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He couldn't believe his very own optics.

Breakdown was once again sitting in the autobot base. Welcomed with open arms after they put the pieces of the story they all had seen together.

And now absolutely nobody was paying attention to him as he sat in the corner.

Of. The. Autobot. Base.

The whole situation was nonsense. Just plain wrong if he was being honest.

He wasn't doing anything. Just sitting there, staring at the floor.



The small human girl was gazing up at him, with the game they had been playing on pause. She frowned, pointing to his hands. He looked down to a crushed game controller.

"Oh, sorry." He opened his fists, letting the pieces crumble to the ground. "Think I'm gonna call a rain check anyways." He said as he began to walk away towards the exit.

"Fine." She huffed. Then bounced up. "Let's go for a drive!"

"No, I'm going for a drive. Your staying here."

"No, I'm coming with." She ran towards the stairs and hopped down.

Bulkhead rolled his eyes. "Fine." He transformed, and opened his side door for the front passenger seat. Miko jumped in.

His wheels screeched as he hit the pedal, speeding out. Making Breakdown flinch. Ratchet sighed angrily and rolled his eyes.

"Bulk, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" He stayed silent for a moment, thinking. "WHAT ISNT WRONG!" He yelled, as if miko was wrong to have asked in the first place. "Didn't you see who's in our base?"

"I get that you hate him. But as auotbots, we have to forgive and -"

"Forgive?" He interrupted. "Miko, you don't even know the half of what he's done. I'm sure there's even things I don't know about! He shouldn't be here, he cannot be an autobot."

Miko stayed silent as she watched the road pass by quickly. Although her facial expressions gave away exactly what she was feeling, and bulkhead had learned to read them accurately by now.

"I can't even believe this is happening? In what world can a decepticon change?" He scoffed.

"This one." She answered, then sighed. "I know you hate him, but we saw with our own eyes that he can change for the better. We just need to give him a chance."

"Change for the better? You mean learn to act to get a better chnace of survival. Thats all this is. Its just acting. He's using us. He'll run back to his the medic as soon as he gets the chance." Bulkhead sped up. "He doesn't deserve any more chances."

Miko tilted her head. "More?"

"I just know for a fact he can't be trusted. Neither can Knockout. Their both way too untrustworthy. Those two are decepticons, through and through! They can't change."

"So, if you think that, then why did you help breakdown escape mech?"

"Because I wanted a rematch." He answered quickly, sounding exasperated. "And I couldn't let mech get our biotechnology. I didn't save him for him. I did it for Optimus! I did it for myself more then him!"

Miko shrugged. "Okay, I can accept that." She thought for a moment. "But don't you think we at least give him a chance?"

"Miko, we've been at war longer then you can imagine. You don't think I haven't tried to help him before? I know how this ends."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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