The Meet||Will Byers

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Its another normal day at work. It's Christmas time so it's been really busy lately.
"Okay your total is 12.76," I say, while bagging someone's stuff up.
"Here, have a nice day," The person says, while handing me money.
"You too!" I respond, and hand them their stuff. At the same time they walk out, a boy walks in. He looks about my age and has a bowl cut.
"Welcome!" I say. He smiles and waves. The boy looks around before settling on gift wrap. He brings it up to the counter.
"Is that all for you today?" I ask.
"Yep," The boy says, while smiling.
"Your total comes to 14.65," I say.
"Thanks Y/N!" The boy says.
"How do you know my name?" I ask.
"It says it on your name tag," The boy says, while handing me money.
"Oh, no one even pays attention to these," I say, while putting the money in the cash register. I bag up his stuff and hand it to him.
"Have a nice day!" I say.
"You too!" The boy reply's. Well, he's sweet.

Stranger Things Preferences and ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon