Chapter 11

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Yoongi listened to namjoons soft snores. It was only a matter of time before he was taken away too. It had been 3 days since Jin had disappeared, presumably in the clutches of some deranged lunatic. The rapper took a shuddering breath. He'd been fighting off the urge to cry. He didn't want to be alone here. Even though he may seem grumpy and annoyed by the younger members he grew to lean on them alot more than he intended. He wanted to be home. He even missed the non-stop chaos of their schedule. He absent-mindedly started to play with the radio in his hands. For some reason this was the one thing left with him whenever he was locked back in the cell. Yoongi presumed being able to listen to what was going on outside was supposed to make him feel helpless… well they weren't exactly wrong.

Movement in front of him made the rapper look up. Han stood outside of his door. Yoongi couldn't help but smile slightly at the younger's antics. When Han came into the cell with a bag in hand Yoongi's mood dampened. "Jumping the gun isn't she? Namjoon's still here." Han only shrugged before tossing the bag over to the older. "Don't ask me. I just work here." "You don't even get paid!" The kid looked confused. "Why would I get money? Am I supposed to?" Yoongi sighed. That was the thing about Han; he didn't know much about the world outside of this place. Normal things like school and birthdays were completely foreign to him. "In a normal setting when you do a job you get paid as compensation. Though in your case you'd still be in school." Han liked the concept of school. The way Yoongi explained it made it seem almost magical to the younger.

Yoongi opened the bag and pulled out the uniform. He hated this uniform. It made him feel like a damn dog on a leash. "So I take it  whoever is taking Namjoon is coming today?" Han turned around, giving the male privacy to change. "Yup! One of bosses friends." Yoongi changed, fixing how the tight material hugged some places on his body. The rapper clipped the radio to his belt before tapping Han to let him know it was okay to turn around. "So are you taking me to her or what?" Han shrugged. "You're not technically wrong but… we're taking your friend to meet his owner. She's in the room with boss." The older sighed when he realized that Han wasn't joking.

"I'm guessing I don't have a choice in this?" Han shook his head. "Nope! She said if you tried to resist I should just knock you out again." Yoongi winced at the thought. For a 15 year old Han was damn strong. Yoongi's head still hurt from when he was hit. But taking his dongsaeng to someone that would no doubt use and abuse him… maybe being knocked out wouldn't be so bad. Ultimately he wasn't given a choice as Han grabbed his hand pulling him from the room. "Han, wait!" The younger ignored him, opening the door to Namjoon's cell. "Wake up!" Namjoon jumped at the loud voice but didn't move from the bed. Han rolled his eyes before kicking the bed. "Han! Let me do it!" Yoongi pushed the younger out of his way. Namjoon was starting to stir groaning in the effort to wake up. "Hey Joonie it's time to get up okay?" Namjoon opened his eyes a bit before blinking fast. "Hyung?" Yoongi grabbed Namjoon's hand, earning a slight jump from the younger. "Hyung's here. But you need to get up."

Namjoon pushed himself off the bed, rubbing sleep from his eyes. "What's…. Going on?" It took the leader a minute to take in what was happening. The other body in the room, his hyungs clothes, the sound of regret in his voice. He talked before Yoongi could come up with an answer. "Guess it's my turn… I should've been first…" Yoongi wanted to comfort the leader but Han cut him off. "Well we should get going. Miss Park is coming off a very long trip. She won't be very happy if we keep her waiting any longer." Han ushered them out of the room leading them through the facility.

"So this is what you've been doing?" Namjoon asked. "Against my will, yes." The leader's face changed to one of understanding. "Do they treat you well?" Yoongi laughed at that. "Fuck no! That bitch doesn't care if I'm hurt. All she cares about is obedience." Yoongi ignored the glare coming from Han. "She's not all bad! Once you listen she's really nice!" This was the other thing Yoongi didn't like about the kid. How he defended the crazy lady. The older knew it was because he had practically been raised by her, but it still pissed him off. "Oh yeah Han that's why she kidnapps kids only to raise them as loyal soldiers that she can call anytime she needs a quick fuck." Yoongi was met with Han pushing him back. "Shut up! Stop talking about her like that!" Namjoon looked like he was about to jump in before Yoongi shook his head at the leader. "It's the truth! She uses and abuses you Han! You just can't see it because this is the only life you've known! She's a horrible person! She took you away from your parents as a child! Who the hell takes children that's good?"

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