"I'll be back..."

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Davinas P.O.V.:

Running...thats all I've been doing for gods know how long. I was back on infinity island and I was nearing mine and Damians spot, I couldn't see who or what was following me but I didn't dare look back. I felt my feet touch the water as I stopped to figure out my next move, the compound was back the way I came and when I had attempted to go in, the doors were bolted shut and I ran out of time to climb up the wall to my old chambers. I heard something break behind me which caused me to jumped feeling my motions rippled through the water, instead of expanding and fading away the ripples stayed strong and they reached where the water fall landed in the lake. I knew the longer I stayed here the closer I would be to being caught so, I ran further into the water and when I was deep enough I drive into the water. I knew I could hold my breath for up to five minutes before needing air so I needed to haste and swim across the lake, I began swimming towards the waterfall making sure I stayed far enough from the top. The water was surprisingly warmer than I remembered, but as I drew closer to my destination I felt myself need to take a breath so I quickened my pace. I started swimming upwards when it started feeling like I would never reach the top, I watched as some air bubbles leave my mouth and float to the top much faster than I was swimming. Once I broke the surface I inhaled as much air as I could and I looked around and realized their had been a grotto behind the water fall all this time. I climbed into the stone ledge and walked in further down the grotto. There was small crystals that decorated all across the roof the grotto, they shined lightening up the entire cave while some sparkled on the floor as well where I noticed they appeared similar to a path. I stepped near a crystal and it glowed brighter and radiated warmth, I stepped near another one and it did the same as the one behind it. As I walked along the path following the glow of each crystal I began to notice a figure sitting on a rock covering themselves with a extravagant cloak. My breath faltered but I quickly recovered and kept walking.
"H-Hello?" I stoped a few feet away from the figure keeping a comfortable distance. You could hear the nervousness in my voice as I tried to cover it up with a confidence stance.
"Hello Davina." The cloaked figure stood from the rock "Is this anyway to greet your grandfather?" The hood was lower and immediately a smile appeared on my face.
"Grandfather!" I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist breathing in that comforting smell he always had. Once I realized what I had done I stepped back and composed myself. "I'm sorry grandfather I was just happy to see you." 
Shocking all he did was laugh and knelt down and hugged me in retuned.
"I'm happy to see you as well child, now for the reason you are here...come lets go." He stood and began walking further into the grotto and I followed him without question. Grandfather led me to an opening of the grotto and I was met with an amazing view of my old home.
"Grandfather can I ask a question?" I asked as I sat beside him
"Its why I'm here child."
"How are my clothes dry if I was just in the lake and how am I even here?" I picked at my clothes and looked around.
"Ah so you're aware all of this isn't correct, good I taught you well. I wish I could answer your question but I myself don't really understand what's going on." He waved out his hand before looking my way. "What I do know it's your suffering child."
"Come now child please don't be in denial, I did that for many..many years and it got me no where but my death."
"R-right you die..." I looked down to my hand taking deep breaths. "so this is a dream?"
"It could be...who knows maybe its one last chance for me to do the right thing for once."
"And that is?" I questioned
"Helping you comes to terms with your grief Davina..." Grandfather kneeled in front of me and took my hands in his. "Davina, when was the last time or have you ever grieved the death of me...hell your death."
"What are you talking about grieving me? I came back to life."
"To hell with being revived, you still died child. My little Davina died by the hands of a monster I angered." Grandfather tightened his hold on my hands keeping his voice strong. I felt my throat run dry and in attempts to swallowing didn't help it. "Now...answer my question did you ever grieve?" Grandfather asked once more.
"N-no..." I whimpered feeling a wave of emotions wash over me. Grandfather move beside me and held me like he did when he first found me that one night. The wave of emotions came crashing down and I slightly cried while hugging my grandfather. "I-I'm sorry I wasn't there grandfather I swear I wanted too-." All he did was hugged me tighter and consoled me as I cried, crying this time felt relieving rather than the other times where I it was out of fear or anger. I sat up after a few minutes and wiped my tears away and regained my composure.
"Now Davina you listen to me and listen well." I nodded looking at grandfather as he spoke.
"You and mans world are not ready for each other, you...need to come to terms with everything that as happened in your life."
"The events Slade and I caused need to be processed and grieved correctly before they consume you."
I didn't move but kept listening. "The chance you get to leave mans world you take it Davina do you understand? If you do not mans world will corrupt you just like it did me and eventually kill you."
"But I can't leave Damian he-"
"You and Damian are no longer the upcoming leaders of the league, As much as I disagree with you and him being separate for long period of time. Damians doesn't always need you by his side nor do you need him every second of every day. You two should be able to be apart for a while since its for your health, now do you understand Davina." Grandfather cut me off his serious tone hardening even more.
I stared at grandfather processing what he had just told me, his eyes seemed more clear and filled with more emotions than I had ever saw growing up.
"Yes Grandfather I understand..." I whispered hugging him once more. "I really do miss you."
"I missed you a lot more then I let myself believe in my life Davina." He smoothed his hand over my hair. "As highly as I talked about the pit I never wished for you or Damian to come in contact with." We separated from our hug and continued to sit side by side.
"Do not let your fear consume you anymore child they do not deserve to cause you pain." He stated sitting up straight.
"But how do I stop them from consuming me?" I asked looking out towards the view.
"You remember the time you ran in my office to give me all those flowers you wrongfully picked from a villagers garden?" Grandfather stood up and walked me along another path. "Instead of punishing you for disrupting that poor woman's garden I decided to teach you how to meditate so you could think before you acted , maybe go give that a try."
"So you don't really have an answer?" I scrunched up my nose in confusion.
"I may be old as dust Davina but I'm not going to have an answer for everything." He knelt down to me once more.
"Our time is up once more child." He hugged me "Wake up."
My eyes fluttered open as I came too, I could hear the heart monitor mimic my heart beat as I pulled off the oxygen mask and sat up from the medical table. I looked around and saw all of the boys sleeping in chairs around the medical table. Jason was cuddling his helmet with his feet on top of Grayson who was in some weird acrobatic move while sleeping. Tim was closer to the computer near an empty coffee pot. While Damian was near where my head had been before I stood up his hand open and I could hear his slight snores coming out of his mouth. I disconnected my self from the IV and lightly kissed Damian on his temple, I smiled and softly landed on the floor and walked away from the boys and walking into the manor and finding a door that led outside. I found an old tree stump and sat on top of it tied my hair up and started the old process of meditating. Once I felt like I was in the correct mindset I went from sitting to a handstand while still trying to meditate. Once I was still enough I removed one hand and put it behind my back, still drifted away from focusing on the handstand and back to meditating.I began to look back on my past trying to do what grandfather said...grieve, I felt though I had cried enough and tried to keep away from doing that. I started with my parents trying to remember as much as I could about them. I slightly remembered the excitement I felt when my father would return home but its still very fuzzy, the confusion and fear I felt when I saw them on the ground I grew frustrated and moved on to my early life at the compound.
I was about an hour into meditating when I vaguely started to hear my name being called. I remained on the stump claiming it as my own and started the ending process of how grandfather taught me to meditate. I slowly pulled myself out of my preferred meditating state, I could faintly hear footsteps in my general vicinity and I grew slightly nervous but I inhaled deeply calming myself. I curved my body and landed on the stump in a knelling position and still kept my eyes closed. I knew I would need to meditate a few more times before I started feeling and relief and peaceful so I opened my eyes and found Nadine in front of me.
"Oh hello Nadine." I softly smile "I'm guessing you heard about what happened?"
"Diana called me she figure you would possibly desire a female friend during this time." She moved beside me and started floating in the air with her legs crossed, wanting to be level with her I floated up catching her off Guard. "Hmm not bad."
"Its still a process honestly."  We both laughed.
"God I need that laugh." I sighed
"How do you feel and be honest..." She asked putting her hand on my shoulder.
"To be Honest...numb I can't tell what's real and what's not anymore and sooner or later every emotion I've bottled up for the three long abominable years are going to come crashing down and I'm nervous for when that does. I'm seeing the man who kidnap, tortured, and groomed me into being his apprentice it's like the world has it coming for me."
"I truly sorry to hear you're going through this pain my friend." Nadine hugged me from the side I squeezed her hand looking at the blue sky
"And the crazy part is that I'm seeing dead grandfather in my dreams telling me that I need to grieve and I'm not ready for mans world nor is it ready for me. And if I don't leave apparently I'm going to end up corrupted and eventually dead just like him..I fear I'm losing my mind Nadine." I put my face into my hands
"Keep hope Davina surely Batman is finding a way to assist you and you are no longer alone in this, for you have all those wonderful guys in the manor as well as my self and Diana." She smiled
"I shall try Nadine I suppose I've startled everyone haven't I? Shit the first thing on my mind was to go and meditate to help control my emotions."
"That is perfectly understandable there's no need to feel upset."
"I just need a second before I can go inside the manor to collect myself." I sighed trying to regain my clam state.
"Maybe I can assist if your okay with it?" Nadine turned my way.
"I'm willing to try anything at this point."
Nadine proceeded to hold my face in her hands and I felt the cool ring that laid on her middle finger. I closed my eyes and felt a soothing feeling for around me. I felt all my emotions turn into one thing...peace, my shoulders relaxed and I felt like I could truly breathe deeply for the first time in days. I opened my eyes to find my head leaning into Nadines.
"There how is that?" She questioned putting her hands together smiling
"Relieving thank you." I spoke with no tension in my voice at all. "I believe I'm ready to go." I stood
"Good lets hope that last you for a while."
We both walked back into the manor in peaceful silence, Once we enter the manor Nadine floated to the Stairs I followed her back into the cave where I started hearing yelling.
"No you can't be serious, you agree with this father!?" I could hear Damian yelling anger pouring out of his voice
"I discussed it with Diana and this is what's best for her." Bruce kept his voice calm no emotion coming through
"So thats it you're just going to send her away!?" Damian hissed
"We're not sending her away Damian She gets a choice if she wants to leave but Themyscira has far advanced technology that can help Davina and if she wishes she can train to become an amazon."
"No I wont allow this you can't force her to leave!" Damian threw his hands up in the air.
"They aren't going to be forcing me Dami.." My foot met the last step and Nadine was right behind me. "When would I leave?"
"I already planned to leave Sunday but I can extend my stage if you wish to have more time?" Diana smiled standing next to bruce.
"And you're sure this is what's best for me?" I looked towards Bruce
"Tim found small nanomachines that attach themselves to your brain stem and also found traces of a new formula of scarecrow fear toxin that the nanomachines used to their advantage to make whatever you feared real to you and you alone. I can give you a dose of a cure to scarecrows old fear toxin that could probably help,but if you don't get the right cure and remove those nanomachines you're heart will eventually go into cardiac arrest again and you'll die."
I thought about my weird dreams where grandfather told me to leave when I got the chance or I would eventually die just like him.
"I'll take that as a very detailed yes." I tried to lighten the mood.
"A very wise decision Davina." Nadine spoke continuing to stay by my side. I smiled until I looked over to Damian and noticed a grim look on his face.
"This is bullshit you've only been here for what? Two months and you're already leaving what happened to wanting a normal life Davina, Surely we have medical and technology here that can heal you. Sure it's not as fast as Themyscira but it still works..Davina you don't have to leave." Damian whispered the last part.
"Dami I know you mean well but this is what's best, I thought about it and."
"So you've been planning this behind my back!" He stepped away from me raising his voice once more
"What! No! Let me finish." I reached out for him only for him to rip his hands further away from me.
"You know what maybe we should talk about this when you've calmed down." I turned around heading for the Manor
"No we're talking about this now! The Davina I knew wouldn't have even thought about leaving me!" Damian grabbed my arm spinning me around. My eyes widen at his words the once calm feeling I had been given by Nadine turned into fuming anger.
"Well that Davina died! Head pushed under the liquid of the pit and then her neck snap by the man who to tortured and groomed her in a role she didn't want!" I squeezed my hands into a fist and felt my nails pierce my palms. "So thank you for pointing it out and I wish I could give you your old Davina back since you want her so bad but I don't even know who I am any more!"  It was dead silent through out the cave and Damians face was slowly morphing from anger to sadness. "You realize that were no longer going to be the leaders of the league right? You're Robin now, the partner of Batman and one day you'll be the dark knight yourself. And me? who fucking knows cause what's been planned for me is now gone because I wouldn't go back to the league unless you went and now that I see what you have going for you with your father, there's no way in hell I would let you give all of this up."
I felt a hand placed on my shoulder and instantly felt the calming sensation from earlier. I exhaled the breath I was holding and starting taking some deep calm breaths.
"Maybe leaving is going to be good for me both physically and mentally, I can actually start the grieving process I've been running from. Grieve for grandfather and for myself." I spoke wrapping my arms around my shoulders. "Try and learn how to live a life thats not been planned, a life thats not been tied to someone.." I looked dead straight into Damians eyes. "Come on Nadine lets go." I walked away with Nadine right beside me and I enter the manor.
"Thank you for calming me down again Nadine.." I spoke closing the entrance to the cave.
"You're very welcome Davina, I am sorry that you ended up arguing with Damian I can tell how much you care for him." She hugged me and I retuned her hug. "Now lets go get some of Monsieur Pennyworth famous smoothies I've heard about then how about we go into the gym and blow off some steam hmm?" I nodded and showed Nadine the way to the kitchen.
"Oh its good to see you awake Ms.Davina and Its a pleasure to meet you Ms.Jordan." Alfred smiled as he dried some dishes.
"Oh its lovely to meet you Monsieur Pennyworth, We were wondering if its not a problem... you could make us some smoothies that would go well while we train?" Nadine smiled cupping her hands together
"It would be my pleasure I know the perfect ones to make you two go ahead and start training and I'll bring them up."
Both of us thanked him and went to my room to change into athletic wear and then headed to the gym. After we stretched Nadine and I started with some hand to hand combat not doing that for long incase of my heart rate going to high and causing my nano machines to start messing with my mind. After Alfred brought our smoothies, we moved to showing off our flexibility. That ending up a little competition between her and I.
Nadine just finished her Forearm Hollow Back pose and grinned my way "I believe that was difficult no?"
I laughed and nodded before stepping off the mat and started my pose. I ended up doing the Super Soldier Pose and turned my head to look over at Nadine and I sent a smirk her way.
"Alright all right." Nadine held up her hands in surrender and both of us laughed. "What should we do next?"
"Umm there's a pool?" I offered
"Ooo could I invite Marella you would get along with her very well."
"Sure I don't think bruce will mind." I smiled
"Okay I'll call her over her coms while you go up and get changed."
"Sure I'll grab towels as well." I exited the gym and walked up the stairs to my room I put on a lavender bathing suit and grabbed three towels and soon headed outside. I set everything down and stepped into the water checking if it was cold. It was slightly warm so I stepped in fully and waited for Nadine.
"Marella said she would be here in 15 to 20 minutes." Nadine came out with a small bag in hand wearing a blue one pice and her hair tied into a braid, she opened her bag and pulled out sunscreen and applied it before getting in the pool. "Lets hope I don't burn."
I noticed a diving board and climbed out of the pool and headed over to it, once I was next to it I climbing on top and did a front flip off of the board. I received applause from Nadine and soon enough she followed along jumping in as well.
Nadine and I swam around hanging out before Marella arrived with Alfred following her with a tray of drinks.
"Marella!" Nadine got out of the pool and hugged the girl with pure white hair and pale green eyes, while I went over to Alfred and helped him with the drinks.
"Davina this is Marella shes know aka Aqua girl." Nadine stood beside Marella introducing us to each other.
"Pleasure too meet you." I offered my hand she smile and offered hers as well.
"Thank you for letting come I need to get away from my brother." We laughed and sat down to talk.
I got to know both Nadine and Marella as we hung out in the pool and I ended up having a really good time. I was currently at the bottom of the pool after Jumping off the diving board request of Nadine when suddenly I heard muffled voices underwater so I swam towards and up the stairs. I broke the surface and wiped all of the water off my face and turned to see the boys standing there in addition with Konner and Jon. Weirdly Jon's face was really red and he was frozen like a statue.
"Jon are you alright your face is red as if you got burned, do you need aloe I could go get some?" I offered steeping out of the pool walking there way.
"N-no I'm good thank you I'm gonna go get a drink from Alfred." Jon ran off inside ignoring my perfectly good pitcher of lemonade Alfred had left before.
"Did I do something to upset him?" I questioned
"No Davina you didn't Jon just gets a bit nervous sometimes." Nadine answered my question
"Hi sunshine, do you ladies mind if we join you outside? We thought it would be nice since you're leaving in a few days it would be cool to hang out." Konner flashed a kinda smile as I thought about how my departure is traveling like wildfire.
"Its fine with me if its alright we Nadine and Marella." I moved my hand towards the two girls as they nodded in agreement while I went and sat down drying off to relax for a bit.
"Hows your day going princess?" I heard Jasons voice ask as I laid on the chair.
"It's going." I spoke looking his way through some sunglasses Alfred handed to me.
"I'm guess you leaving is the reason demon spawn over there is more grumpier than usual?"
"He did that to himself." I scoffed Jason gave me a look as if saying "care to explain" I groaned. " the jerk wouldn't even let me explain until I lost my temper, ugh he has the right to his opinions but I wont stand for him to lash out at me. We have been through thick and thin together he should know I would never to anything to hurt him." I took a deep breath from ranting. "All I want to do is get rid of these stupid nanomachines and actually start grieving is that so bad if to do that I need to go away for a while its not like I'm leaving permanently." I sighed as I sat up.
"No its not bad at all you need to do what's best for you Davina, Damian just needs to get his emotions in check and step in your shoes before he explodes like that...though you might wanna hash it out before you leave Davina." Jason took a drink from his flask as he talked. He looked my way grinning, "Feel better after that rant?"
"Slightly thank you." I grabbed my glass and took a sip from it. Jason stood up taking off his glasses, he grinned my way before unexpectedly picking me up and running towards the pool.
"Ah wait Jason!" I started laughing
"No can do Princess!" I held my breath as Jason jumped into the pool.
Everyone was having a good time Dick and Jason ended up having a little competition over who could drink the most. I may have helped dick cheat a bit by sneaking some of his shots off of the table and drinking them myself. Tim and Konner convinced Nadine and Marella to a game called chicken fight and Nadine and Marella ended of winning which I cheered for them. I was currently helping Alfred bring some snacks out to hold everyone over until dinner. I walked over to Jon and Damian who were sitting in the hot tub and Jon seemed a bit bored as Damian still had a sour look on his face.
"Would you two want anything?" I held out the basket a bit more "I saved some for you guys before Dick,Jason, and Konner could eat it all."
Jon smiled and began looking in the basket while Damian just looked at me. The alcohol from earlier gave me some courage to call Damian out.
"Damian I'm trying to be nice so if you could please refrain from looking at me like I've ruined your entire life that would be great." I put the basket down and walked away... my good mood being ruined. I sat on the chair in front of the bar Jason was behind making a drink fo himself, he looked at me with confusion as I pointed my head towards Damian and Jason nodded.
"He's still holding a grudge?" Jasons asked poring his drink into a glass, I nodded leaning my head on the palm of my hand. I watched as Jason started pouring liquids into a drink mixer and then shaking it before pouring it into a glass. I gave Jason a questionable look as he pushed the drink towards me.
"If you don't want it I'll gladly take it." Jason went to grab the glass but I beat him to it and downed the whole thing. The drink tasted like honey with a slight burn at the end. "I'll take another one please."
"Aww I'm creating a mini me!' Jason started making another drink.
After three more drinks I felt giddy, Jason was now doing a push up contest with Konner where Nadine was sitting on Konners back while I sat on Jasons.
"21!" Dick counted as both boys kept on going. I was trying to keep myself steady on Jasons back. The boys got to 32 when I felt myself tip over and I prepared to catch myself on the ground when I felt someone pick me up.
"Alright that's enough." Damians voice bellowed in my ear, I gripped his shoulders looking his way.
"No Damian I'm fine." I tried but my fumbled over my words but atlas he ignored me looking towards everyone else.
"No one is fit to drive or leave this house, they're are plenty of guests rooms for you all to stay. Todd and Grayson you already know your rooms are open for you with that said the party is over go to sleep." Damian stated picking me up and carrying me away.
"This is bullshit." I mumbled having to keep myself still by holding onto Damian.
"There's no need to mumble Davina if you have something to say, say it." My eyes glanced his way upset he heard what I said.
"I said this is bull shit. First you can't like you can't stand me then you act like I'm a damsel in distress" I grumbled.
"You're drunk Davina, and that is completely false Davina it's not that I can't stand you its-"
"I've been with you since we were four years old, My whole life you've been the one I've trusted more than anyone. Every time Slade would beat me for not doing something his way, I always would think of you...how you were the one thing that kept me from falling into a dark void. And the moment I need to do something...need not want something Damian you think I'm turning my back on you!"
"That's not-"
"Don't try and lie to me Damian I grew up with your ass I can tell when your trying to lie! How could you think I'm turning my back on you! I'm hurting Damian! I'm seeing the man who stole my life away! who forced me to become his apprentice and when I wasn't up to his desired speed he wanted, he injected some lethal untested substances into my temple and simply crossed his fingers that it would work! And lets not forget when he implanted a mind controlling device on the base of my neck to strip me of my humanity!" I rip myself from Damians arms and held myself up against my door before walking in.
"I wasn't thinking like that I was just-"
"About yourself...oh poor Damian Wayne's upset that his friend who deeply cares for him is leaving so she doesn't-" I felt hands grip my arms and jerk me towards a broad chest where I was hit with the strong sent of Damians cologne mixed with the salt water from the pool.
"You are more than a friend Davina thats why I was-I'm scared for you!" I looked up to see Damians emotional face looking down at me. My anger dwindled a bit before I punched his ribs.
"Ow why did you do that!"
"Why didn't you tell me that from the beginning you asshole! All of this could have been avoided if you didn't let your emotions get the better of you!" I punched his chest this time. I kept punching his chest and he took it as he move one of his hands to my hair smoothing out the mess it became. I felt my eyes tear up as I slowed down and I eventually stopped and leaned my head onto his chest as I cried for gods knows how many times the past two days.
"We could have avoided wasting a day where we could have been spending time together." I cried gripping onto his sides "You don't think I'm scared as well Dami. Hell I'm terrified about leaving but it's what's best." 
"I know. Shh its okay I wasn't thinking before I spoke I'm so sorry and I swear I'll make it up to you before you leave." He hugged me tighter
After a few minutes of silence which I was enjoying I had to abruptly end it. "Um Dami..."
"I'm gonna vomit." I put my hand over my mouth trying to move as I felt Damian quickly carry me to the bathroom.
For the past three days me and Damian have been spending every moment together until the dreadful day I would leave. I've had a few small episodes where I would see or hear Slade but they weren't was bad as that one night after the gala. Diana had graciously offered to leave on Monday instead of Sunday, She wanted to offer more but that was the latest she could give, and me and Damian gratefully took it. Damian showed me along with Nadine,Marella, Konner, and Jon around Gotham's best places. He took us to an arcade where Damian showed me a game where I was to shoot people with fake guns in the dark. Then he took us to Gotham's Art museum where talked for hours about any art piece he took a liking too. On a day where it was just Damian and I, he took to see my biological parents grave and which he bought flowers and handed some to me and we both laid them on their graves and sat on the bench near bye and talked. Towards the evening Damian took me to Gotham's prettiest park, where we had a picnic and attempted to watch the sunset but that ended in a food fight. On Sunday we both decided to stay home and Damian asked if he could paint a portrait of me which I said yes. It took him a few hours to finished his excuse was he wanted to get my eyes just right, after he finished he wouldn't let me see it and somehow got my mind off the topic remembering I needed to pack. Diana said I only need to a few pack essentials since everything else would be provided at the island. I already knew phones were a no go so I didn't bother asking but I did pack paper and envelopes plus a journal, I may have snuck one of Damians old art journals just so I could look at it or even try and draw the same as him." When I finished packing I may have teared up a bit and called myself a little bitch.
Damian and I slept outside that night in a hammock stargazing I'm just glad I made Damian bring one of the good blankets out of his room outside with us. Then it was Monday morning...Damian carried my backpack which was originally his and I slipped on one on his hoodies he had handed to me. We walked down to the cave and headed towards Dianas invisible jet where Bruce had the hanger door open and Dianas jet was resting on a hangar strip outside. I hugged everyone and even caught Jason tearing up a bit but he covered it up by starting a fight with Tim. I tried to hug Jon but his face went super red and he randomly said he needed to use the rest room, I ended up in a group hug with Nadine and Marella when Nadine got a little emotional. Alfred packed a small meal for me while I travel with Diana before he hugged and went off to scold Jason. Bruce just patted my shoulder and told me to be smart basically dad advice and he took a step back. I looked Damians way before I went over to him and hugged him as tight as I could and he hugged me just as tight.
"God I'm gonna miss you Davina." He whispered into my ear "Please..please be safe."
"I will promise, don't cause too many fight please."
Damians chuckled before responding "I'll try but no promises." Damian lifted his head up and looked dead at me, he leaned closer and so did I before he stopped and moved his head and he kissed my forehead. "You should probably get going." He shifted putting the back pack on me and fixing my hair.
"oh okay um bye Dami." I walked to Dianas jet and started to climb in when I felt hands on my waist and I was lifted up into the jet.
"It seemed like you needed help shortie." Damian snickered
"Shut up." I laughed sitting down next to Diana.
"You ready?" Diana asked I nodded pulling Damians hoodie up under my nose I felt the jets engine rumble and Diana checked everything before she started moving the jet. The jet picked up speed and soon enough we were taking off, I looked back at the cave noticing Damian standing by the opening watch as I went farther away.
"If you fly now you'll be able to get to him fast and get back in here." I jumped at her words shocked that she knew I could fly.
"How did you-"
"If Bruce doesn't keep secrets well from me neither will you, now start flying." She laughed
I smiled opening the hatch and jumped and started flying towards the cave opening I saw Damian stiffen as he noticing I was coming closer, once I reached him I tacked him to the ground.
"What the hell Davina I didn't know you could-mph!" I lifted his head up and brought his lips to mine, Damian retuned the kiss quickly placing his hands onto my hips. The kiss sadly ended and both of us inhaled as much air as we could.
"I felt like a better goodbye was needed." I slowly floated off the ground and smiled his way one last time before I flew away to catch up with Diana.

Omg thats it! The last official chapter of this part I do plan to do a few bonus chapters that lead into the second part of this crazy story! I hope everyone enjoyed this final part and I hope you guys like the bonus plus the second part I start creating soon! Well thats all I need to say so bye guy! 6217 words.

Ghost Of You: Damian Wayne Where stories live. Discover now