🇺🇲 x 🇵🇭: I believe in you

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"Everything I have accomplished was because of you, and I'm glad."

- Amephil
- A bit of angst
- Swearing
- death

[ A/N: This isnt neccessarily centered on Amephil, it just basically heavily contains the ship. This is something Ive been DYING to write but Im too lazy to make a whole book out of it.]

[contents: The Philippine-American war, the new commonwealth, and WW2. Not historically accurate though.]

Being in a tropic climate, you'd think it would be extremely sunny and warm. Although, it was warm, but the clouds covered the sun.

The young country walked the beach, waiting for his eldest brother to come back. Drizzle came down from the clouds, but the filipino did not mind. It was a pleasure to have something cool him down in this season.

He wore sandals and casual clothes, t-shirt and shorts, along with a hat to keep the sun out of his eyes, which, didnt help in the moment.

The waves crashed along the shore, and out in the horizon looked gloomy.

"Ah, Philippines, right? Or would you prefer for me to call you Las Filipinas?" Some called from behind him, hid accent seeming foreign and not like his own. He's been learning English for a few months, and seemed to catch up to it.

He looked behind and saw that the man was fairly tall, and looked extremely rich. He wore an army suit and shades.

"Ph.. Philip is fine. And you're.." He looked up, as the taller man smirked. "Im the United States of America. Or you can just call me.." America trailed off on his words, forgetting his own nicknames. "Joe?" America looked at the filipino, with a confused look.

"I'm sorry?" He placed his hand behind his neck while rubbing it, but his jacket in one other hand. "Joe. My nickname for you, I guess." He had said. America smiled and took it. "Alright. 'Joe' it is." He chuckled, looking down at the Philippines.

Philip took there in silence, thinking, when he suddenly recalled 'United States'.

It had been his new colonizer.

"Wait. What are you doing here?" The younger country had questioned, the impression of the other, taller, country didnt seem so bad. So why did his older brother hate him so much?

"Ah.. you see, Im just walking around, The Spanish Empire had left me some notice before I took upon these lands, so I just want to see the thing for myself." America laughed, "It's beautiful." Philip blushed, smiling. "Well thank you." He said, as he fiddled with his fingers.

"We should meet again sometime, but work calls." America said, apologizing and saying goodbye.

• • •

Philip saw his house in the distance, after having a talk with the United States, it somehow made him feel better. His older brother hadnt returned to the place they agreed to meet at, though. Unfortunately Philip had to go back as it was getting darker.

He opened the door with a happy face, expecting Martial to greet him, but no.

Martial was at the table with an unreadable expression, clutching a letter.

[A/N: They're speaking tagalog here.]

"Kuya? I'm home." Philip said in a confused voice, Martial stayed silent and he looked at the letter. The younger country furrowed his brows, emtering the house, while closing the door behind him. He walked towards his brother.

𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: Philippines One-shotWhere stories live. Discover now