|16| Trade your heels for my sliders

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She looks at him as if he were stupid, "My siblings. Duh"

"I see it now. You guys have the same nose", The third guy notices

"Bodyguard over here was trying to send us home" I tell her

She rolls her eyes "Seriously Rico, go home"

She then drags Santi and I inside

"As you can see it's a little packed!" Carmen calls out over the music

I look around with a frown, I am immensely creeped out by the fact that this house was in my dream and I've never stepped foot inside until now.

What snapped me back to reality was Hayley waving at me from the kitchen, I smile before returning it. But what I am starting to regret is wearing these tight heels, it's just that I need the height.

"Hey are those mine?" Carmen frowns as she looks down

She opted for these tiny heels which do absolutely nothing because she's still tiny, shorter than me may I add. Now that I think about it I think she's only taller than Lola and Matty.

"I won't keep them if that's what you're worried about"

"You look suffocated"

"Well you have tiny feet, but these go with my fit and beauty is pain" I defend

"Shots?", Santi asks

"Ugh, I'm not drinking tonight"

We both frown at her, "You're not?"

"Long story"

I snort, "Alright well I see a bottle of Smirnoff with my name on it and I'm going"

"Keep your phone on", Santi tells me

"Yeah yeah", I pass through the sweaty crowd full of sweaty and high people before making my way to the kitchen

Hayley looks up from her phone, "About time"

I take a solo cup, "Relax I'm here now"

"So", She does a little dance as she pours us some vodka and coke

Definitely tipsy

"Who's the eye candy of the night-... I've already made out with Kevin from the football team oh and also-

She hiccups

"I almost had sex with Rico the senior but he said that I was too tipsy and he wanted to fuck me when I'm sober. He basically told me to call him tomorrow right?-

I look at her amused "Woah, Hales slow down. When did you get here? And wait a minute what happened between you and Nathan? And Rico, the guy from outside? He's a real jerk"

A little bit of vodka spills down the side of her mouth but she wipes it away quickly.... And then she starts blabbering, "I broke up with Nathan ages ago because all he wanted was sex. But then I really really wanted to make him jealous because he moved on so quickly and usually I go to Santiago whenever I wanna do that but then I found out he got with some girl called Maya and that shouldn't bother me right because we're friends. It shouldn't right? So then I wanted to drink and hookup with Rico so I could forget everything and also I think I might really like your brother"

I raise my eyebrows and Hayley pauses as she realises what she just said, "Oh my God"

"Oh my God", I repeat

She looks at me with panic, "You're mad and you hate me-

"No no no, I don't hate you Hales. I'm just surprised"

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