Part Two:Chapter Seven "I don't like dates"

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Hey Siri? Play...Fifteen by Taylor Swift
Davina's P.O.V.

I set my suitcases down by my feet on the tile floor of the penthouse inhaling the comforting smell of fresh rain that always seemed to inhabit the air whenever Diana was around. Still in the entryway, I placed my hand against the pale yellow wall while using my other to gently take off my left heel before repeating the process with the right. I grinned at the memory of Diana picking the paint color for the walls telling Theodore that the color was a comforting reminder of how the sunlight on Themyscira would enter her room in the early mornings. Theodore quickly grabbed as many paint cans as he could before briskly walking away to find a cart. It was endearing how much Theodore would do little things for Diana in the hope of her affection but didn't have the guts to simply tell her his feeling towards her. In comparison for Diana being one of the mightiest Amazons and a founding member of the justice league, she wasn't the brightest in noticing Theodore's affection towards her. Finally removing my snow flurried layered coat that covered my black long sleeve shirt with a white overall dress with blue flowers over the long sleeve, I headed into the kitchen where I knew my mentors would be.
I had been away from Gotham for two weeks on justice league business as well as my duties to Themyscira. For some reason, Bruce and Diana sent me undercover to this hidden lab in Brazil to obtain these classified files from a facility called Cadmus. While in Brazil, Diana wished for me to meet with the Amazon tribe located in a rainforest to continue rebuilding a lost and strained relationship between our tribes. I was introduced to Queen Nubia and what seemed to be her ambassador Yara Flor. Yara wasn't fond of me at first, which I learned was due to her friendship with Donna and she didn't enjoy seeing some "child" wearing her dear friend's armor. I was told the stories of Yara's and Donna's time as wonder-girl and how the two even met. I eventually gained Yara's as well as the rest of the tribe's respect after barreling through a forest fire saving endangered animals including the largest tiger I will probably ever see. Did said tiger try to eat me at first thinking I was one of the poachers who had started the fire...yes but once the large feline realized I had no intention of fighting it, the tiger assisted me off of the ground aiding me in taking down the poachers. Returning to the tribe I spotted an injured Yara and coarse her into letting me help her with her arm. After that night Yara opened up to me being the new Wonder-girl and showed me the wonders of her tribe during my final days in Brazil.
"μητέρα? Theodore? I'm home." I called out peaking my head around the corner of the archway into the kitchen, there weren't really any doors on the first floor of the penthouse just mainly archways and humongous windows. There was two French doors that lead to a balcony outside to a beautiful view of Gotham. While we weren't in the heart of Gotham, our penthouse wasn't as far out as the manor. While Wayne manor is twelve miles, the penthouse is only five miles from the heart of gotham.
"Λουλούδι?!" Diana turned around, I grinned at her plaid bottoms and oversized flash sweatshirt. Diana's grin grew wider as she set her down her mug and moved to give me a tight hug. "Oh my own heart! I am so happy you're home did you have a good time?" I hugged her tighter feeling a motherly kissed placed on the top of my head.
"Brazil is simply breathtaking, and Lady Yara sends her regards and an invitation for you to come see her." I looked up at Diana now feeling her hands smooth down my hair and readjusting the blue ribbon keeping hair out of my face.
"Oh I do miss Yara, she was such a loyal friend to Donna." Diana's smile became softer mentioning her sister. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Theodore sitting at the island intently looking at me and Diana. I pulled myself away from Diana and made my way around the island sending my man bun wearing mentor a mischievous smile his way. Theodore rolled his eyes preparing for my playful attack, my feet floating off the ground to reach my arms around his shoulders. Feeling his chest vibrate in laughter cause my smile to grow bigger as I felt Theodore's comforting arms wrap around my upper frame.
"Delighted to be back in Gotham little one?" Theodore questioned grabbing his coffee and bringing it to his mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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