"And how do you suppose I do that?" I say crossing my arms.

"I dunno," he replied.

"How would I even be able to prove they would be jealous," I start "For all I know i'm just a friend to them."

"Please," Santi rolls his eyes "Who wouldn't fall in love with you." He says jokingly as he clasps his hands together and flutters his eyelashes at me.

We both chuckle, he's just joking but he's totally right about that.
"I know, I know, im irresistible." I reply with a wink and a sly smile.

Santi and I continue laughing and joking until Santi looks past me and notices something.

"Yo is that Sammy and (y/n)?" Santi questions.

I look behind me and see (y/n) on the ground with Sammy brushing herself off.

"This is your chance go make her jealous."

I realize that this isn't the smartest thing i've ever done but I decide to do it any way. I walk up to Sammy.

"You alright Sammy?" I say as I latch my hand around her waist. I watch as (y/n) deliberately brushes herself off. I quickly look away trying not to seem like i'm watching her.

I look over to Sammy, who's already gazing at me, and try my best to seem interested. I can feel (y/n) staring hard at me, and I can't help but look over at them.

The look on their face makes me feel sort of guilty. But I try my best to look nonchalant anyways.

"(y/n)?" I pretend like I didn't notice them before .

I watch as the look on their face becomes gradually disappointedly.
"Oh, Arven, hey.."
I can tell their trying not to look at Sammy, who is basically glued onto my hip at the moment.

Before I can say anything she quickly turns and walks away from us, walks away from me. I let go of Sammy as soon as I see (y/n) walk away, i'm not here for Sammy in the first place.

"Hey-!" I hear Sammy pout as I walk away.

"Dude, I think you did it!" Santiago says congratulating me as I approach him.

"Yeah, but it didn't make me feel good." I reply with a sigh.
I fill up my cup, and take a swig of my drink. blech. It tastes like ass.

Santi sits there drinking his beer, looking at me, then looking past me.
"I don't want to be that guy," Santi starts to say, "But I don't think this is going to make you feel any better." He motions his hand with the beer to behind me.

I turn cautiously, and to my surprise I see (y/n) cozied up with this.. this random dude!

"Who is that!" I immediately spoke.
This dude doesn't look like a highschool student whatsoever.

Santi squinted as he studied the male further. "Hmm..."

I have my arms crossed as I glare at the the two of them. He looks like a grown man!
"I just want to go over there and.. MARK MY TERRITORY!" I fume.

"Oh yeah? You a dog now? Don't wet your pants in front of (y/n), people don't usually find that attractive." Santi jokes.

I continue crossing my arms and moping.

"I think, I think I recognize him." Santi finally says. "His name is Mateo, and he's a 4th year."

"That explains why he looks like that." I reply.

Santi looks at me up and down, "Sounds like someone's jealous."

"Am not, I don't get jealous." I scoff.


"Okay maybe a TAD bit, but i'm just looking out for them this Mateo character could be a total creep."

As soon as I say that I watch as Mateo leans in and kisses (y/n). My heart sinks into my stomach. This cannot be happening. (y/n) does not belong to him, they're mine.

Thankfully they got off each other and stopped eating each others faces, I don't know how much more I could've taken. I have a gut feeling Mateo's idea of what he and (y/n) might do isn't what (y/n) has in mind. I'm going to make sure nothing happens to (y/n).

"I don't have a good feeling about him." I say to Santi.

"Weirdly enough I don't either."

We both watch as he prepares himself and (y/n) a drink.

"Dude, did you see that? I think he just slipped something in (y/n)'s drink."

"What!" I watch as he hands her the drink and she downs in one go.

"Oh my-."

Santi and I stand in shock as we watch her stumble into his arms and fall right to sleep.

"What the fuck!"

I rush over before Santi says anything next. I run through people, into people, and over people trying to get to (y/n). I'm watching as Mateo looks around and tries taking her away from all the people.

"Hey!" I yell, catching his attention.

He sees me as I meet him face to face.

"What the hell did you do to them!" I say feeling my faces turn hotter with each passing second. I'm fuming at this point.

"Their fine, they just had to much to drink." He snarled, "Who are you to even assume I would do something anyway."

"I watched you roofy their drink!"

He sized me up at rolled his eyes. He towers over me, but he can't intimidate me. "How about you mind your little business, and fuck off. Yeah?" He says shooing me with his free hand.

Everyone is looking at the scene i've caused now. Watching and waiting for someone to say something. No one knows what we're arguing about, they just know that we are.

He scoffs and tries to walk away with (y/n), but before he can turn around I make sure to punch him right in the nose.

He lets go of (y/n) to grab his face, and I luckily grab them before they fell down.

Mateo looks at me with a rage in his eyes. "You're so going to pay for that you little bitch!" He tries swinging at me, but I still have (y/n) leaning on me. Santi quickly pulls up with Nemona and a half-sober Penny.

"Arven what the hell is happening!" Nemona gasped.

Santi quickly grabs (y/n).

"Too much to explain right now, go take (y/n) to the tents!"

They followed my instructions and left swiftly, I turn back to Mateo who was already lunging in my direction.

"fight!fight! fight!" is all I hear in the distance.

I feel an indescribable amount of pain to the right side of my face as I hit the ground.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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