Chapter 20

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"What do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"Please," He sits down.

"I don't think I invited you to sit down. Did I say 'Oh, Derrick, Yes honey sit down?'"


"No, don't you dare say my name in that way, in that tone. You know where that use to get me. Now, I just don't want your love or passion anymore."

He reaches to grab my hand. I quickly snatch it away. I mean really? Who does he think he is? Someone who can break me and return and think things will will be all good as he returns? He must be crazy to even think such a thing.

"I mean, why are you here? No one will ever love me remember. No one. I mean don't you think I'd already know that by now. With my father who isn't even a father. People at school. My mind telling me the same. Then, my own brother?"

"Julia, I didn't mean it. You know I didn't. I mean I love you. I'd never hurt you."

"Oh really? I thought you wanted to be with me. Even though it was a sick idea, I told you. But you just kept saying, who cares. I 'love' you Julia and only you, I want to be with you and so on."

"But its the truth." He said staring deeply into my eyes. As if he can see my soul. My broken heart.

"Don't even try. Please don't lie to me now, Derrick."

"But, I'm not." He came closer to me.

"So. fucking any girl, shows your love and affection towards me now?"

Derrick looks at the ocean view now.

"Jules, come on." She touches my chin, once again.

I roll my eyes, "No. I won't 'fall' for this again, Derrick. Thanks for showing me how worthless I am."

"Julia, she didn't mean anything to me!" Anger rising in his voice.

"You know I may be pathetic, but not as much as you. You had sex with a girl, for crying out loud! Then try to say she didn't mean anything."

"She didn't, you did." He says.

This time, I've heard enough. I get up as the sand blows off of me, and flies into the air. Looking like dust. Like Ashes finally being released from a jar.

"Than why did you fuck a slut? Why did you have sex with her? If she didn't mean much to you."

That was all I said. But I felt something warm and rough snatch my wrist as I turn around.


"Stop," I plead. "You're hurting me.*


His finger nails dug into my skin. All he did was stare. It was an evil, yet dangerous written all over.

Derrick only held on tighter as I whimpered.

That was when I heard him.


That was when Derrick let go. As Joseph approached.

Derrick hesitated and glared at Joseph... he began to ran. Far..

Far away, from where I was. My view became blurry.

I cried.

I don't know why. I felt as if something was torn away from me.

As if there was no such thing as Family.

No there wasn't. I had no such thing as Family.

The only Family I Once had was taken away from me. The lightness changed in their eyes.

My family were just strangers.

There was no such thing as family in my life.

"Julia." Joseph cried as he kneeled in front of me touching my purple throbbing wrist ever so softly.

I cried. I didn't even respond.

What was there to live for?

I had no Family.

Or whatever that word is. Whatever it means.

Its what I once had, before I ruined it all. Before I ruined everything.

Before I ruined what had once been 'family.'


Soo.... I've been pretty busy, but what do you think about Joseph? What about Derrick? Who do you think is good for her out of all 3 boys eh? Comment.

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