Meeting a new friend

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✰CC's POV✰

Ever since Gregory showed me who he actually is I've gotten to do things with him that we haven't done before like eating lunch together, introducing him to the family properly this time, and hang out with out him having to hide his face.

»»----> Time Skip <----««

Me and Gregory were on break until. "Hey!" We turn around and see a girl around our age. "Your Evan and Roy right?" We look at each other and then back at her and nod.

"Cool I'm Cassidy." She reaches her hand out for a handshake we do the same. "So what kind of things you like?" "I like sweets." Gregory says. "What about you Evan?" "Um I wouldn't say I like any thing in specific but..." I look at Gregory and smile

and even though I can't see his face I could tell he's smiling to. We hear Cassidy gasp and then "so are you to gonna kiss or not!?" I turn bright red. "We weren't gonna kiss..." "Who said?" My face grows even more red.

"Shut up!" He starts to fake cry. "Come on Evs your hurting my feelings..." "Ughhh whatever!" "So do you like him or no?" "Like! Like who!" Gregory yells. "Roy do you like him?" "Oh well actually we're already dating."

I say smiling and putting my head on his shoulder. A wide smile grows on her face. "Oh my gosh...well what are you waiting for kiss!" I look at him like

'Can I?'

He nods and removes his mask and we kiss.

✰Gregory's POV✰

'I'm so lucky I put make up on before school.'

I think pulling away from the kiss. And Cassidy is just watching us screaming at this point.

'Third wheel much.'

The bell rings and we go to our classes.

✰My #1 fan✰Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon