Rias: I hate you issei hydohou, I wish I could have left you for dead

She instantly covered her mouth, issei was frozen on the spot so just because he rejected her love she said that uh does she know how he felt as he was slowly taking his last breath of course she'll never know, all her life she has been spoilt and treated like a princess

Issei: you know how it felt right uh to give your heart to someone to be happy to be actually be in love right have you ever felt having a hole in your chest  dying slowly on the ground breathing slowly, your organs shutting down what caused it oh yeah by giving your heart to someone just for the person to break it to kill you in cold blood just for loving someone. it leaves scars not physical scars emotional ones I wear a smile hiding the pain she caused uh

I was fucking depressed  People who have never dealt with depression think it's just being sad or being in a bad mood. That's not what depression is for me; it's falling into a state of grayness and numbness, you ever see me going for therapy no I bottled it up and now look at what you've caused you made me remember it you made me feel that same pain again

They all showed sympathy

Rias: issei I'm sorry, please forgive me

Issei: you're no different from her you're the same I'm a fool, a fool for thinking you were different same with the rest of you, I hate you rias gremory I hate you so much same with you all you heard me right I finally said your name isn't that what you've always wanted

Rias: issei please I take it back I never meant what I said please issei don't you feel anything

Issei: I don't feel sad I don't feel angry I feel nothing(like me when I loose a game of call of duty)

Issei: the biggest mistake I ever made was thinking you'll be different from her

Issei took his bag and was heading home

Kiba: issei wait

Asia: we can't talk about this

Akeno: wait don't go

Issei: don't waste your breath I have nothing to do with every single one of you

Rossweisse: issei you can't just...

He slammed the door hard

Irina: what have we done

Rias couldn't believe it issei is gone, their relationship is already gone beyond repair

Issei was walking home

Ddraig:' partner how are you doing '

Issei: ' I'm okay is that what you want to hear because I'm not I'm definitely not okay '

Ddraig:' please partner try your best to heal don't let it get to you it could affect your....'

Issei: ' my mental health is already affected I've finally lost it ddraig something I never thought was possible '

Ddraig:' issei '

Issei: ' I've lost my purpose I lost it I don't know anymore maybe I should go and fall asleep and try to get myself before I fall apart '

Azazel: issei what happened aren't you supposed to be in the orc

Issei: why so I can get hurt again

Azazel gazed at his student and saw something was wrong, very wrong the issei that used to smile now looked like someone died

Azazel gazed at his student and saw something was wrong, very wrong the issei that used to smile now looked like someone died

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