Chapter 7

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No beats.

Just silent.

I couldn't move. But I was still alive.

My eyes opened up. That's when I felt the pain. The pain that had rushed up to my body. The pain that had hurt so badly. Worser than the rest.

Then I remembered. No one came. So my father did anything he wanted to me. He beat me until he wanted to stop.

I don't know how long I was asleep. Nor how many days.

I just layed there on the ground.

I groaned as the pain shot my stomache.

I silently cried.

Why is my life like this.

I managed to get up and took a quick shower.

It hurt as I moved, but I just wanted to go to school. Some place not here. Home.


I walked into class late and walked to the back of the class. The teacher was talking but I was tired.

My eyes started to close as someone threw a piece of paper at me.

I looked around and the paper fell onto the floor.

I bent down, and winced as my body ached. And read the note.

It simply said 'I'm sorry about the park let me make it up to you. The park again? Right after school. Please come.'

I looked around and instantly saw the back of his head.



School ended fairly quick and I had rushed out of class until I bumped into a girl.

'Oh my, I'm so--' She stopped and as I grabbed my books off the ground and I looked up.

I was shocked.

It was my kindergarten friend. Ivey. See the thing is, we did everything together but then we just fell apart after my mom had died. My father told her she couldn't be my friend anymore, I never understood why. We were so young.

'Ivey.' I lowly said, but I tried to smile.

She didn't move. All she did was stare.

I just looked back.

Her face was full of panick, and full of regret. I immediately felt sad. I knew she wouldn't like me anymore. No one did.

'Juli...a?' She stuttered.

'Yes, its me. I haven't seen you since we were little.' I immediately felt guilt rise upon. The day my mother died.

It was all my fault.

I looked down.

She laughed like nothing had just happened.

'Yes. I haven't seen you ever since. What's been happening?' She said, but then she looked at my swollen purple eye and my bruised cheek, and immediately had gotten quiet.

'Nothing really.' I whispered, not giving eye contact.

She looked around and pulled me into a corner.

'Hey,' She whispered. 'I know, I know. Everyone knows, but hey I know I couldn't be there for you at the time. But I'm here now. Whatever you need.'

I smiled at what she said.

Maybe someone was actually there. There for me.

'You know we should hangout later this week.' She said as we walked outside.

'Yeah, of course.'

'Here's my number.' She handed me a piece of paper with numbers on it.

'I'll text you later than.' I smiled as we parted.

I walked until I stopped in my tracks.

Lucas. I remembered.

The park.

Should I really go?

I really wanted to know what he had to say.


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