Aang (confused): I... guess...

Sokka: Oh, don't be modest. They're huge!

Meng: Well Aang, it is very nice to meet you. Very nice.

Aang: Likewise.

(Meng exits, looking back slyly out of the corner of her eye, presumably at Aang.

___: i dont like her

Sokka: I can't believe we're here in the house of nonsense.

Katara: Try to keep an open mind, Sokka. There are things in this world that just can't be explained. Wouldn't it be nice to have some insight into your future?

Sokka: It would be nice to have some bean curd puffs.

(Katara looks annoyed at this. Meng appears with a tray of refreshments. A moment later the inner door opens to reveal a young woman in a green kimono. She rushes over to Meng

Woman in Green: Oh Meng! Aunt Wu says I'm going to meet my true love! He's going to give me a rare panda lilly.

Meng (with Aang visible over her right shoulder): That's so romantic. (Looks dreamily over at Aang) I wonder if my true love will give me a rare flower.

Aang (earnestly): Good luck with that!

Woman in Green (amused): Is that the big eared guy who Aunt Wu predicted you'd marry?

___: mmmarry. uh... sorry no.

(Meng shoves the young woman and brings the tray over to the three, but her eyes are fixed on Aang. She trips and almost dumps the food on Aang, but he helps steady her grip on the tray. His hands now hold hers as they together hold the tray. They share a moment looking into each other's eyes. ___ realllllly hates that girl)

___ pov

Meng (embarrassed): Enjoy your snack.

oh i reallly hate her. back off meng hes already got a legend; me

Aunt Wu (from o.c. at first): Welcome young travelers. Now, who's next? Don't be shy.

(Both boys look uninterested.)

___: I guess that's me.

(___ runs to follow Aunt Wu. Cut to Aang and Sokka, the latter of which is chomping on curd puffs.)

Sokka: Not bad. Not bad. Mmmm! (Offers puffs to Aang.)

Aang (pushing puffs away): I'm good on puffs. So...what do you think they're talking about back there?

Sokka: Boring stuff, I'm sure. Love. Who she's going to marry. How many babies she's gonna have.

Aang (growing more alarmed at each of Sokka's pronouncements): Yeh... dumb stuff like that... (bites his fingernails, eyes wide) well, I've gotta find a bathroom!

katara eyes aang suspiciously

(Aang runs. as Sokka stretches out over the pillows and eats another puff. Momo grabs the bowl of puffs and runs off. obviously trying to be quiet so he can eavesdrop. All between ___ and Aunt Wu

Aunt Wu: Your palms are so smooth - do you use moisturizer?

me: Actually, I have this special seaweed lotion. i make it myself. I could get you some if you want. (Aang sticks his tongue out, his face clearly expressing his disdain for discussions around moisturizer then a little impression that she makes it) So, do you see anything interesting in my love line? (Aang's eyes bug out instantly and he leans in close to hear.)

Aunt Wu: I feel great romance for you. The man you're going to marry...

me: Tell me more!

Aunt Wu: I can see that he is a very powerful bender.

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