Chapter 10: What Will It Take

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Kion couldn't believe it. A lioness had rejected him. Surak walked up to him.

"Sorry Kion," Surak said. "What kind of flower does Rani like? What is her favorite food? Does she like super romantic, or just regular? Does Rani like sunsets or mid day!" Kion asked in a rush.

"Why?" Surak asked. "I'm going to do whatever it takes to have Rani as my mate. She is the only one not under my curse, and she has gotten into my heart. I can't let her go," Kion explained. Surak nodded.

"Rani likes violets, her favorite food is gazelle, she likes regular romantic, and she loves sunsets," Surak said. Kion nodded and ran off.

Rani walked away from Kion. She couldn't believe she had dated someone who only used her for the position of king. Rani just assumed Kion wanted the same thing.

Rani sat at the edge of a lake, looking at her reflection. She sighed and layed down.

Kion went to a willow tree. He grabbed a bunch of violets, caught a gazelle, and made sure he wouldn't be to romantic for Rani.

Once it was about sunset, Kion went looking for Rani. He found her by a lake. Kion approached her.

"Rani?" Kion asked. Rani turned around, then went back to the water. "Rani, I have to show you something," Kion said. "What?" Rani asked. "Come with me and you'll find out," Kion smirked.

Rani sighed and followed Kion. He put his tail on her eyes. "Hey what are you doing!" Rani shouted. "You can't see it," Kion said. "And why not?" Rani asked, slightly snarky. "Because I'm covering your eyes," Kion joked. Rani slightly chuckled.

Kion slowly walked her to the willow tree. "Watch out for that rock," Kion said. Rani felt for it, then stepped over it. They continued.

Rani and Kion finally arrived at the willow tree. The sunset was absolutely gorgeous. Kion took his tail off Rani's eye's. Rani gasped.

"W-Whats all this!" Rani asked in shock. Kion looked Rani in the eyes. "Rani, I love you. You are the most gorgeous lioness I have ever met. When I first met you, you made my heart soar. Even before I knew you were future queen, I still loved you. Will you please be my girlfriend?" Kion asked.

Rani was Speechless. "But Kion, how can I trust you. Your curse will just attract other lionesses to you. Ones that are more beautiful then me," Rani sighed. "Rani, no one could ever be more beautiful than you," Kion replied.

"Ok Kion," Rani smiled. Kion was over the moon.

Kion and Rani hung out for the rest of the night, hanging out, laughing, and looking at the stars. Soon, Rani fell asleep. Kion lifted her up and brought her to the tree. Kion then went to his own den.

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