"You two have fun!" Elia slipped away, calling out the statement as she returned to her groom. 

Cassandra watched her go, letting out a frustrated breath and refusing to turn to the man whose eyes never left her. 

Oberyn's amused voice broke through her denial. "Lady Cassandra, I must say I am hurt. It is almost as if you do not wish to spend time with me." 

"Forgive me, Prince Oberyn. I did not wish to make you feel that way." Cassandra apologized, turning to face him with a cordial smile. After all, she should do well to remember that he was a prince. 

"I know a way that you can make it up to me." He offered, taking her drink from her and placing it on the table beside him. 

"Make it up to you?" She tilted her head in confusion, not sure where he was going with this. 

He extended an open hand toward her, gazing at her expectantly. His lips tilted upward, waiting. "Dance with me?"

She did not expect that. Of all the things he could ask of her, dancing was the last thing she thought of. Nevertheless, she was quick to refuse, knowing the extent of her abilities and not wishing to embarrass herself. For all her grace, she had two left feet. "I'm not a good dancer. I would crush your toes." 

"Is that so?" He asked, still, he did not retract his outstretched hand. "Lucky for you, I am very quick. I will dodge those deadly heels before you can crush my toes." 

Laughing, she complied at his insistence, placing her hand in his and allowing him to lead her to the dance floor where many others waited for the next song to begin. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

They faced one another as the song started, his hand on her waist and hers on his shoulder. At first, she kept her eyes on her feet as she tried to navigate through the steps of the dance. She counted in her head, afraid of making a mistake. 

"Look at me." He spoke, making her gaze shift from her feet to his face. Without looking away, he led her through the dance, his movements smooth as he guided both of their bodies expertly. 

As the song progressed, the numbers ceased in her head as she found herself fully invested in the dance itself and the man in front of her. For the first time, she was actually enjoying dancing. He looked at her knowingly, as if he was proud that she was enjoying herself. 

"Where did you learn to dance so well?" She found herself asking as she twirled in his grasp, her hand returning to his shoulder, her other hand being held in his strong grip. 

"Elia taught me when we were younger. Every warrior must know how to dance, she said, for fighting is just a dance with swords and spears." He explained, pulling her closer to avoid one of the other couples dancing. "How is your hand?" 

She looked down at her hand, her ring providing some distraction but the paleness of her skin made it impossible to miss the stark coloring of bruises on her knuckles. It was a wonder how her brothers did not notice. "It is better. Thank you." 

He lifted her hand, looking down at it with a distinctive eye. Then in a quick second, he brushed his lips over her bruises for a moment, so quick that if it had not stolen the breath from her, she would've thought it a mistake. 

He continued as though nothing had happened, moving their bodies with the music, not even missing a single beat. "Why do you visit Flea Bottom? Surely you know how dangerous it is."

She thought about it for a moment just as the dance ended though they did not move. They remained facing one another as another song began, falling into the steps as quickly as they did the first. Their movements were so natural, as if they were simply obeying what their bodies were made for. It was as if they had been doing this together for years. 

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