Aang: (looking up at the man) No worries, I clean up easy.

(Cut to the shot of the bar. Aang places his knuckles together in front of his chest and bends a gust of air around his body, drying his clothes and causing everyone else's clothes to be blown back. The man in white grabs the brim of his hat to keep it from being blown away and gasps at Aang with amazement. Cut to a close up of the man.)

Professor Zei: (in awe) You're a living relic!

(Cut to a shot of Aang, with Katara and Sokka standing behind him. Toph and_ walk in from behind.)

Aang: Thanks. I try.

(Cut back to the close up of the man. He places a hand to his chin.)

Professor Zei: An Air Nomad, right in front of me. (Cut to a shot from side of the group at the bar. Sokka is handing Katara a drink and turns back to the bartender. The man gives a slight bow to Aang, who bows as well) Professor Zei, head of anthropology at Ba Sing Se University. (grabs Aang's hand and examines it) Tell me, which of the Air temples do you hail from?

Aang: The southern temple.

Professor Zei: (begins measuring Aang's skull with a pair of calipers and speaking excitedly) Oh, splendid! Now tell me, what was the primary agricultural product of your people?

Aang: (nervously) Uh, are fruit pies an agricultural product?

Professor Zei: (placing a hand on Aang's shoulder) Oh, truly fascinating. That is one for the journal.

Zei pulls a pen and note pad from his back pack and begins writing in it.)

Sokka: So professor, you're obviously a well traveled guy. Do you have a more current map? Ours seems to be a little dated.

Professor Zei: Certainly.

(Cut to a close up shot of a table. Sokka unrolls a map onto it. Cut to a shot of the group standing around the table. Toph is laying across two chairs, her legs crossed and sipping her fruit drink. Aang is now holding a drink of his own. Sokka takes a moment to examine the map.)

Sokka: What, no Fire Nation? (straitening his back) Doesn't anybody have a good map of that place?

(Katara places a hand on the map. Cut to a pan right close up of the map. On it can be seen a large desert with several paths drawn on to it.)

Katara: You've made a lot of trips into the desert.

Professor Zei: All in vain, I'm afraid. I've found lost civilizations all over the Earth Kingdom, (raises his fist slightly) but I haven't managed to find the crown jewel... Wan Shi Tong's Library.

_: wan shi tongs library?! thats like, the mother load of knowledge!!

prfessor zei: youve hear of it...? no ofence, your a child

_: uh, thats a less scary and angry version of zukos reaction about aang.... anyway, i first heard about the library when i was 8, ive alwas wished to read such anccent readings books and scrolls.

prfessor zei: you like to read?

_: obsessed, they say knowledge is the best power... and you do to

prfessor zei: yes, thats why im looking for they library. so i can read all that history.

Toph: You spent years walking through the desert to find some guy's library?

Professor Zei: This library is more valuable than gold, little lady. (raises his palms in a gesture) It is said to contain a vast collection of knowledge, and knowledge... is priceless.

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