Bonus chapter one

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Hi guys welcome to the first bonus chapter that will lead into the second part of this series! I welcome everyone with virtually open arms! There will possibly be from 1-4 chapters depending on how much I decide to write per chapter. These chapters will be in Davinas POV like most from the first part. I do want to clarify I do try and keep characters and things adapt in my stories as factually correct as I find them but sometimes to have to alter them a bit for them to fit into my story, so I hope I don't upset anyone doing so! I hope you guys enjoy these as much as I do byeee everyone!
Davinas P.O.V.:
I've been on Themyscira for a few weeks now and other than not being able to sleep well from these crazy nightmares, I've actually been adjusting very well. I met mostly everyone including Dianas mother Hippolyta, she was suspicious and of me but I think I'm warming up to her slowly. I also met a amazon named Artemis and she actually became one of my trainers apparently she works sometimes with Jason and a knock off superman? Anyway let me tell you Artemis is the most strict mentor I've ever had, compared to Diana and even Hippolyta. But all of that is worth it to live here, this is the most I believe Ive ever felt free, Once I stepped foot on the island Diana and I said hello to everyone and we walked into the Amazon's medical room and I got those pesky nanomachines out of me and a permanent cure to the new scarecrow toxins which Diana sent to bruce. My enhanced intelligence was thriving after After everything was healed, It made training and school a lot easier and I was able to learn at a faster rate to catch up and soon enough I was ahead . After all of that I actually started the grieving process and I think I've been making good progress During my time here so far.
Currently I was dressing myself after I finished cleaning myself in the river that the Amazon's use to bathe themselves. Diana says the products they use are 100 percent natural and not harmful to the water or any living creature that may interact with the water they use so it made me comfortable to use it into the water. I had just put on my dark green evening tunic that stop below my knees which was similar to my day tunic where I wore black clothing underneath and a dark green tunic that split in have starting at my hips and stop at my mid thigh. I usually wore my training gear on my back along with my dagger that Damian snuck into my backpack before he left.
I was about to start my journey back to the palace where Diana and her mother stay. Diana wanted me to sleep in the same housing as her since legally I'm now her daughter and she did not take any bullshit from anyone about it. I quickly stopped by a soft yellow light and felt warm and safe, I floated near me and then past me it started moving away from the palace and towards a side of the island I haven't been to yet. It stopped once it noticed I wasn't following me it shined brighter and moved back and forth.
"Ah fuck it." I put my things down and started following it, it only took ten minutes tops a bit of flying I ended up at an abandoned temple and watch as the light enter it. "I swear if this stupid light gets me any kind of situation I'll-" the light came back out and shined again before going back in the temple. I caved and enter the temple noticing all of theses beautiful art designs and also some marble thrones decorating the farthest wall. Then the bright light hovered over a column that reached to the top of my stomach, on top of the column laid a beautiful necklace with an oval emerald stone that seemed to be glowing a brighter green. I felt myself fall into a trance and I felt myself start walking towards it, I wasn't scared nor was I angry...I just simply had the urge to touch it. Once I reach the column I lifted my hand and held out my pointer finger and my hand grew closer to the necklace until eventually I my finger met the emerald stone. Once it did the glow from the stone shined brighter and bigger until I had to cover my eyes with my arms and once the light faded I began to hear numerous voices around me. I quickly opened up my eyes to see seven gigantic and breathtaking people sitting in the once empty thrones and one standing near the thrones pacing back and forth.
My eyes widen as one of the males sitting on the throne second from the center on my right started glowing a bit "What the fu-"
"Ah she finally found it thank gods" A female adored in peacock feather sat on the left side, second from the center similar to the glowing man.
I scanned the room looking over all eight people examining the clothes they were wearing and how they held themselves.
Bruce made Diana promise I would be actually learning everything I would need to know for when I came back to Gotham to finish school. If I wasn't training with Artemis and Diana, I was in the library doing school work or reading the Greek books the Amazon's library had to offer about the gods and the Greek stories.
"No way..." my enhanced intelligence kicked into high gear. As I realized who all were in front of me.
"There we go shes using that brain of hers!" Apollo clapped his hands
"Brother please I'm sure the girl has questions hell she hasn't even noticed she wearing the necklace yet." Artemis rub her temples as she spoke to her brother.
I reached for my neck when felt a smooth metal wrapped around my neck, I looked to where I last saw the necklace and of course it was gone.
"May someone explain what is going on please?!" I questioned in concern "I at least thought I at least until I fully became an amazon until you guys started showing up in my life." I groan now fidgeting with the necklace.
"We've actually been apart of your life for a a few months now Davina." Athena spoke "If 3x-y"=12 what is the value of 8x/2y?"
"2(12)." The answer slip out of my mouth "have you been watching me do my schoolwork?!" I questioned
"Moving on, Im sure you know who we are and someone has a little explaining to do...right brother?" Artemis glared Apollo's way
"Oh alright stop looking at me like that! Davina that little healing ability you have where did you get it from?"
"The Lazarus pit?"
"Technically your right but your also wrong I may have used the pits ability and kinda mixed it into your DNA..."
"I'm basically a walking pit..." I questioned with an annoyed tone in my voice. "Wait the pit makes people crazy and I'm basically a pit am I crazy?!"
"What no! Now that you have that necklace on your all sorted out." Apollo smiled
I thought for a moment before my eyes widen "Don't tell me you cause the whole flying thing as well?"
"Okay that was an accident! Hermès was flying around and he messed me up!" Apollo pointed to Hermès blaming him.
"Why..why me." I mumbled while I rubbed my neck.
"Well I was impressed by you, even though you were forced to learn about the medical stuff you still found joy in doing it and when you died in the pit I knew you were going to come back but I felt like I needed to step in and make sure it would be harder to kill you if anyone dare to try again."
"Oh-well thats kind of you and I apologize if I have been seeming ungrateful this is just a-lot to take in." I took a deep breath calming myself.
"Ah your all good kid water under the bridge." He waved his hand "now the serious stuff, since I did use the pit to give you your abilities its also came with the pits consequences as well. Like the period of insanity except in your case you would have stayed insane if it wasn't for your little lover boy but he can only do so much without this necklace you would have eventually gone fully coo for coco puffs."
"What in the world are coco puffs?" I scrunched my nose in confusion
"Some human cereal child." Athena answered my question softly grinning, I nodded understanding now and looked back to Apollo for him to continue.
"The necklace will help you control you ability of healing, flying and even your enhanced intelligence, think of it as a little gift since all of this was forced on you. Though understand this necklace can never come off literally I had this necklace charmed by Hecate herself, the only way for it to come off is the time you give your last breath on this earth."
"Last breath got it." I nodded understanding "May I ask who did the whole butterfly marking thing?"
"That would be me." Zeus's voice spoke echoing from his center throne. "This that a problem?"
"Oh no just wondering." I quickly spoke as I felt like I was being scolded like a child.
"If your done son I believe my wife and Aphrodite can do what they wish."
"Actually I-" Apollo went to speak
Zeus waved his hand and both women appeared next to me.
"Ahhh finally I was so bored up there!" Aphrodite groaned messing with my hair.
"You did well with her looks Aph she is truly beautiful." Hera lifted up my chin examining me. I looked over to Artemis and Athena who were snickering
"I know but you helped as well Hera, I mean you created her eyes plus Her and that Wayne boy were too good to pass up and you know me I love a good love story."
"Wait what?"
"You know its rude to not thank the people who intervened on how you would look." Hera spoke at me.
"Um-thank you?"
"I believe Apollo and Artemis have one last thing to do." Athena spoke sitting up straighter.
"You're welcome sweetie." Aphrodite patted my head and walk back to her throne along with Hera.
"You may continued Apollo, Artemis." Hera spoke no emotion in her voice.
"Okay! Well now moving on, you plan on going back to Gotham well you will become Dianas partner know as wonder girl and both Artemis and I have already decided on your suit now hold still." Both Apollo and Artemis lifted their hands towards me and bright lights appear from their hands and I had to cover my eyes. I felt an amazing warmth fall over my body and it like it actually starting touching my very soul, I finally looked down at my arms and saw myself covered into stars I glanced over at a puddle on the ground and saw my entire body was covered in them. From my hair to my feet I was glowing in stars, my necklace was glowing as well but in a bright green. The stars started to fade but the warmth stayed and where the stars left a black suit remained. Armor also appear reaching up to my knees replacing my shoes and a pair of gauntlets appeared on my forearms. The black suit covered my hands and went all the wait to my neck but it left my remaining skin on my legs that wasn't covered my the armor on my legs bare. Some stars stayed on the black suit glowing in and out, I looked at my gauntlets and saw a sentence appear on the inner part of my right arm in greek.
"I have no idea where I'm going to be tomorrow. But I accept the fact that tomorrow will come. And I'm going to rise to meet it."
And they soon faded away and I looked around before looking up at the two siblings.
"Was this someone's suit before?"
"Yes her name was Donna Troy she breathed her last breath in battle fighting androids of that Kryptonian you humans love so dearly. I believe the the thing that created the androids was brainiac." Hera answered my question as she fixed her peacock feathers.
"You will also be given a lasso of your own similar to Dianas but it will not compel people to speak the truth. It is made out of pure silver but will be as light as a feather for easy use." Artemis handed the lasso to me and I kindly took it thanking her,  I went to connected it to my waist when I heard Zeus clear his throat I lifted my head his way letting him know he had my attention.
"Bring the lasso here child." He opened his hand as I walked towards him, I had to stand on my toes to reach his hand as I carefully placed the lasso in his palm. He reached over his side bringing out shockingly a lightening bolt and bringing the two together this made the lasso glow a bright white. He looked my way before he stepped off his throne shrinking to my size. "Now lend me your hand." I grew nervous but complied holding out my hand when I saw Zeus bring out another lightening bolt and bringing closer to my hand. I looked away when I felt a tingling sensation on my palm I turned my head to see the lightening bolt stretching out into my hand spreading up my arm before fading away as Zeus placed the lasso in my hands.
"There now your lasso has a gift, Whatever this lasso touches the moment you call out my name the gift will be activated but do use caution using this." With that Zeus went back to his throne.
"I-um thank you." I lowered my head.
"You are going to do great things Davina Prince rise to the occasion." Athena said before a bright light appeared again and all the gods/goddesses were gone.
I had no words to speak I slowly backed away before I was at the opening of the temple when I bump into someone.
"Do not fail my Daughter child." It was Zeus crossing his arms with a serious look on his face.
"I never plan on it." I grew confidence looking straight into his eyes. He raised his eyebrow before slightly grinning and patting my head "Well run long home εγγονή its late." And with that he disappeared, I smiled and flew home feeling simply Wonderful...

First Bonus chapter done! I hope you guys enjoy it I had fan writing this one! I'll leave a drawing below on how I see Davina in her suit for the first time and if you guys don't see her like that it's totally fine to imagine your own version! Byeee guys! 2559 words.

First Bonus chapter done! I hope you guys enjoy it I had fan writing this one! I'll leave a drawing below on how I see Davina in her suit for the first time and if you guys don't see her like that it's totally fine to imagine your own version! Bye...

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