Chapter 3

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Jimin woke up to an announcement blaring through the speakers.

"Breakfast will be delivered in 10 minutes. Anyone still sleeping by this time will endure punishment."

Slowly Jimin sat up. These beds sucked. It was only marginally better than sleeping on the floor. "Morning hyung!" Jimin waited for Yoongi's response. When none came, panic started. "Hyung you gotta get up!" Jimin shot up from his bed. Quickly laying down so he could see through the hole. "Hyung!" The room was empty. Oh no! "Jimin?" Namjoons voice drifted through the cells. "Hyung! Can you see Yoongi Hyung from your side?" He saw Namjoon come into view from his hole. "I can't see him."

Jimin sat up, his breathing quickened. Panic took over. Where had his hyung been taken? "Jimin. Breathe. Hyung is strong, he'll be okay!" Jimin only stared ahead. It wasn't until his cell Door was opened that he was finally pulled from his mind. Two men stood in the opening. "Get up." Jimin slowly got to his feet only to be grabbed harshly by the wrist. "Ah! Let go! You're hurting me!" His pleas were only met with tightening of the grip on his wrist. "Jimin! What's going on?" Jimin wasn't given a chance to answer his hyung before being dragged out of the room. Jimin locked eyes with Taehyung who was watching the scene in horror. "Let go of me!" Jimin tried to pull away from the grip.

The next thing the red head knew he was being slammed against Taehyung's cell, the latter bangging against the glass of his cell and releasing screams that couldn't be heard from beyond the glass. "Stop fucking fighting me!" A hand forced him to look into the eyes of his captor. "You can either listen or I can beat the shit outta you and we can continue to where we're going. Your choice sweetheart." Jimin tried to blink back tears and gulped. "I'll go… please don't."

His wrist was grabbed again but this time he only followed. Jimin refused to look up at his members as they walked down the hall. The grip still hurt but the smaller kept quiet, letting himself be taken.

Soon enough he was thrown into a room and the door closed behind him. The room made his heart drop. A large bed stood in the corner of the room Jimin could see from where he stood there were restraints on each corner. His eyes moved only to be met by another pair staring at him. The man liked his lips, looking Jimin up and down. "God, you are breathtaking." The man got up, walking over to the younger. Jimin took a step back as the man got closer. He backed up until he hit the door. The man chuckled as he closed in. "You can't run from me Angel. I've paid way too much to let you escape me now." The man caressed Jimin's face. Taking his time to look over the singer's face.

Jimin closed his eyes. Please let this nightmare end. Let him and his members wake up back at home. "It's too bad I can't take you back home just yet. They were quite fast with my request. Your things are still being shipped." What? What was this man talking about? Jimin opened his eyes when the man moved back to the table. "Please let me leave." Jimin desperately tried to open the door to no avail. "Let you leave? Oh no my Angel. You've just arrived. Would be a shame to leave so soon. Your things aren't ready at home. It would be better to wait." Did this man think Jimin was going to live with him? What the hell was going on? And what was with that stupid nickname? "I want to go home!" The man sighed. "I already said it's too early-" "My home! My home with my members! Not with you, creep!" This seemed to strike a chord in the taller man. He eyed the singer before walking forward again, snatching Jimin's shirt in his hand.

"You best lose this damn attitude. Did they not tell you why you're here?" Jimin couldn't help the tears that sprung to his eyes. A growl came from the man in front of him. "Answer me!" When no answer was given the man sighed, taking a step back. Jimin let out a breath of relief now that he had room to breath.


Jimin didn't realize what had happened till the shock had gone away and the pain resided. He had just been slapped. The redhead held a hand up to the hurting area. Never before had he ever been struck. "Answer me Jimin." The male looked up at the man in front of him and didn't look phased at all. "N-no…" A sigh came and the man held the bridge of his nose. "I swear…  These people don't understand how to do things properly." A sinister chuckle. "And they're supposed to be experts in their field." The man went off on a tangent, something about not trusting kids to do an adult job. Jimin tuned out after the two minute mark.

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