Lucas's Reaction to You Dying

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Another request. Enjoy!

Vecna's Lair is just a vast wasteland. And it's terrifying. But I have to stay strong and keep my guard up. The last thing that anyone needs is for me to get hurt. Or for anyone to get hurt, for that matter. I'm walking through the strange red forest, when I hear something. I just brush it off though. It's probably nothing. Then I hear something again. This time I tense up, chills run down my spine. I look behind me, no one's there. This can't be. Please don't tell me I'm going to die today. Suddenly I feel something wrap around my feet and pull me to the ground. The impact of the fall was enough to make me bleed, but I don't give up. I start trying to kick off these vine thingy's, but to no avail. I get reeled in, and before I know it, I see Vecna, the little bitch himself right in front of my face. 

"So we meet, Y/N," Vecna says. The way he says my name gives me the shivers.

"What the hell do you want from me?" I ask. I can't die, I can't lose. Not to this abomination.

"You. I'm sorry Y/N. There's nobody to save you here," says Vecna. His vines wrap around me again, but this time around my neck. As I can feel the vines tighten, I remember I have a pocket knife. Thank god. I pull it out and slice him in the face. Shocked, Vecna lets go of me. I run as fast as possible, but it doesn't work, because his vines have wrapped around my feet again and have dragged me. I scream and shout, desperate for someone to hear me, but unfortunately my luck has run out. I am met with Vecna's "face" again. He pulls me so that I'm in a standing position. He puts a hand up to my face and I can feel every ounce of my body being taken over by pain. I hear a snap. Immediately after I feel this excruciating pain, tears manage to slip out. My left arm must be broken. Another snap, my right leg. It even pains me to cry. One more snap. My neck. I don't know if I can take anymore. All of a sudden, I see Lucas standing behind Vecna. 

"Hey you son of a bitch!" Lucas yells, before hitting Vecna with an axe. Miraculously, Vecna just disappears. I fall to the ground, sobbing. Screaming in agony. Lucas runs to me, and lifts up my back. 

"I'm so sorry," I manage to say.

"No no, it's all my fault. I should've been here," Lucas responds.

"I-I can't see. I-I don't know what's happening. Are you safe?" I ask.

"Yes, yes I am. I-I am, you just, you have to keep your eyes open for me, okay Y/N?" Lucas asks.

"I don't know Lucas, I-It hurts so much. I don't know if I can," I say.

"I know, I know but you have to!" says Lucas, now crying. Hearing his sobs. Hearing how much he's hurt, makes me want to just hold him. But I can't. 

"Lucas I-I love you," I say, knowing that my final moment is nearing.

"I love you too Y/N. You know you're gonna make it, right?" Lucas asks. I don't respond. My eyes start to get heavy, and I then realize how tired I am.

"Lucas..." I start, not knowing what to say.

"No no no no, Y/N, you have to stay with me!" Lucas says.

I feel my eyes close and say, "I'm-I'm sorry Lucas. This is as far as I go." I take my last last breath, remembering every single memory I've made with Lucas, with everyone. Thank you for a happy life.

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