Part two: chapter four "The story of how I became blind"

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A/N- Davinas outfit after school ^

Hey Siri, play "Independent women" by Destiny's Child
Davina's P.O.V.:
I opened the doors to the manor and was immediately met by Ace and little Titus, their tails were hitting the floor as well as Titus's whines as he waited for the okay to come see me. I placed my bag where Alfred like them and placed my school shoes neatly in a "cubby" as Alfred called it and finally spoke the command for Titus. Both Great Danes came over to me and enjoyed the attention I gave to the both of them, Damian and Jon stood beside petting both Dogs as well.
"Hello children how was school?" Alfred appeared Both Damian and I tried to keep our laughs concealed but failed as we both started laughing loudly. Jons face started going red with embarrassment and anger.
"Oh come on its not that funny guys!" Jon huffed holding Titus as the puppy turned his head in confusion.
I held my stomach as I laughed, Alfreds face was confused so I attempted to calm down and explain. "Jon had one of his powers flare up during our gym class."
"Oh that sounds awful Mr.Jonathan you two should be ashamed of yourselves for laughing,what would your parents say? Hmm?" Alfred scolded
"But Pennyworth, the power was Jon's x-ray vision except since Jon was fighting it he could only see under peoples gym attire. Jon didn't tell anyone at first since he was looking at the baseball team practicing outside but Coach Reed called him out for not paying attention and Jon turned and looked at coach Reed and was horrified with what he saw.  Damian explained in between his laughing. Alfreds face grew shocked before he accidentally let a laugh slip out but soon composed himself.
"Yeah! well Damian got yelled at by Coach Reed for kicking the soccer ball into a kids face for staring at Davians ass!" Jon pointed at Damian who had stopped laughing.
"Master Damian!?"
"And Davina made a teacher cry!" I gasp at the betrayal and looked Jon's way
"I gave you some of my sour patch kids to not snitch!" I poked Jon's chest.
"Miss Davina!"
"What he was teaching incorrect information and when I tried to politely tell him he accused me of being wrong and gave me a pop quiz to see who was right and of course I passed with a 100 and then I may have called the teacher a few words that caused him to shed a few tears." I explained myself crossing my arms.
Alfreds face was a lighter shade as he dabbed the sweat off of his head. "Im getting to old for this, just enter the kitchen and eat the mid snack I made you three I'll inform Master Bruce along with the other adults that you three are home. We all nodded and made our way into the kitchen where Alfred had our respected "snack", the three of us were in light conversation enjoying each other's company as Alfred left the room.
"So you're going to be flying here everyday Jon?" I questioned before taking a bite of the bowl of mangos.
"Until he conquers his fear of the zeta tubes and boom tubes it seems like it." Damian teased bringing his glass to his lips, I took the moment to slightly tap on Damian's glass watching the water to poor over his shirt. Jon rolled his eyes slightly grinning before he replied.
"Look I don't like the feeling after you exit those tubes and plus I'll get extra practice in flying so its no big deal." Jon explained
"Are you almost done Λουλούδι? We need to be heading out soon."Dianas voice rang as she stood against the arch way of the kitchen.
"We do?" I questioned taking my bowl and and moving to the sink to clean it.
"Afraid so little one the three of us are heading over to Blackwell Inc, you're biological parents attorney called Lady Diana and there's items left for you from their will." Theodore spoke standing beside Diana dressed in business attire.
"Oh...of course I would hate to keep him waiting he's probably hoping to get this all over with." I dried my hands with the towel next to the sink.
"I brought some clothes over from the penthouse Λουλούδι they're up in your old room." Diana sent a motherly smile my way, I nodded and started my way towards my room in the manor. I opened my door and found the clothes Diana were speaking of and began to undress from my school attire into the one laying on my bed.
I was half way dress when I heard a knock at my door. "Who is it?" I called buttoning my pants.
"Its me beloved." I heard a muffled Damian answer behind the door.
"Come in!" I responded grabbing my shirt and began putting it on, I heard the door open and a quite gasp.
"Why did you tell me you weren't fully dressed yet?!"
"You've seen me without any clothes on I figured it didn't matter my love." I brushed my hands over my Black long-sleeve shirt smoothing out any wrinkles. Damian rolled his eyes grabbing the white coat that laid neatly on my bed and placing it gently over my shoulders before his hands moved to my waist.
"That's different beloved you still deserve privacy when it calls for it." I took note of how it felt as if his entire hands cover my waist which erupted butterflies in my stomach. I stood on the tips of my toes and pressed my lips against the corner of his jaw, I felt Damian smile causing me to giggle as I left multiple kisses on his cheek. "I hate to ruin the moment but I noticed you seemed a bit upset over the news Rivera and Diana told you?".
"I'm not upset about it at all just a weird to deal with all of this now after they've been gone for so long." Fiddling with my bracelets as I spoke.
"That's understandable, but don't let it bother you too much...think of it as extra peace of closure to their passing." I nodded attempting to think of it that way.
"Thank you my love but I think it's best If we head down now." I removed his hand from my waist and held it as we both headed down the stairs.
"Ahh there you are, ready to go little one?" Theodore asked holding Dianas coat for her as she put it on and then Diana did the same for him. I softly smiled watching the two and swiftly nodded my head. I moved closer to the door where I felt a nudge on my leg and saw Ace holding his leash in his mouth sitting properly and giving me this look that melted my heart. I looked over to Damian with a pleading look in my eye as I petted Ace's head, even though Damian had a skeptical look on his face it soon turned into a small smirk mentality letting me know that I got what I wanted. I took the leash from Aces mouth and attached it to his collar and sped walked over to Damian floating off of the floor a tad and kissing him on his nose. Theodore opened the door and shook Alfred's hand and once Diana and I were outside he closed the door and walked with us to Dianas car. Theodore smiled at both of us as he opened our doors the light wind blowing a few hairs out from the low bun he had his hair tied into.
"Why thank you Theodore you didn't have too." Diana smiled sitting into her seat.
"There's no need to thank me Lady Diana." He responded now shutting my door making after Ace was in as well. Diana started her car and started the drive to Blackwell Incorporated.
We all stepped out of the car after Diana found a parking spot and started making the short walk to the entrance of my biological fathers company. Ace moved between me and the road his head held up high sending off intimidating energy around all who walked near me and ace. I look around seeing variety of people walk around. Blackwell Inc was on the upper end of Gotham near Wayne Enterprise so most of the people around this area were mostly doing business or heading to the stores around. My eyes fell on a small little shop labeled Gotham Nutrition my curiosity grew as I wondered what was held inside the store. I then saw a girl no less than my age attempted to remove an older man's hands off of her, I instantly saw myself in a memory where I was arguing with Slade and he wouldn't let me go. I heard Ace start growling alerting me the spotted what I was looking at, I looked down to see his fur start to stand up. I saw Diana and Theodore further ahead of me talking amongst each other, I finally had enough when I saw underlining fear started growing more on her face.
"Ace protect." I released my grip on his leash and watch him run over to the girl and soon jump on the man not biting him but holding him down snarling in his face. I quickly made my way over to the girl wrapping my hands around her waist and putting her behind me. "Are you alright I saw this man bothering you and came as quickly as I could." The girl looked shocked but nodded her head trying to calm her breathing. I looked over to Ace who still had the man pinned even though the man was attempting to push him off, If Ace now still looked dangerous I can't imagine how he looked without all the gray hairs covering his face and body. "Ace heel." I commanded and like flipping a light switch Ace got off the man and made his way over to my left side, but not without picking up something off the ground keeping it in his mouth not taking his eyes off of the man who scrambled off of the ground.
"Ah you crazy bitch keep control over your mutt!" The man wiped off Aces slobber
"Oh trust me, I had completely control over Ace unlike you with your urges." I hissed at the man standing up straighter to give off and intimidating appearance.
"This is mine and that girls business it has nothing to do with you or that mutt so run along and quit acting like a hero." I rolled my eyes madam didn't move. "Did you not just hear me..move before I move you!" The man took a step closer the angry growing more on his face, the girl tried to step back but I kept my grip around her waist standing my ground I left something wet slip into my hand as I looked slightly behind me seeing it was the girl slipping a wallet into my hand that Ace was holding earlier. The man attempted to snatch my arm but Ace intervened moving in front of me snarling at the man backing him up.
"I wouldn't try that again Mr. Campbell, Ace is trained to take down whoever is intentionally trying to harm me and a bit of advice Mr. Campbell...Ace hasn't bitten you yet but I assure you once he does he wont let go until I say the release command. And who knows I might wait until the police arrive before I do so incase you try and harm me or this girl again." I spoke coldly lifting his wallet up examining it clearly. "Oh look It appears I have obtained your parole officers number lets call him and explain what you've been up to huh?" I glare his way removing the card with the parole officers number. The mans face soon went red anger when a tall figure stood in front of me and I immediately grinned knowing who it was.
"You have two minutes to apologize then slowly walk away." Theodore spoke with a stone cold face, taking the wallet from my hands and placing it into Campbell's hand. Campbell's face soon lost it color and I had to hide my face to cover up a laugh.
"I-I'm sorry..." and with that he quickly turned around and took off. Theodore soon turned around looking at me and the girl.
"I'm proud of you little one now finish what you started and your mother and I will be waiting for you next to that flower shop across the street." Theo ruffled my head and made his way back to Diana.
"She really likes Violets Theo!" I yelled catching Theo flipping me off causing me to laugh. I turn back to the girl and start checking her arm for any cuts or bruises. "Im terribly sorry that happened men can be pigs sometimes and it annoys me when they act that way." I softly trace over the bruise forming around her wrist.
"Y-your Davina Blackwel- I mean Prince."
I felt Ace nudge my leg and looked to see him holding a pare of glasses which I put together where the girls. I took them from Ace and cleaned them up a bit before handing them to their rightful owner. "Here, if there's anything wrong with these I'll take care of them. I've come to understand how expensive eyewear can be. Do need any assistance getting somewhere or calling someone I would be more than happy to help." I realized I didn't know her name which I guess she noticed by the look on my face.
" name is Lani steel." I smile softly shook the girls hand "And thank you for stepping in I tried to explain to that man I didn't know what he was talking about but he wouldn't listen. I deeply appreciate your offer but actually my family's shop is right here so there's no need for a phone call.
Oh but please come inside and let me get you a drink from our store its the least I can give to you for helping me." I could see the girl was very serious or well trying to be, I softly laughed looking into her big doe grey eyes while nodded and following her into the little shop while Ace walked right beside me. When I entered the little store my eyes immediately lit up when I saw the wall filled with books and plenty of cozy areas to read. The lights that were scattered across the shops ceiling added to the cozy feeling. I spotted Ace near a huge plant smelling it before he started sneezing which caused me to giggle.
"So what actually do you serve Lani?" I asked still looking around the room.
"Oh mostly these certin drinks that are filled with all these good vitamins that you need, plus its a good replacement for energy drinks and even coffee. We also sell healthier shakes since most of our customers are more into fitness things." She smiled stepping behind the counter where I assumed the drinks were made.
"That sounds wonderful I know plenty of people who would enjoy this place." I replied now looking at the menu, I could see a area label superhero's which caused me to giggle and the Dark knight was the stores main superhero drink which was funny. "Why don't you pick out a drink for me I would love to see which one is your favorite." I smiled petting Aces head. I watched as Lani looked at the menu for a moment before moving around the center putting a drink together.
She soon placed a lid on the drink and slid it over my way... "alrighty one Gotham's Casanova I hope you enjoy it!" Lani smiled brightly even though I could see the nervousness on her face. I placed the straw in the cup and when the drink hit my tongue I was pleasantly surprised.
"It taste like those sour patch kids! This is wonderful Lani thank you!" I noticed a tip jar on the counter and grinned knowing that Lani most likely would refuse to let me pay so I dug my hand into my pocket and placed a twenty in the jar that I had won from Jason. I grabbed a small paper and pen I saw on the desk as well and quickly put down my number before sliding it to her. "I would love to stay longer but Im afraid I've held up my meeting for too long but I promise you Im going to be back here and with more people as well!"  I stood up and waved as I walked out the door with Ace and made my way over to Diana and Theodore. While walking with them I pulled out my phone and started dialing a number. "Yes is this officer Landon, Hi this is Davina Prince...Yes I'm serious sir...I would like to report an incident with a Mr.Campbell."
The elevator doors opened and I was greeted by an elderly man holding a brief case. I tighten my grip on Theodores arm as I heard the entire lobby go dead silent.
"Ah Miss.Prince I hope the drive here was okay I was worried you swarmed with paparazzi." I felt slightly better as the old man spoke and loosened my grip on Theodore.
"Not at all sir but I am deeply sorry were slightly late." I spoke looking around the lobby as I followed the older man into an office where he began pulling out everything from his brief case.  I noticed an old name plate on the desk label Blackwell as the older man neatly laying out the papers.
"Now I wont try and take too much of your time so lets discuss everything dear It must feel uncomfortable to be dealing with all of this. Im simply fulfilling Mr. and Mrs.Blackwells will, The main document you sign is about the part of the inheritance you are allowed to control until you reach the age of eighteen. Once you become eighteen you will inherit the rest of your parents saved income as well as gain ownership of Blackwell Incorporated. Your parents stated clearly in the will you are not forced to stay owner of Blackwell Inc if you don't desire too. Your college funding will become available to you if you ever need it and of course you will also gain access to some heirlooms and items your parents wished for you too have." I nodded shocked on how much my biological parents have left.
I watched as the papers were moved closer to me and I began reading them throughly before handing them off to Diana and Theodore. Once they finished reading the papers, they nodded and placed the papers in front of me and took a deep breath and began signing everything. As soon as I signed the last paper a letter was placed in front of me along with a small box. I softly grabbed the letter and the box placing them in my lap.
"Here are the keys to the Safe where everything else can be obtained at and you should be able to access your minor part of the inheritance in about two days." I shook the mans hands thanking him as Diana took our copy of the documents I signed and I was given the opportunity to explore the building. Most of the place was dark with accents of gold and every office was was along the same lines as well but I could feel the stars from the employees. I noticed every hall was label different focuses which I found unorganized.
"May I ask what the primary focus Blackwell Inc is?" I spoke out loud still looking around.
"Well we tend to dabble in a bit of everything now Miss Prince there's no real Primary focus."
"And is that working out for the company?" I questioned knowing about the company falling apart. The man faltered a bit before replying.
"Honestly Miss Prince..No." I nodded formulating a plan inside my head.
"Here's the plan sir when I take over the company our primary focus is going to be medical... Medicine, machines, developing cures, and even manufacturing prosthetics. what I need people to do is if they still wish to have a job here they need to start educating themselves as much as they can on the those areas of medical work I just stated off. In two days time I'll deposit a check for this company to use to help educate the employees who need it which should also keep everything steady here. This check is to only be used for that nothing else and lets keep everything within the company until I reach eighteen understand?" The mans face was shocked but he slowly nodded. "Good, I'll still run the company whilst Im enrolling in college to gain my doctorate as well as a minor in business so there's no need to worry about that. And I wont be needing my college funding so will used that as scholarship money for those who will actually need it. With that said it's time for me to head off but I'll keep in touch to see the progress have a good day." I waved and walked over to Theodore and Diana.
My first steps inside the penthouse I was greeted by mostly Greek Art but along with many other Art of different heritage as well. I freed Ace from his leash as we walked on a dark grey hallway rug which led into a main room that was greeted by a beautiful view of Gotham. I could faintly hear Theodore and Diana behind me taking off there coats and planning dinner. I pulled out my phone and decided to explore the social media app Tim installed on my phone and explained how every now and again I should post so I seem "Normal". Apparently most humans like to see what others are up to by posting part of there day and someone its become a job for some. Tim also stated that these people think "If you didn't post it then it didn't happen" Which I couldn't understand anyway he tried to explain it. I decided to post a picture of the drink from Lani's shops and highly recommend everyone go try it out when they could. I wanted this to bring Lani's shop the attention it deserved and hoped this worked out well for Lani and her family.
"Little one your room is upstairs and straight down the first hallway, It's not decorated since we wanted you to have control over that we just put the basics and your clothes in your closet." I nodded and made my way the modern stairs hearing that Ace wasn't to far behind and followed Theodores directions and I was met with a light grey door. I turned the golden handed on my door and I was greeted by a huge bed with curtains that were hanging over my bed that reminded me of Themyscira. There was also a piece of furniture in the room that was connected to a mirror which I didn't really know what it was, So I pulled out my phone and scrolls through my contacts until I found Damians name and hit the green button. Of course he answered surprisingly fast and I immediately heard Jon yelling in the background along with some other noises I couldn't place.
"Hello Beloved, its good to see your face." Damian softly smiled, I felt my face blush from his smile but remembered what I called for.
"Its lovely to see yours as well but I need help figuring out what something is if thats alright?" I messed with the curtains over my bed, Damian nodded so I turned the camera around and showed him the piece of furniture. Damian scrunched his nose before moving his arm around and soon Jon came into view.
"Do you know what that is Kent?" Jon soon looked at the phone before he replied.
"Oh yeah my mom has one of those in her room with dad I think its called a vanity." Jon smiled, I suppose he noticed the look on my face and began speaking again. "She sit at it and gets ready for the day, like doing her hair or makeup even picking out what jewelry to wear." I nodded understanding now and thanked him. "How do you like your room Davina-wait is that Ace?" I felt weight on my head and saw through the phone that Ace planted his head on mine after hearing Damian's voice.
"Ace you know you aren't suppose to be on the bed!" Damians voice echoed through the phone which caused Ace's tail wag against my bedding which caused me to giggle
"Aw he's alright, he earned it today after being so good." I lifted my free hand up and scratched behind his ear. I heard a small noise and noticed Jon grab his phone and his face morph into shock, he soon handed his phone to Damian who's face did the same as well.
"Ummm beloved why are you all over social media?" Damian sent my phone a link which took me it a news website that was accompanied by a picture of me with Lani as Ace stood in front of us making the man who was upsetting Lani to back away from us.
"That man was aggressively grabbing Lani so I sent Ace to get the man off of her as I made my way over to her. I simply guarding the poor girl until Theodore arrive. I wasn't going to engage in any fighting to keep up the persona Bruce ask me to have in public I just simply stepped in and helped Lani." I started petting Ace again "And Ace kept that disgusting man from grabbing me didn't you Ace?" I cooed at the elder dog his tail wagging harder against my bedding.
"wait what?!" I couldn't help but laugh at Damians face causing him to pout. I could help but look over my room noticing how bare it look despite the clearly expensive furniture in the room.
"Im tempted to buy a bookshelf for my bedroom what do you think?" I questioned changing the subject.
"I think it would be nice I could help you of you wanted?" Damian replied.
"I'll take that into consideration then, but imagine a huge side filled with the classics and the other side filled with new authors of all genres. Oooo and a lovely mural to add the final touch." I imagine how my room could look and I started to feel extremely excited about getting to finally make a room mine and feel like it.
"A mural huh?" Damian smiled
"Mhm I feel like it would bring the room together." I smiled "Besides that how has the rest of your day been?" Damian then explain his day and we soon fell into conversation over everything under the sun which lasted a few hours...Soon I noticed the sun starting to set when I overheard my name being call down stairs.
"I suppose this is where I must end the call Dami."
"Alright call if you need anything beloved." I smiled and nodded before ended the call and making my way down stairs.
"Ah and how does the princess like her room?" Theodore smiled from the open kitchen his hair tied back as he stirred the wooden spoon in the pot.
"It's wonderful I can't wait to finish decorating it." I smiled sitting in front him watching as he finished cooking. "What are you making?" I curiously leaned closer to the amazing smell coming from the oven and stove.
"Champagne chicken with a side of homemade pasta." I leaned back in my chair smiling excited for Theodores pasta. "And if I planned this correctly there will be enough for you to take to school tomorrow as well. Now will you bring out the dishes for me while I add the final touches? They should be in that cabinet behind me and the silverware in directly under that."
"Of course." I walked over to where he explained and floated upwards to grab the dish ware made for pasta and then grabbed silverware and set it on the island I was sitting at. I also grabbed the dining napkins I know Diana enjoyed using and laid them out for a easy grab, then I went back to my seat at the island and enjoyed light conversation with Theodore. Diana soon entered the room holding a crystal vase adored with vibrant violets, she smiled and set them down on a near by table before moving over to us.
"I finally found the vase I was talking about Theodore I apologize for taking so long." She smiled placing her hand on my shoulder slightly playing with my hair.
"No need to apologize Lady Diana I was just about to send Davina to find you for dinner." He smiled trying to hide the slight blush across his cheeks. "You enjoying the Violets is all that matters to me." I saw Dianas eyes widen before she smiled even brighter, I couldn't help a grin appear on my own face knowing I was the one who told Theodore about the violets.
"Lets enjoy dinner now yes?" Theodore chanced the subject while avoiding eye contact with me.
I block a shot with my bracelets before running over a few crates swinging my legs to knock down my opponents. I heard distant yelling and ran towards it, The heavy rain somehow managed to become more chaotic and difficult to see further ahead. I vaguely saw a blur moving all over the place before I saw a blue light from the corner. When I got close enough I was met with two other men which decided to turn their attention on me and begin fighting, I grabbed ones arm breaking the wrist before blocking the other punch coming my way by pulling the man I was holding in front of me letting him take the blow. I gained some distance before grabbing my lasso wrapping it around the last mans forearm swinging it around so he ended up hitting him self. Alarmingly I felt extreme heat behind me that wasn't the same of my healing abilities soon a bright white light lit up behind me knocking me down to my knees, I went to stand up when I felt a blunt force hit the side of my temple making my vision fuzzy. Using a broken down car next to me to hold myself up I heard Vague yelling possibly my code name from a distance, Out of my Peripheral vision I saw a black figure running towards me my code name becoming louder as he drew closer. I turned to the white light and started feeling my feet being pulled closer to the light I gripped onto the car. I felt hands wrap around my shoulders wrapping around me and a heavy material covering my shoulders.
"WonderGirl!" A familiar voice screamed in my ears "Im almost there hold on for me please!" then soon there was just static.
I startled awake my chest heaving up and down sweat making my shirt cling to my skin. I was able to muffle my scream hoping no one heard I always felt bad when my nightmares woke others up, they didn't need to suffer with me. I frowned knowing I startled Ace awake hearing his small whines even though it was hard to see the Great Dane. "I-Im okay Ace just go back to sleep boy." I whispered my throat feeling a bit dry.
I felt a calming sensation from peri as well as the green glow illuminating my room, after claiming myself to an extent I went to move off my bed when I realized I was floating. I closed my eyes until I felt my feet touch the soft rug under my bed. I walked out of my room seeing Ace stretch across my huge bed and headed towards kitchen to grab a drink. Once I reached the kitchen I had to search the cabinets for a glass in the dark, thankfully being quiet was the easy part for me. Once I found them I opened the ice maker quietly pouring some ice into my glass before filling it up with water. I looked out the big windows seeing the now dimmed lights of Gotham vaguely seeing the stars trying to shine. I pulled my phone out of my pocket taking a photo of my view and sending it to Damian knowing he would be still awake just finishing patrol. I typed a message along with the picture "Is that a robin I see? " drawing a very messy bird on the picture I grinned teasing Damian.I should start patrolling with the bat family soon, Diana and Theodore wanted me to settle in school first. I felt my phone buzz and I opened a text from Damian replying "Nuri what are you doing awake?" I smiled figuring Damian wouldn't respond with a joke. "We need to work on your comedy skills Dami..." I responded now moving to sit at bay window in the kitchen limiting up the seat to grab a blanket before I sat down. It didn't take long for Damian to respond with "Then we need to work on your sleeping skills." I rolled my eyes grinning telling him to be safe and rest well. After a bit of time just enjoying the view I decided it was time to head up to my room as I felt my eyes started to flutter. I decided to keep the blanket and placed my glass in the sink on way out.
"Davina? What are you doing awake little one?" I turned around seeing Theodore sitting in the living room with an old book in his lap and his glasses falling down his nose along with his hair let lose.
"You wear glasses?" I questioned my nose scrunching up in confusion.
"I need them to read small text little one now how long have you been awake?" Theodore's voice was calm and gave comfort I stepped down from the stairs and made my way over to him.
"A couple hours maybe its no big deal honestly." I squeezed between him and the soft chair laying the blanket over my lap. I skimmed over the cover of the book realizing it had no title and it was clearly old, The cover of the book was loose and some pages were bigger than other. Clearly this book had seen better days.
"How bad was this one?" I watch as Theodore remove the book from his lap and I felt his hand lay on my shoulder.
"All of them are bad but weirdly enough it isn't the worst one Ive experience." I answered feeling the goosebumps appear on my skin thinking of my nightmares. "I saw the white light again...It was extremely hot this time..Even though everything was visually burly, weather it was due to the rain or even when something hit my head. I felt every emotion like It was so real..I felt the annoyance due to heavy rain hitting my skin, the adrenaline from fighting, I mostly felt the fear of it all. I don't know what I was scared of but I was and gods was I terrified. It seemed like the world was out to get me even though I did everything I've been taught. " I didn't even realize that I had a death grip on the blanket that laid over me until Theodore grabbed my hands pulling them away from the blanket. I inhaled a deep breath attempting to calm down.
"I wish I could take away your nightmares away little one." Theodore softly spoke.
"That's kind of you to say Theodore but I'm afraid thats not possible." I rested my head of Theodores shoulder feeling my eyes flutter again. " I suppose a second chance at a life worth living then nightmares are worth the cost, but I wouldn't cheat death again if I'm honest...I feel like once is enough, when its time I'll go. I fear that my grandfather became consumed with "Fixing the world to his image..." that he avoided death like it was a bad thing and soon enough he ran out of places to avoid death. I hope in the end he realized what actually was important." I mumbled listening to Theodores heart beat.
"Wise opinion little one...Life and death are one in the same, Life turns into death and Death turns into life. Without one, the other cannot function. Hopefully there will a day everyone will understand that and no longer fear dying." Theodores head laid onto of mine as he provided comfort. "I hope you understand how immensely proud of you I am Davina. I stand with the gods that you are going to do wonderful things in this life weather small or big." I softly smiled turning to slightly hug Theodore.
"You as my mentor I can believe that as well." I felt Theodore return the hug before I heard light footsteps draw near.
"I thought I heard you two talking." Dianas voice met my ears causing me to look up.
"I apologize if we woke you Lady Diana, Both Davina and I couldn't sleep so we decided to have a light conversation." Theodore smiled up at Diana.
"Oh no need to apologize Theodore I just need to become use to the sound of city again after being on Themyscira so long." She smiled walking around the couch as Theodore and I scooted over to give her room to sit next to me. As she became comfortable Diana pressed a kiss to my head and gave a sleepy smile to Theodore.
"I suppose since all of us are about I tell the story about how I became blind?" Theodore asked.
Theodore's P.O.V.:
"After a few centuries of living in that small cabin, Lady Athena visited me as she usually did and informed me that she had a young amazon girl who needed my assistance in art of fighting monsters. After I agreed my eye site was returned and I had two days to pack for an Island called Themyscira." I finally ended the story I looked down at the girls seeing both of them asleep while Lady Dianas arms laid across Davina as one of her hands laid in Davinas hair while the other held on to my forearm.
I smiled at the two before I readjusted the blanket to cover them both. I became more thankful everyday to Lady Athena for convincing me that I should let her restore my eye site. Yes I could have trained Davina without my eye site but I now realized how I would miss watching Davina grow into a beautiful young lady just like her mother. I have a strong feeling that Lady Athena knew I would become enchanted by Lady Dianas looks alone but as I learned to know this woman I only fell for her more. Her love alone for Davina had me hooked on her, plus her allowing me to enter both her and Davinas personal life outside of being my little ones mentor.
"For you two...Its all worth it..." I kissed the top of Davinas head before closing my eyes and falling asleep myself.
Ahhhhh another chapter done! Sorry it took so long to write this one, I decided to take a break to formulate a plan for the second part of this series then school restarted but I'm going to try and update more than this last chapter! Until next time by guys!! 6682 words.

Ghost Of You: Damian Wayne Where stories live. Discover now