Chapter 1 - My Quiet House

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"Why would they send them to me," you asked confusedly, as while you were the rank of Captain you had been placed in the reserve for 2 years now. "We are both in reserve, while I understand we are of rank what are these qualifications about" you ask

"I don't know I decided not to open the orders until I gave them to you," Ben said "My guess is that its because we were top of our class and we had lucky victories" Ben stated sitting tall and mighty in his chair

"Don't be mistaken Ben we became the Captains of our ship through our abilities," you said "Furthermore our victories were not won by luck but won by our mens will to fight even under the threat of death, and to follow our orders just as we have trained them to" you said

You then finish making the coffee and turn around and sit down across from Ben and hand him his coffee

"Well Fin that was all possible because we taught our soldiers, no our friends what true comradery is," Ben said sliding the paper across the table

You picked up the folded paper and slowly unfolded it. When you finished unfolding it you set it down on the table and began to read it to yourself while sipping on your coffee

After reading the paper in its entirety, you set down your coffee and look at Ben who is sipping on his coffee waiting for what you have to say

" know those shipgirls who became the main fighting force against the sirens since us and humanity were inadequate to fight them" you said

Ben nods in silence noticing your not done speaking

"Well after the incident when the Crimson Axis broke away and fought Azur Lane, command decided to give each faction a commander to keep them under control and to better command and organize them," you continued "It turns out the first commander of Iron Blood (the admiral of the navy) quit his position 2 weeks ago stating "They are to much to handle" "and so they are looking for a new commander but not just any high ranking captain will do it says" you finished and took to your coffee again while waiting for a response from Ben

Ben relaxed in his chair "It seems like a great opportunity for you," he paused and took a deep breath "They probably sent this to you because of your service," "I think it is a great opportunity to finally be the commander you have dreamed of, not to mention you can finally give those damn sirens what they deserve, not only for what they did to humanity but for the crew we lost" Ben said as he was visibly getting angry

"Ben calm down," you said as you don't want to see someone who is always cheerful get so agitated "I agree with you but I don't know if I can deal with the shipgirls especially since the ADMIRAL OF THE GOD DAMN NAVY QUIT" you said dramatically

Ben moved closer to the table "I think you should do it" he said smirking

"I don't know but I might as well go to Hamburg to see what I will be dealing with," you said "Plus they had you send this to me because if I accept they were probably thinking of making you my junior in command just like the old times" you explained

"I think we could do it together" Ben said ecstatically

"well what about pay," you asked "does it pay more" you ask in a louder tone

"It offers 5x more than your old captain salary" he proclaimed loudly

"well I think we have reached a consensus" you said

"Alright," Ben said ecstatically as he stood up "Grab your cap and lets get to the train station" Ben said while pointing at my old officers cap that was sitting on my fridge

"Alright we can head out," you said as you stand up and start to clean your coffee cup in the sink.

Ben walks over to you and hands his coffee cup to you

"I wonder why the admiral quit being the commander" he asked while thinking about it

"That's why I want to go to Hamburg," you said "I want to see what I'm getting myself into before I say I want to be Iron Bloods commander" you say as you finish washing and drying the mugs. "So we need to leave for Hamburg today" you asked Ben

Ben walks back to the table and reads the note "It says that upon reading this note, those who would like to be the commander must report directly to Hamburg at once"

You sigh heavily "I guess I won't have time to visit her before I go..." You then grab your old cap and make your way into Ben's car that was parked down the road

As Ben drives you down to the closest train station in Munich you catch up with him along the way as you make up for last 2 years of being separated

After a while of talking Ben asked "So what have you been doing since we have been put in the reserve," "Did you get a job" he asked

"Besides taking care of my mother and watching over my grandparents I have been fixing cars in the spare time I get," "that's why I am so interested in this commanding business" you say as you turn to look out the window... "Yes, I want to fight the sirens but I also really want that money for mother" you say softly

As the words left Fin's mouth a bitter silence fell upon the car as neither Ben nor Fin spoke

"The train station is coming up" Ben said desperately changing the mood

You look forwards and see that the landscape is very quickly changing from rural houses and fields into a bustling active city. As you travel through the city you are delighted by the smell of fresh bread and sweets as the bakeries and small shops open up for business. Ben then parks the car and you both make your way to the train station only stopping at a local bakery to get some sweet bread to tide you over for the long train ride to Hamburg

Standing at the train station waiting for the train you look over at Ben who is already looking tired even at 9 in the morning "I'm guessing you didn't get much sleep on your train ride here yesterday did you" you asked smirking

"Not at all," Ben groaned "But it will all be worth it if you become the commander and get the pay you need," "plus I cant wait to work with you again" he said smiling

You let out a sound of approval

A short while later the train arrives and you board after paying and make your way to an empty seat next to a window. Ben sits across from you and starts to read a news magazine he picked up from a table at the front of the train car

You stare out the window as the train begins to move and pick up speed towards Hamburg. About 5 minuets later you try and fall asleep to pass the time. And eventually with your head leaned back in the chair and your feet resting in a comfy position you eventually let sleep take you away


And that's when you saw it..., You saw Roon's true emotions flow through her eyes. It wasn't of Love or of Hate nor was it of Jealously. NO what you saw was...









Please comment your thoughts and suggestions I would love to read them and respond.

Cheers <3

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