Broken promises

290 14 5

T/W breakdown has a panick attack

The air was always cold on the nemesis. A chill that sank into every decepticons metal plating. Reminding them of the merciless world they were a part of.

Breakdown sank into his berth. Wide awake from his thoughts that wouldn't stop racing.


He looked over at his sparkmate, knockout. Peacefully shut down for the night, recharging. He was happy here, wasn't he? He seemed to love the life of the decepticons. Shouldn't that be enough for breakdown? He thought it was, for so long. Going against his very nature for knockout.

He even liked it for little while. He grew to forget about his old morals. His old friends. He learned to be a decepticon.

But even after so long, just one night with the autobots seemed to make the old him resurface.

Maybe he could cut it down like before? Grow out of it?

He hoped he could. He was already seeing the results of holding his old self back. But it just felt wrong.

Knockout stirred in the berth beside him. Making him freeze for a second in fear.

What would knockout think? Should he tell him about his second thoughts? How would he even react?

He didn't think he would get angry. He would most likely be sad, upset over the fact he was even thinking this.

Knockout was completely unaware of these backhanded thoughts as he peacefully dazed.

Breakdown had a bad feeling about today.


Breakdown stepped outside the ground bridge just after Megatron. Nervous, but he had already gone too far and couldn't turn back now. The sounds of the bridge shutting down whooshed behind him. Making him jump slightly, even though he had heard it over a million times. Today the sound just held a certain chill.

Megatron kept walking forwards. Not seeming to notice or care about Breakdowns jumpyness.

"What are we doing here? Lord Megatron." His words stumbled out clumsily.

"This is one of starscream abandoned mines." He said as if breakdown was supposed to care.

As they walked into the cave, deeper and darker, Megatron didn't say another word. He just continued down the path as if it was one of the hallways on nemesis.

Finally he stopped, and slowly turned around to face him. His eyes full of anger. He punched the wall, and pulled out a scrap of energon.

"Tell me, breakdown, did starscream tell you anything about him taking the decepticons from me?"

"What? No! It's not like I would listen to a word he says anyways."

Megatron looked convinced for a split second.

Then anger took over.

He crushed the small piece of energon in his hand, and with his cannon arm he aimed directly at breakdowns head. "I don't like traitors breakdown. You not only failed me twice, but you got helped by the autobots. You didn't think to get their base coordinates?" His Canon began to glow, a small whizzing sound powering it up. Megatron didn't care that he knew that wasn't possible.

How would that even be possible? Why would he think the auotbots would trust him alone in their own base. Him, a long time decepticon.

"Of course I did! I was only in there for a few hours, I didn't get a chance! All eyes were on me!" He stuttered out, staring at the cannon aiming for him. All he could do was stand here. He couldn't take on Megatron, and he certainly didn't want to try.

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