Chapter 1

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The sounds of laughter and tipsy rambling lit up the street. The members of bts were coming home after celebrating their youngest's birthday at a nearby bar to their dorm. The hyungs were now corralling three very drunk dongsaengs. "Kook, come on. Use your own legs." Hobi struggled to walk for him and Jungkook, something the younger found extremely hilarious. "But… but Hobi hyung… you do it so well." The younger Leander his head against the older's neck.  "We are never letting you get this drunk again." Jungkook gasped at his hyungs words. "Meanie hyung."

Jin chuckled before leaving a now almost passed out Taehyung on Namjoon's back. "Come on kookie. Well get home and have some banana milk." Atthose words the younger somehow found his footing again and actually walked. "There we go." It was only then that there was a commotion at the front of the group. "Jimin, get back here!" Yoongi ran forward trying to grab hold of the drunk redhead's clothes or arm. Jimin was running ahead arms out as if he was playing airplanes like a child. "You got him hobi?" When he was given a nod Jin ran forward to help Yoongi with the task of apprehending Jimin. They lost sight of him when he turned a corner onto the next street. "Why is he so fast? He's drunk! Shouldn't he have fallen over by now?" Jin couldn't help but laugh at Yoongi's complaints.

When they turned the corner, Jimin was nowhere to be seen. He couldn't have gotten  far. "Jimin!" Jin continued to run further. "Yoongi check the other side of the street!" They split up and continued searching. "Jin!" The older looked up to see Yoongi running across the street towards him with worry etched across his face. A sharp pain in his neck was all that was felt before his vision went black. 

The rest of the group finally came around the corner only to see Jin passed out on the sidewalk, a man in front of him and another pushing a needle into Yoongi's neck. "Run!" The rapper was able to yell before the drug took effect rendering him immobile. He was still able to keep his eyes open for the time being. More men ran up behind the remaining four blocking off the exit path. Yoongi watched, unable to move as Taehyung was ripped off of Namjoons back, the latter having two men hold him down to inject him. Hobi tried to push Jungkook to run but the drunk uncoordinated male only fell to the ground. They were both injected. Black spots started appearing in Yoongi's vision, everything started to spin, the rapper closed his eyes to try to help his mind settle. He was tired… his eyes were getting heavier by the second, but he had to stay awake. He had to help. 

His eyes opened when he was slung over one of the man's shoulders. "Should we even inject this one? He's pretty out of it." With much effort Yoongi lifted his head to see a man near Taehyung needle in hand. "Just do it! I don't wanna explain to Boss why we have one extra dose left." The man holding yoongi shifted the male on his shoulder before walking into an alley. 

A van was parked in the narrow alley with the backdoors open. Yoongi was put down only to be laid next to Jimin. The younger had zip ties around his wrists and ankles. "Oh shit you're still holding on." The man in front of him chuckled. Yoongi couldn't put up a fight when the man zip tied his hands and ankles. The man moved him further into the van. "Hope you enjoy the ride." Yoongi tried to fight more but his eyelids felt like lead. Slowly everything drowned out and sleep came. 


Jungkook awoke to the worst headache he's ever had. Maybe Hobi hyung was right, he shouldn't have drank that much. Pushing himself off the bed his heart stopped. This wasn't his room. The room was small. Only holding a bed, a dresser and a toilet on the far side. The worst part… the front wall was made of plexiglass. A door with no handle on the Inside stood closed. He could make out a keypad above the handle on the other side. He was locked in. 

Slowly he got up using the dresser to make his way to the front wall. From what he could see the entire hallway was lined with rooms just like his own. Across from his own room he saw a sleeping figure in the bed. Namjoon. It was Namjoon. "Hyung!!" Jungkook didn't even know if the leader could hear him. He banged on the glass just hoping his hyung would notice and wake up. 

"Kookie." A familiar voice sounded. Jungkook watched his hyung from behind the glass but no movement came. The voice wasn't Namjoon's. "Hyungs?" Panic started to rise. Where were they? Where were his hyungs? Tears stung his eyes. "Jungkookie!  Breathe! It's Jin hyung. I'm just on the other side of this wall. I'm close." Jungkook walked closer to where his hyungs voice was coming from. A small hole at the bottom of the wall was letting the voice in. "Jinnie Hyung… where are we?" The younger tried his best to calm his breathing. "I don't know. I woke up about an hour ago. I haven't seen anybody except for the other people in these cells. I know we are almost all together though. Yoongis across from me and he found a pad of paper and something to write with. Jimin's next to him is what he wrote. Jimin can see Taehyung from his cell. I've heard hobi too. I think he's further down in our row,his voice is faint. I haven't seen Namjoon." Jin sighed. 

At least they were together. At least they had each other. "He's in front of me. He's still asleep." A sigh of relief was heard. "Oh thank God. We're all here." Jungkook started to bite his nails. A nervous habit he thought he had kicked. Jungkook sinked down to the floor near the hole. He tried to put his fingers through only to be stopped by a mesh screen. He couldn't even get some slight physical reassurance. Tears fell from his face. Why? What did they do to deserve this? Would they make it out okay? 

Hours passed Namjoon had woken up an hour after Jungkook and according to Jin the only one still asleep was Taehyung. Jungkook sat near the wall connecting to Jin's cell. It was at least some form of comfort. The sound of a speaker made him jump. It was only then he noticed the speaker in the corner of the room above the bed. "Guards are entering this wing. Everyone away from the doors." Jungkook watched the front wall. What did these 'guards' want? A group of four guards  walked past his cell pulling a tray with plates of food behind them. 

Two minutes later they returned to his cell, opening the door and placing the food  and water down. "Eat and place it back in front of the door. If anything is missing that could be used as a weapon we won't hesitate to search this room and you." They closed the door and jungkook could hear the lock click leaving him trapped. He slowly moved forward grabbing the food. It was worse than school food. A Nasty bowl of oatmeal sat in his hands. He didn't want to eat it but he didn't want to make himself weak when the time came to get the hell out of here either. He forced himself to eat.

 "It's nasty isn't it?" A new voice came from the other side of Jungkook's cell. "I think that's an understatement." The voice was feminine and gentle. "It gets easier to deal with the longer you're here. Not that you probably want to hear that." Jungkook sighed before swallowing another mouthful. "Do you know why we're here?" "I'm guessing the same reason as all of us to be sold off to whoever wants to pay the most." Jungkook's eyes widened at that. He heard Jin shuffle in his cell. "Sold?" The girl made a noise of affirmation. "Yup. The cells you and your friends are in were filled yesterday. I heard some of the others talking about some returning customers that were asking for 'specific merchandise' a few weeks back. And seeing how quickly they sold off the others to get you all here it's safe to say you're the merchandise they were talking about." 

Jungkook felt his stomach flip. He pushed away the bowl afraid we would throw up everything he just ate. How could anyone treat people like this? 

The rest of the night passed without any incident. Jungkook didn't even sleep on the bed, opting to sleep next to the wall that led to Jin's cell. The older laid on the other side being able to see a small bit of jungkook through the small hole. Jin sang soft songs until he was sure the maknae was fast asleep. It was only then when he sat up and noticed that Yoongi's cell stood open.  And the rapper was nowhere to be seen.

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