Chp2: God Damnit We Got Kidnaped

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Asher slammed the door to the treehouse, making Lukas and Moose look towards him. He was soaked, when Asher got himself off the zipline, it started pouring rain.

"I made some tea while you were heading this way."

"Thanks, Moose." Asher sat down on the floor, leaning onto a stuffed animal called Dungleskog. This was the second one since he has two, Moose handed him a cup of sweet tea.

"How was the zipline?"

"Never again."

"Only in life or death situations." The other part of the group were scared of heights, Asher really wasn't, he finds thrill in them sometimes.

"Sooo, what now?"

"Well we chill here until my dad comes and gets us, that's pretty much it."

"Ah, I see, we wait until the storm dies down a bit? Or is it because of the murderous skeletons from earlier?"

"Both, actually, and I just wanted to stay out here longer if that's alright with you guys."

"It's cool with me, I'm pretty sure Lukpiss doesn't mind either."

"Yeah, I don't." Lukas ignored Moose mocking their name.

It's been a couple of hours of the trio just hanging out, watching movies, playing board games, becoming enemies from playing uno. The kids were now just talking about whatever games they've all been into, super smash bros, minecraft, or just talking.

There was a knock on the treehouse door, Asher got up off the floor to answer it. He opened the door to find –four skeletons. One mostly had yellow clothing on them, having a soft expression towards him. Another one had weird eyelights, they would change every blink most of the time, wearing a light brown scarf and some vials wrapped around them. There were two behind them, one had a blue scarf and the other had a red mark under one of their sockets.

"Hey–uh, kid." Was what the yellow one said, Asher slammed the door.

"Uh, that was rude."

"Ink, they all just experienced running into Nightmare's group! So of course they are going to be a little off."

"Especially if they're kids! Who knows how frightened they were when they saw them!"

"Exactly my point Blue."

"So, we're just gonna stand here until they open the door again?"

"Maybe, but I feel as if they might open the door after they deem us not a threat, Cross. They seem nice so if we cooperate with them, they can see that we're not going to harm them and we would get them to trust us." The door was opened again to show the ginger from earlier.

"Hi, again, kid–!" A shotgun was seen being pointed at the yellow skeleton's face, and the kid cocked the gun.

"Names and reason why you're here."

"Are you expecting us to believe that works.?" Asher looked at the skeleton with the mark on their face.

"–Cross!" The ginger aimed to a target off to the side of the treehouse, on the ground. He shot it, it hit, the four skeletons were startled.

"You wanna keep acting smart, or are you gonna give me your name?"

"..The name's Cross." That's what the skeleton with the mark answered.

"I'm Dream, this is Ink, and that's Blue or Swap. We got called from the Sans in your universe, especially since you guys encountered my brother's group."

"And how did you find this place?" That question sorta stunned the yellow skeleton, now known as Dream.

"You left tracks when you ran in the rain."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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