F O R T Y - N I N E

Start from the beginning

She quickly braided her black hair into a large braid to her side and stashed away a small knife inside. There was something she had not told him that would stay with her for the rest of her life. She would be killing hundreds of her own people, but what did it matter? A few hundred for his life was not something she would hesitate on deciding between. Some sacrifices would have to be made. She sniffed and strengthened her resolve. 

Because Karos was in such a rush to see Ake, he missed the scout's report. The gwasas had split into two sections, taking the larger half with them over to Gasa as the others made their way here. If the gwasas did not kill him there, Analia would make sure of it herself with her own bare hands and then everything would stop. The gods would stop this terrible game of theirs and leave them in peace. 

Night was peaking and the stars were coming out. They were no longer falling from the sky. They shined as bright as the moon that night. She liked them much better than the moon. She grabbed a torch from a fire burning nearby and searched around for Karos before it could become too dark. He would suspect something was amiss after awhile but what could he do? They were a day's journey from Gasa. 

"Karos! Karos!" 

Soldiers ran by with sharp, but thin, steel and wrapped it around the trees closest to them. Some put some into the trenches they had dug. 

"Karos!" She walked further away from the camp. Many of the men were already in position, but there was no sign of any gwasas. They would not be here for some time. She nibbled on her bottom lip and continued ahead. 

"Karos!" He was with the archers firing arrows at a far away tree which calmed her heart. 

"Why-- " she pointed around. "Why had you given the order to ready the men when there are no gwasas approaching?" 

"It is not the gwasas we should worry over. It is the griffins, Analia. There are only sixty or so dragons here and, like the prior battle, they will pile up on one and bring them down to the ground before they tear into their flesh with talons and ripped their wings." Analia closed her eyes at the image. "So we must deal with them first."

"Because they are Ake's people."

He stopped what he was doing and looked at her. 

"But what about your own? These people are following your orders and entrusting their lives into your hands." 

"I did not ask them to."


"But I will cherish them. I will not sacrifice them again." He fired another arrow into a tree. 

"Why had you not spoken to me about this?"

"There was no reason to." He handed her a spare bow from off the ground. "You are good with this, yes?"

"I am." 

"Use it well." 

Analia bit down on the inside of her gums. Should she target a muscle in one of his ankles or should it be his upper leg or arm? As he bent down to pick up another arrow, he hissed and grabbed his side.

"Broken ribs?" she asked but Karos ignored her. "How many this time? One? Three?" 

"It will heal," he replied. 

She had decided then. It would be his right side. She would lodge it into one of his rib bones, so she would not hit a vital organ. 

"Gwasas! Gwasas and griffins!" a man shouted as he ran passed them. He would not be coming back. Another man came running to Karos, panting and out of breath.

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