7 - Play Ball (Naomi)

Start from the beginning

Her stomach somersaulted again with nerves. She brushed it off by jogging. As Greg matched her pace, she said, "So, you told Marc?"

"Have you not told Shivanna?"

"That's different. She doesn't play softball with us."

Greg's smile melted her heart. "I was excited. Plus, I don't want to hide this when you're at my place."

That was a fair point. As Greg's close friend and roommate, Marc would find out sooner than anyone else. "Let's tackle the long route today."

She and Greg ran past another diamond and rounded a corner until they were hidden from their teammates and the parking lot.

As she slowed down, he mirrored her speed. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." When she stopped, Naomi tried to catch her breath, not from the run but due to what came next. "I wanted to do this." 

Her muscles tensed, but she fought them to lean in and kiss Greg on the lips. The kiss was slow and almost hesitant from both of them. He brushed his fingers against her cheek and tucked her hair behind her ear but didn't rush like last time. By the end, her nerves had relaxed.

Greg grinned. "I could get used to that pre-game routine."

Naomi's cheeks grew hot, and she took his hand in hers. "Me too."

After he leaned in for a gentle kiss she easily reciprocated, she leaned into his warm body. "I have to tell you something."

"Why do I sense it's bad news?"

"Tara might be at the game today." Naomi didn't miss how Greg tensed against her, so she squeezed his hand. "That's why I wanted to show you we are good. And if you want to hang out after the game, I'm all yours."

"Thanks, Nomi." Greg pulled her into a hug that she could finally snuggle into the way she'd longed to for years. His warmth and softness made her melt.

"Have I ever told you this is one of my favourite feelings in the world?" Naomi whispered.


"Your hugs."

"They are pretty amazing with you."

He squeezed her tighter, and she pressed her head into his chest to enjoy the moment of bliss. For a few seconds, it didn't matter that his ex still shook him up, or that Naomi feared her asexuality would ruin this. She had to tell him soon, but he already had plenty on his mind with Tara.

She reluctantly extracted herself from his embrace. "We should head back. This arm won't warm itself up."

"I can help." 

He placed his arm over hers, entwined their fingers, then pulled it into a throwing position before stretching it gently back out. Her muscles were far more focused on the warmth of his touch than on game preparation.

"As nice as that is, we have all the time in the world after the game."

"Promise? You won't let the team sway you with celebration drinks?"

"Not this evening."

"Thank you." He kissed her on the cheek and broke out in a run toward their diamond. "Winner buys snacks tonight."

"Not fair, you cheater," she yelled as she chased after him with a grin. They always had friendly races and tried to trick each other.

As she caught up to him, he smiled. "That's the first time that worked. You must like me or something, eh?" He stuck out his tongue.

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