🇻🇳 x 🇵🇭: I see her in you

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✦ ㅤ ㅤ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ㅤㅤ ✦

- Some Vietphil, I used to adore this ship honestly.
- honestly i should stop writing abt ge ASEAN.. half of my drafts r about them...


The United States and the Philippines both sat down beside South Vietnam's grave. America had volunteered to accompany Philip to the cemetery because he also knew South Vietnam well, just like Philip did.

Philip had placed an anemone, (the flower), beside the grave, followed by America lighting up a candle and placing it just beside where Philip had placed his flowers.

They sat in silence, watching the grave.

"Do you want to say something to South Vietnam?" America broke the silence while looking at the filipino who just stared blankly at the stone. "She was pretty young, and she died sooner than expected. But, this is how it was going to turn out, no?" Philip sighed, and looked to Ame. "War is devastating, and tiring." Philip smiled, looking at America who could only nod, he didnt wanna say anything.

"Its not your fault," Philip reassured him. Even though he knew America didnt care, and he did blame himself for the death of the Republic Vietnam. "It is. I didnt save her, but, in the end.. Like you explaind it, it was all set in stone." America sighed. Feeling a new sense of comfort of being beside his ally.

"Maybe we should go on a well deserved vacation together after this, no?" Philip offered and America laughed, "Why not."


"We officially have a new member joining us," Asean entered the room, holding the door handle, as everyone turned their attention towards the new member. Asean stepped away and the member was revealed.

It was North Vietnam, or as they call him now, Vietnam. The one-starred country cleared his throat, looking around. "Greetings. I'm Vietnam." They said, it was brief introduction, but only because the countries knew him.

And so did Philip, they have relations now that South Vietnam had died, but Philip still hasnt really warmed up to the Indo-chinese country.

"Hello, Vietnam! Delighted to have you here! Why dont you sit beside Brunei?" Thailand pointed to the vacant chair beside the Bruneian, and Vietnam nodded, "Thanks." He said as he walked to the chair.

"Ohh, so thats why there was a new chair? The new member was joining today?" Brunei's eyebrows raised and Malaysia nodded. "Yup. We're just having Coffee and snacks.. help yourself." He smiled at the Vietnamese.

They watched as Asean left the room, going to his office to sort out documents.

"Anyway, back to what we were talking about," Singapore started as he looked to Indonesia, "Who's your favourite person, in the world?" He asked with a smug smile, and Indo shrugged.

"I dont know! Probably.. Mal and Phil." Indo winked at the two, who giggled. "Exactly! Indo, me and Mal are like three peas in a pod." He made a heart shape with his hands, directly showing it to the two countries he considers as best friends.

Singapore nodded happily, "Vietnam, who's yours?" Vietnam perked his head. "My what?" He said with a confused tone.

"Favourite person," Brunei smiled from beside him, and Asean busted through the door befire Vietnam could speak.

"Philippines, America is calling," Asean waved the phone in the air with an exhausted look as Malaysia raised a confused brow at him, and Philip sighed and walked to the door.

𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: Philippines One-shotWhere stories live. Discover now