Aang: Whoa there!

(The bears rears up and roars, only to have Appa rear up behind him and roar. Cut to a side shot of the bear with Appa behind him. The bear drops an egg out his behind and runs into the river and swims away. Cut to Sokka's arms picking up the large egg.)

Sokka: Mmm! Lunch! (He sniffs egg) Lucky for you we came along.

Calm Man: Thanks, but everything was already under control. Not to worry, Aunt Wu predicted I'd have a safe journey. (He puts his hands in a position of prayer and bows slightly at this.)

Aang: Aunt who?

Calm Man: No, Aunt Wu. She's

___: shes the fortuneteller from his village.

Katara: Wow, it must be. That explains why you were so calm.

Sokka: But the fortuneteller was wrong! You didn't have a safe journey, you were almost killed!

Calm Man: But I wasn't. All right, have a good one! Oh, and Aunt Wu said if I met any travelers to give them this.

Katara: Maybe we should go see Aunt Wu and learn our fortunes. It could be fun.

Sokka: Oh come on, fortunetelling is nonsense.

Aang: What do ya know, an umbrella!

(The sky darkens instantly and thunder is heard as it begins to pour rain. Katara smiles and waterbends the rain in a sparkling arc away from her head.)

___: That proves it. (She runs under the umbrella with Aang.)

Sokka (holding the egg above his head to try and deflect the rain): No it doesn't - you can't really tell the future.

Katara: I guess you're not really getting wet then.

It is still pouring rain. Aang and _ are under the umbrella. while katara bent the rain around her Sokka is getting soaked

Sokka: Of course she predicted it was gonna rain. The sky's been gray all day.

Katara: Just admit you might be wrong and you can come under the umbrella.

Sokka: Look, I'm going to predict the future now (making funny motions and in an exaggerated voice) - "It's going to keep drizzling." (He folds his arms across his chest and assumes an expression of defiance.) See!

(The rain instantly stops and the sun comes out.)

Aang/___: Not everyone has the gift, Sokka.

As Appa passes Sokka he shakes off his wet fur, drenching Sokka once again.)

Sokka (as he gets soaked): Yahhh!

Herald: Aunt Wu is expecting you.

Katara: Really?

Meng: My name is Meng and I'm Aunt Wu's assistant.

Meng (to Aang): Well hello there.

Aang (rubbing his nose): Hello.

Meng (as Aang and Katara sit on the pillows): Can I get you some tea, or some of Aunt Wu's special bean curd puffs?

Sokka: I'll try a curd puff.

Meng (giving Sokka the heisman): Just a second. (Bending down to address Aang) So what's your name?

Aang: Aang.

Meng: That rhymes with Meng! And you've got some pretty big ears, don't you?

___ cringed with jealousy

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