tell you before-" i stopped as i felt millie place her hand on top of mine. that was not supposed to apart of the script? "just get to the point max." millie said softly. "right- sorry.. i guess just what i'm trying to say is.." i slightly stuttered. i took another deep breath, and then spoke. "el, you are really funny, kind talented, and REALLY beautiful not to mention you're a badass superhero thats saved our asses so many times, and-"

millie cut me off by speaking. "max what are you trying to say?" millie asked in a confused tone.

"eleven.. i like you. i like you as more then a friend." i confessed in a shaky tone as i could feel myself shaking head to toe.

my palms were sweaty as i knew what i had to do next. i slightly licked my lips, and started to lean in. millie's eyes slightlt sparkled, and then our lips were not even an inch apart as my stomach began to do flips and flops, and i started to feel almost sea sick again. as i felt millie place her hands on waist, which she was not supposed to do, it felt like sparks were going off and flying all around as our lips connected. it felt like paradise, even better, to know what millie's lips felt like against mine. i had been dreaming of this moment for 6 long entire years. as we continued to kiss, it finally hit me. i finally realized it. i was in love with millie, i was in love with my bestfriend. i had always had a crush on her, i just never realized it before. time had gone by slow, but i still knew we had been already kissing for a few seconds, so i thought it should be time to pull away. i slightly pulled away, but millie only leaned in more, deepening our kiss. it caught me off guard big time, but not enough that i stopped kissing back. my heart was beating so fast in that moment, even though there were many people in that room, it felt like it was just us two. just us two up against the world.

"AND CUT!" somebody yelled. millie ignored them for a second, but then pulled away from the kiss. needless to say i was really sad and disappointed we had to stop kissing, but i didn't want to show it.
both me and millie were slightly out of breath, and i stared at her with shocked eyes. "wow- i uhm.." i stuttered as my eyes went from her eyes, to down at her lips. she awkwardly smiled, and then stood up. "alright good job, take 10." ross told us. millie nodded and then exited the room, leaving me there baffled with the duffer brothers and a few other staff workers.

on set ~sillie story~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें