Part two: Chapter two "What were you dreaming about?"

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Hey Siri? Play sparks fly by Taylor Swift...
Davinas P.O.V.:
I was running through a field covered with wild lavender hearing a little giggling voice in front of me. I stopped near and old willow tree looking around, I heard muffled giggling causing me to smirk.
"Oh my I guess I lost my Amorzinho, He's just so fast I couldn't keep up, plus with his super ninja skills It was impossible to catch him." I dramatically pressed the back of my palm to my forehead leaning against the willow tree. "I suppose I'll return to the cabin and hope my Amorzinho will soon return to me." I began walking away and found a good spot to hide as I waited for that little head to peek out and sure enough two minutes later black hair stuck out as well as little hands gripping onto the limb of the willow. I floated quietly over to the tree and as soon enough as I was close enough a grabbed the little one but it's waist and spun in the air. The little one squeal and then fell into a burst of contagious giggles causing me to laugh as well, I pulled them into my arms and gave hugs as well as kissed all over the little ones face as I floated down.
"Ahh momma you found me!" The little boy smiled at me grabbing onto the top of my dress.
"Momma did find you!"
"Don't worry momma my ninja skills are almost as good as papas!" I gasp earning giggles from the little boy
"What about momma ninja skills?!" The little boy leaned down to my ear slightly giggling.
"Don't tell papa but your the better ninja momma." He leaned back quick and covered his face with his hands as I laugh.
"You're absolutely right Amorzinho, and don't worry our secret is safe with me." I kissed his cheek and started walking away from the willow. I started to hear my name being called from farther away and soon as I tall figure holding something while holding hands with a smaller figure. The little boy in my arms grew excited and smiled so bright that could put the sun out of a job.
"Look momma papa is back with AJ and Dani!"
I smiled and walked until I stood in front of who I knew was now Damian holding two little girls. One who appeared to be the same age as the little boy and looked very similar to him. And a younger girl who's hair was lighter and curled more like Damian's and had paler green eyes compare to the other two children.
"Hello my love how was picking up the girls?" I smiled up at Damian.
"I have a wonderful picture of uncle Jay sleeping in his best tea party attire." Damians deep voice responded laced heavily with humor. I giggled shaking my head.
"Sounds like you girls had a splendid time. Did you keep your sister out of trouble Aurora?" I looked down to the little girl which she nodded holding her fathers hand.
"I got the food for dinner beloved like you asked for and it's inside waiting for us to cook it." I smiled setting my little boy down watching him move to Aurora.
"Come on on Theo race you to the cabin!" The little girl grabbed her brothers hand before the little boy looked back at me.
"What about momma?"
I smiled leaning onto Damian.
"You don't need momma Amorzinho, now go play with your sister before dinner."
"I'll always need my momma." Theo smiled and ran off with his sister.
"That little boy is going to break some hearts" I Stated looking up to Damian. He smiled as he leaned down and kissed my forehead.
"Just like his father." I leaned off of Damian giving him a look?
"And who's hearts were you breaking Mr.Wayne?" He grinned slipping his free hand over my waist.
"You know the day we got married millions of hearts broke beloved." I laughed
"Alright heart breaker give me our baby and let's go make dinner." I held out my arms and my littlest one who grinned and leaned out of her fathers arms for mine snuggling her face against mine.
"Momma missed her cuddle bug too" I softly said before I felt Damian's hand on my waist turn me.
"I love you..." his free hand cupped the side of my face. I leaned into it before I responded.
"I love you too." Damian ducked his head lower pressing his lips against mine. We pulled back taking each other's hand and walked back to the cabin.
I felt a hand run through my hair as I vaguely heard my name being called. I opened my eyes and moved my head off of Damian's chest, I brought my hands to my face and rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes.
"Have we arrived yet?" I mumbled as I started to look around.
"We have and I believe Alfred has food already made." Bruce spoke opening the batwing for all of us to climb out. I floated down and looked around for Dianas jet.
"Davina? Diana wishes to speak with you." Bruce call to me handing me a phone.
"μητέρα? Are you and Theodore almost here?" I spoke as I walked away from Bruce and Damian
"Actually Λουλούδι, Theodore and I are going to head over to the new penthouse I bought in Gotham and set everything up. We decided that it was better if you stayed at the manor since your first day of school is tomorrow so everything isn't hectic."
"Oh alright will you be here tomorrow morning then?" I asked
"Oh course Λουλούδι Theodore and I wouldn't miss your first day." I smiled hearing Theodore's faint voice in the background.
"Be on your best behavior little one! And don't worry about evening training will make it up after school tomorrow!" I giggled
"Well I'll see you both tomorrow, don't work to hard setting everything up I'll help after school before training."
"We wont Λουλούδι I plan on taking Theodore to my favorite restaurant in Gotham." I started grinning
"Dinner hmm?" I added a teasing tone
"Haha very funny dear I'm hanging up now goodbye Λουλούδι." I laughed before responding
"Goodbye μητέρα." I tuned to hand the phone back to Bruce I heard the cave door opening and multiple feet coming my way. The heavy feet soon were joined by a loud voice screaming. I turned around focusing on the goof ball that was running towards me, I felt a smile appear on my face as I opened my arms awaiting the hug I was fixing to receive.
"Princess!!!" Jason ran towards me full speed as I started laughing, I underestimated the force of which I was going to feel while receiving the hug. By the time I attempted to run for my life I was tackled to the ground and I felt the air being squeezed out of my lungs.
"Master Jason! You let go of her this instant, shes turning bloody purple!" I saw Alfred lean over Jason and grab him by his ear causing Jason to hiss in pain and jump up. "Are you alright Ms.Davina?"
I smile giving Alfred a thumbs up while regaining my breath on the caves floor. As I laid on the floor I saw Damian stand over me with a soft smile now out of his suit, he held his hands out and assisted me off the ground.
"You sure you missed this?" He teased smoothing out my hair.
"Immensely." I laughed leaning in giving him a kiss "Now lets go get food I'm starving!" I walked towards the entrance to the manor my hand still intertwined with Damian's. I looked over and saw Jason dramatically shocked before walked closer to us and stopped us from leaving the cave.
"Did-I-oh my god!" Jason yelled pointing at the two of us. "You two did it!" I widened my eyes as I felt Damian's hand squeeze mine.
"Excuse me? What are talking about!"
"Oh please I know that glow people get! I've gotten that glow plenty of times now!" Jason grabbed my shoulder pulling me into his chest. "I won't allow my princess to be tainted by the Demon child." My hand was still connected to Damian's as I used my other one to pat Jason's shoulder. "Oh god did you at least wrap it demon child!" My face was completely red now as I laughed trying to release my embarrassment in some sort of way.
"I can't believe I'm answering this, Yes Todd unlike Father I know the significance of using protection now can you let us both go upstairs and go eat?"
Jason stayed quite as he let go of me, he looked down at me ruffling my hair "I better not hear anything when I'm here I dont need that in my life." And with that Jason walked away. I was fully laughing now leaning on Damian for support as I held my stomach.
"Gods that embarrassing." I giggled as my laughter began to die down.
"I'm honestly not even surprised at this point, now lets go before those idiots eat all of the food." Damian lead me up the stairs before turning my way "Oh no suit upstairs beloved I forgot to tell you." I smiled as my necklace glowed leaving me in my amazon attire. Damian softly laughed as he started walking again. " well that works."
"I remember Alfreds rule Dami." I replied
We finally made it to the kitchen where I sat next to Damian and thanked Alfred for the food and began eating. I caught up with everyone listening on what they've been up to this past year, Alfred told that he already gather supplies I would need for school and they were in my old room along with my school uniform. I thanked him and helped him do the dishes even though he argue that I shouldn't, after I finished helping Alfred I walked up stairs with Damian and headed to his room to see my schedule that Bruce asked the school to print early so I could see what classes I have.
"I think father insisted we be in the same classes together since this is your first time in an actual school." Damian spoke while opening his bedroom door for me. I entered the room when I heard a small bark, I scrunched my nose in confusion when I saw a small black puppy run towards me attempting to act protective of the room. "Ahhh it's a puppy!" My eyes widen in excitement as I bent down letting the small puppy smell my hand as I looked over to Damian. "You just forgot to mention this important information Dami!" I giggled seeing looking back at the little thing biting my hand.
"Titus no." Damian snapped his fingers bending down beside me picking Titus up scolding him. I heard paws hit the floor and saw and even more grey Ace coming my way with his tail wagging.
"Aww hello sweet boy." Ace rubbed his head against my mine.
"Ace was probably trying to hide from Titus but somehow Titus got in here with him, Ace isn't a fan of the puppy stage." Damian spoke holding Titus
"Ace likes him it's just this old man needs his sleep isnt that right Ace.." I scratched behind his ears. Both Damian and I stood up and I sat in his swinging chair while he walked over to his bookshelf and dragged his finger across each book until he stopped and grabbed the one he was looking for and then moved to his desk and handed me my schedule
"Are you nervous about tomorrow?" I looked down at my schedule noticing my first two classes had some initials next to it labeled DE.
"Not really I've been going since sophomore year, are you?" He looked my way sitting closer to me.
"Just a bit but I'll be fine, umm what does DE mean?" I looked back down at the paper
"Diana and Father went to the school and had a meeting with the principal where he offered us college classes since our latest test scores are so high.Will still have regular classes at the end of the day, just college in the morning If I remember correctly Father convinced them to let Kent join us."
"Oh at least school will kinda of be a challenge right?" I questioned setting the paper down and sitting next to Damian which he gave a me a look causing me to laugh "Or not." I looked over on his nightstand seeing his phone sitting on top of a charger lit up signaling someone had texted him.
"Your phone is going off Dami." I nudge him with my shoulder nodding towards the phone.
"Will you check it for me? I just got to a good part in my book." I nodded kissing the side of his head and then leaned over to grab his phone, I went to ask for the password when the phone unlocked for me. "Did it work? your face ID should be still in there." Damian looked slightly my way.
"It did I honestly forgot it was." I went to his messages going to the notification. "Its Jon he's asking if he needs to come to the manor to drive with us to school?" I moved next to Damian waiting on his response.
"It's probably better if he comes to the manor its pointless for us to take both of our cars, would you mind telling him to just boom tube here tomorrow morning?" I started typing Damian's response then hitting send waiting on Jon. I look back at his nightstand seeing a little white box and when I opened it and I found headphones. I put them in my ears remember how Damian taught me how I could use the music app on his phone. I scrolled through his music seeing its all classical music,I went to hit a song when I remember hearing Nadine and Marella talk about a few artists. I decided to search the one of the artists and hitting shuffle on their most popular music. I actually like some of the songs and I added them to his music library so I could add them to my phone when I got the chance. I guess a caught Damian's attention when I started tapping my feet to the music. I felt his head lean on my shoulder before he took one of the headphones out of my ear.
"You added Taylor swift to my phone!" Damian asked trying to keep a straight face, I looked from the phone to him and back again trying to not laugh.
"I didn't want to forget the names when I added them on my phone?" I stated
"You could have just sent them to your phone beloved." He started laughing as he put the book over his face I scrunched my nose in confusing not remembering you could do that.
"Well then, its better to have them on your phone as well incase one we need to play it in the car. Does Alfred let us pick what we listen to in the car?" I felt the phone slightly move and the screen lit up with Jon's name I read the message. "Jon says he'll just fly over to the manor early he doesn't like the boom tube." I hope Jon's message changed the subject but by the look on Damians face it didn't. I felt hands wrap round my waist and pull me, I let out a chorus of giggles I felt kisses on my face and neck. Damian lifted up his head so his eyes could look into mine we both started laughing.
"Pennyworth doesn't drive us to school anymore beloved, I got my license a few weeks before you came back." I turn so I could lay my head on Damian's chest listening to his heart beat as we talked.
"Oh alright I can still pick the songs right?" I messed with Damian's hand
"You already know the answer to that." I giggled before I took out one of the headphones out of my ear and handed it to Damian, He took it and put it in his ear and I hit play on his phone. I felt a kiss planted on the top of my head and arms wrapped around me tighter, I let out a deep breath feeling completely content. I heard the music pause and felt Damian slightly sit up "I forgot to ask earlier but what were you dreaming about in the batwing Beloved? You were talking in your sleep about something?"
"It felt weirdly real...all I can remember is us at a cabin and there were kids around." I looked up at him trying to remember everything about my dream.
"Kids?" I nodded tucking my head into his neck suddenly feeling tired.
"Come on I need to go brush my teeth." I was about to get up when an idea went off in my head. "Will you carry me?" I asked wrapping my arms around his neck, I felt him laugh before sitting up out of bed and started carrying us to his bathroom.
Another chapter done! I hope everyone enjoys it! 2905 words.

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