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«List of Interests, continued.

4. Criston Cole.

What he has: the Queen's trust, fucked up moral compass.

What he lacks: the independence, obviously.

(Keep good relationships, never cross the road, claim him in the right way. And don't you dare to underestimated him again!)»

— From Drusilla Tyrell's memoirs.

Stupid Small Council.

Stupid men.

Stupid Ser Henrik.

Not only did he have the audacity to always doubt his words, but also he decided to die absolutely stupidly in the middle of the day! Gods, if Aemond wasn't at the official meeting at the same time, he surely would be blamed for killing that old man. Now, though, despite suspicions—how could it happen, after all?—they decided that his death was a clear accident. His horse might have seen something disturbing, or maybe, smell it, and it just lost control, sending both of them down from the cliff. Things happen.

But it took them five hours to come to a conclusion, and Aemond had only one wish - to come back in his chambers and stare into the wall, brain melted from hours of arguments. Maybe, he can ask Drusilla to read him something, if she is in the mood herself. Either way, he has no desire to communicate with people today.

'I can't fucking believe it! Can you, Helaena?'

Aemond stops, raising his brows in surprise.

Is he hallucinating or he just heard Aegon, calling their sister by her name? And actually talking with her?

Might be a fever...

'Why are you so surprised, I can't understand...'

Or no?

Aemond takes a few steps back, turning his head to the left side of the corridor, the one he passed without glancing at. He blinks a few time, seeing the strangest picture - Aegon and Helaena both, standing in front of closed doors to the one of the hall rooms; Aegon's ear pressed to the wooden surface, listening to something, while Haelana plays with little spider in her hands absentmindedly.

'Because... I mean, yeah, ser Cole is cool, but he is like... A little bit... Well, you kinda get embarrassed by his presence? And she spent three hours around him, or even more!'

Aemond furrows.

'Oh... Aegon, you shouldn't be jealous of Lady Tyrell's attention! I am pretty sure that she values all her friends equally,' and without stopping examining her new pet, Helaena adds: 'Hi, brother.'

Aegon unwillingly turns to Aemond, and rolls his eyes.

'Yeah, hi, brother. Your wife found herself a new friend, apparently.'

'She is still not my wife,' Aemond corrects him. And without even sparing some attention, asks his sister. 'What is going on here?'

Helaena finally puts a little creature on her head—Aemond tries not to show how desperately he dislikes insects—and smiles at him.

'Truly, I don't even know. Aegon pulled me out of my chambers to show something scandalous. And brought me here, to where lady Tyrell and Ser Cole... Communicate.'

Does he get it right?

Drusilla befriended... Criston Cole?

'It is scandalous! Poor girl!' Aegon sighs. 'Can you imagine? They are whispering for hours! It is just offensive at this point.'

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