Chapter 23: A Cure

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Kion and Rani walked around the top of Mount Sheer. "So what happens now?" Rani asked. "No idea, Auryn didn't say what to do once we got here," Kion replied, "And we are to far for the Great Kings to reach us."

"Let's sleep here, maybe a dream will tell us what to do," Rani suggested. "Good plan," Kion smiled. He layed down, and closed his eyes. Rani walked a distance from him, and layed down.

Rani and Kion slept for hours getting their energy back.

As Kion slept, nothing came to his mind, everything was just black, same for Rani.

Kion opened his eyes in frustration. Rani woke up as well.

"Anything?" Kion asked. Rani shook her head. Kion sighed, "Maybe this was just a trick. Maybe Auryn is a lion who tricks others."

"Don't worry charmer boy, I know we will find a cure for you," Rani said. Kion smiled slightly.

Rani walked over to the edge of the mountain and sat down. She gazed at the beautiful scenery.

Suddenly, Rani's front paws slipped, and she fell. "AHHH!" Rani screamed. Kion's ears perked up. He went to the edge and saw Rani falling.

"RANI!" Kion shouted. Without thinking, Kion slid down after her.

Rani screamed in terror. "This is it, this is how I die," Rani thought.

Kion slid down, trying to reach her. They neared the bottom.

"I've got you Rani!" Kion shouted. Rani looked up at him, tears in her eyes. "I won't let her die," Kion said to himself determinedly.

Kion slid down faster. He grabbed Rani's scruff, and they landed on a ledge on the mountain.

Rani went deep into Kion's chest, tears streaming down her face. "Its ok Rani, I've got you," Kion put his arm around her.

Rani looked up at him, her eyes still watering.

"Y-You saved me.." She said. "Of course, you helped me get here-" Kion was cut off short. Rani leaned forward, and kissed Kion.

Kion closed his eyes. Light shined on them. They broke apart.

"Ahh!" Kion grabbed his head with his paw. "Kion!" Rani asked in panic. Suddenly, Auryn appeared in the clouds.

"Kion, you are cured. True loves kiss was the cure," Auryn smiled. Kion kept hold onto his head. There was still so much pain.

After a minute, his pain stopped. He looked at Auryn. "You couldn't have just told me that!" Kion shouted. "You and Rani needed to feel true love. You already felt it Kion, but Rani needed to feel it. Saving her is how that happened," Auryn explained.

Rani and Kion looked at each other, and kissed again. Auryn dissapeared.

Rani looked into Kion's eyes, "I love you Kion." "I love you too," Kion smiled.

Kion and Rani journeyed back to the Tree Of Life.

Baliyo, Surak, and Nirmala were so happy to see Kion and Rani.

"What was the cure?" Baliyo asked. Kion looked at Rani, "True loves kiss."

"Aww," Nirmala smiled, but then sighed. "What's wrong?" Rani asked.

"Two days ago, Janna completed her journey in the circle of life," Nirmala sighed.

Rani burst into tears. Kion pulled her into a hug. "Rani, you are the new queen," Surak said. Rani looked at them, and nodded. "And Kion, you are Rani's king," Surak said. Kion nodded.

Kion and Rani stood on the Crowning Rock.

A mjuzi put a 'V' on Kion's head, and a rainbow shape on Rani's. "King Kion and Queen Rani!"

The animals cheered. Rani nuzzled Kion.

"Rani, thank you for helping me," Kion smiled. "Of course, charmer boy." Kion chuckled. Rani kissed him.

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The End!

I hope you all likes this book, because I loved writing it! I'm am going to publish another book, so watch for that. Love yall!

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