"No." It felt like a stone was cutting through Casey's vocal cords, and her voice rasped and he looked up at her and she shook her head. "I'm not leaving." She signed and Derek was nodding.

"Lydia was right." Derek whispered and Casey ducked, when she heard a Berserker's roar, Kate's angry yowling and a whole lot of hunters speaking Spanish. "The Calaveras. Your family."

"You're my family." Casey signed and Derek smiled a little, as she felt tears rolling down her cheeks. "Keep pressure on that." She ordered and he nodded.

"Isn't this cute?" Casey was frozen again and Derek, he was struggling to hold on. Casey turned around to see a gun pointed at her. "You're crying over a monster, a monster who is already dead."

"My cousin is not a monster." Before Casey's father could say anythin' at all to that, Tye had knocked the gun out of his hands and Beatrice had torn out his throat.

Casey's eyes widened at the sight of Beatrice's bloodstained claws and the blood dripped from them and Casey was looking at the body of her father and his blood sunk into the ground.

"Why-why aren't you guys with the others?" Derek asked and Tye looked at him.

"Because, big brother, we didn't want you to die alone." Tye said and Derek looked at him, as Tye walked to him as he rested his hand on his arm.

"Tye, you don't have to..." Derek's words trailed off as Tye, he was now taking his pain away from him.

Tye lunged for Kate on his own and the Berserker stabbed him repeatedly but thanks to the full moon, it healed almost as fast as it started to hurt him.

Tye was backing away as Kate was firing at him with wolfsbane bullets and he was snarling, as he was backing down.

"Time to show off?" Beatrice asked and Tye shrugged. "I'll help them find Scott." Beatrice said and Tye nodded a bit.

Casey looked back at Derek, to see that he was weakly looking at her yet again. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She signed and Derek smiled faintly, as she moved her hand over to rest on his heart and it had stopped.

Casey was shuddering as she looked over at Tye, who realized instantly at her tearful eyes, what the look meant and he let out a terrible roar.

The roar echoed throughout La Iglesia, even the humans could hear it and Beatrice stopped fighting briefly at the terrible sound. "Derek." She whispered.


Braeden was firing at the Berserker while Casey was advancing with both of her guns blazing, firing at the Berserker with a rage and hatred, all beyond all measure of it before.

Casey stood next to her grandmother Araya and she snapped out one of her own electrified cattle prods and her eyes flashed in rage. "Come, La Loba. Let me show you how the Calaveras die." Araya stated and Kate roared.

Then suddenly, a pair of piercing howls broke through the air and cut off the other sounds. Over the broken wall came two pure-black wolves.

They loped confidently and when Kate was roaring at them, their eyes glowed at the sight. One with red eyes and one with icy blue eyes.

Casey's eyes widened as they lunged directly for Kate, who snarled and she was screaming as they sunk their fangs into Kate's arms and she was dragging herself away.

The two wolves stood up in human form and Casey's smile was stunned at the sight of Tye and Derek, who had achieved what their sister Laura and what their mother Talia had also managed to do.

Casey was also rather surprised, to see that Tye had gotten a tattoo, the same triskele that Derek had in between his shoulder blades, directly in the center of his back.

"You were... You were dead." Kate said and Derek was shaking his head at her.

"No. I was evolving. Something you'll never do." Derek said as Casey looked over to see the Berserker was coming for them.

Casey reached for her guns, but Derek, he swiftly lunged directly for the Berserker and it was dead within a few seconds. Derek dropped the animal skull and he looked over at Casey, who was shaking her head a bit.

Casey walked over to the Hale brothers and they looked at each other, before Casey walked into their hugs. The three of them were silently hugging one another, as they leaned on one another for support.

"Just for the record? Der?" Tye asked and Derek looked over at him and Tye was shaking his head. "You really, really truly, did look dead this time." Tye murmured and Casey let out a choked sound, that was a sort of laugh.

Casey went with Derek and Braeden in Derek's car, Braeden, who wanted to get another motorcycle, before she went off on her own again.

Tye went with them back to Beacon Hills, but he was leaving again as well after he got his motorcycle.

Beatrice walked toward Devenford and she found that Brett was on the lacrosse field and that Lori, she was sitting in the stands. "Hey, kid, you miss me?" Beatrice asked as Lori was looking over at her.

"Beatrice!" She shouted as Beatrice smiled and Lori raced off of bleachers and went towards her and with a smile, she very nearly tackled her into the ground.

"Hey Lori." Beatrice murmured and she was smiling, as Lori got off of her and Beatrice grunted. "Ow, kid, I think you busted a rib." Beatrice muttered.

"She just tackled you." Beatrice blinked as she saw Brett was standing over her with a hand out to help her up. Beatrice accepted the hand up with a smile. "Next time, don't you dare run off without telling us." He said and she nodded.

"That sounds reasonable. Also, ow, Lori, you hit me like a freaking cannonball. That hurt." Beatrice said and the three of them hugged it out.

Burn Amongst Humanity [D. Hale ]Where stories live. Discover now