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My eyes opened up and Xavier was gone my room was open and I heard loud noises

I got up and I looked out the window

Good morning Angela said

Good morning I said

You seem like in better Sprit Angela said

I have to pee really badly I said

Why couldn't you last night Angela asked me

Well first I had a male nurse I said

She helped me to the bathroom and I got to take shower and changed out of the safety smock into pjs like literally soft comfy pjs

They walked to the support groups

I sat kinda in the back

Today we're to gonna talk about safety person what is safety person? Abby asked

Someone who you trust I said

Very Joyce Abby said

Thanks I said

I've seen better acting on a boy said

What your name? I asked

Jesse Hunter he said

Jesse you know the definition of Power? I asked

I don't got no power over me you whore Jesse said

Power is the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality I said

A girl who can actually read Jesse said

Jesse I walked towards him

If I wanted too I could kick you out of this place throw you out on the street but I'm not gonna do that for bullying Joyce Abby said

Lesbian sex is awesome you too strip down now Jesse said

Security Abby said

Jesse was removed from the room

Sorry where were you oh yes you wanna go head explain this to the class Abby said

A safety person some who you can trust to tell your secret too when your here your parent aren't you see these nurse who do you trust and want to tell them everything so spend ten minutes to write down a list safety person I said

I did the assignment

Who are your picks and why? Abby asked

First is Abby she was there from the moment everything started where I felt like I was alone in this fight
Second Xavier who ain't here but our started on the back of his ambulance for the longest time I've been scared to be in room with guy but he made me safe
Third Nurse Olivia who was kind when I needed shoulder to cry on I said

See so simply so take time then let them know Abby said

I was feeling sick to my stomach then I ran to the trash puking

Can I get wheelchair? Abby said

They put in wheelchair took me to the hospital

Let me guess you think I Ingested something? I said

Well did you Abby said

I had surgery I said

They took me to the exam room

Let's get the ultrasound Dr.Isaiah said

They did ultrasound

There nothing I'm guessing you have an infection you are awfully hot Dr.Isaiah said

Oh thanks I snickered

I know he was talking about my fever but still I'm young hormonal girl with guy loving you

They put ice packs all over me and gave me medicine

What the infection? I asked

Self inflicted The nurse laughed

Huh? I said

I'm joking I'm sure your body just fighting something The nurse said

Can I call my mom? I asked

Sure The nurse said

She handed my dead cold phone

Do you have an iPhone Charge I asked

Yes in fact I do The nurse smiled

She plug my phone in and after ten minutes it was blowing up with text

I looked at it it everyone who was worried about me

I dial my mom number

Hey baby Mom said

Her voice was nice to hear

Hi mom I cried

How do you feel? Mom asked me

Im in the hospital because I have an infection I said

How bad? Mom said

Im running a fever I said

Do you want me to visit you? Mom asked

Yes I need you I said crying

I'll be there soon what room? Mom asked

301 I said

Don't worry mom on the way Mom said

i hung the phone and laid back

Not even ten minutes later

Car accident was said over the emergency radio

I got shivers almost like guilt shiver

I got out of bed moved my ivy pole along with me

When everything settle I read the name on the wall

Mary Zander I read

That's my mom I said

Mom I cried

Ma'am you can't be here the nurse said

No let me see her I said

I'll handle it A familiar voice said

Joyce Xavier said

I turned around

What happen? I cried

A drunk driver hit her Xavier said

Just like my dad I cried

Let's get to your room Xavier said

Im not leaving my mom side not now nor ever I cried

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