Chapter 16

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Amelia pov:

As the police car started to drive away from the dorm room I was fuming with so much anger. "LET ME THE FUCK OUT!" I screamed to the police officers in the front seat while banging and kicking the chair. "Calm down little lady maybe you should've thought about that before trying to murder someone." The police officer driving the car chuckled as I slouched back into the seat pulling out my hair because of how stressed I was. It only made me more and more angry to see nobody taking me seriously no matter how hard I screamed and cried. After a minute of driving I just stopped talking and stared out the window. No matter how hard I tried to defend myself nobody believe me, the only person who would believe me would be Lucia. But she's at the hospital so there's nothing i can do. I could feel my tears forming in my eyes because there was nothing I could do and if I went to jail I wouldn't be able to see Lucia again. "Just kill me." I thought to myself as we pulled up the the police station. The police officers guided me out of the car walking on each side of me while the handcuffs were still on me as we headed into the station.

Lucia pov:
I sat there frozen in place as I watched the police cars drive away with Amelia in the backseat. I said they're speechless when all of a sudden I had an idea. I started to slowly make my way to the dorm room it was kind of hard because of how much pain I was in. I finally made it to the dorm building but it took me a while to get up the stairs. I made it to the room and search for the key in my pocket but it wasn't there. "Shit shit shit!" I thought to myself trying to look for a spare key somewhere. until I tried to open the door and it was unlocked. "Oh oops damn i'm dumb." I thought to myself as I walked into the dorm room. I walked into Amelia's room and started opening all her drawers and looking everywhere. "I know it's in here somewhere." I said quietly to myself while looking in every drawer. "Aha found it!" I said happily as I pulled out Amelia's phone from the drawer. This should have the evidence on it to prove that Amelia is innocent. I thought to myself as I looked around for my car keys. I found my car keys on the side table by the door and I grabbed them and started up the car. "Don't worry Amelia i'm coming for you."

Amelia pov:
when we got into the stations to police officers led me into this small little room with nothing but a table and a light. "Someone will be in here in a second to question you don't move there are camera's watching your every move." One of the police officer said before he slam the door shut leaving me alone in the tiny room. After a while a lady walked into the room she looked very serious and she sat down without saying a word. "So I understand you've been accused with attempted murder." The lady said well writing something down on her clipboard. "Yes that what they say but it wasn't me I swear!" I told the lady practically begging her to believe me. "Save it for court i'm just here to get a couple details." The lady said very firmly. after a while of questioning me she put her pencil down and said "I got all the information I needed be prepared for court in a few minutes." The lady got up and left the room leaving me sitting there confused. "What the fuck is going on!" I thought to myself as two police officers walked into the room and grabbed me by both of my arms. "Let me go!" I snarled at them while kicking my legs. " it's time for court you're going to get questioned about everything that happened." The police officer said as he led me out of the room. We walked for a minute until we got up to this big room with people sitting everywhere and all eyes turned on me. The officers led me down the walkway where I seen Quinn sitting at a table with tissues and sobbing and wiping her eyes I rolled my eyes at the sight of her. The room was silent for a minute before the judge started questioning us. "So miss Quinn what happened?" The judge said. "I didn't even do anything and she had been bullying me for a while and she beat me up." Quinn said while still fake sobbing. "Your honor that's not true!" I screamed out. "Do not interrupt." The judge said with a very serious look at your face as I stopped talking. "So Quinn do you have any proof of the violence?" The judge questioned. "Yes I do actually your honor." Quinn said as she pulled up her sleeve to reveal bruises and scratches. "Amelia did you or did you not beat up Quinn?" The judge asked while looking at me. "No! I mean yes I did but it was all for a reason!" I said panicking. "And what was the reason?" The judge asked lifting one eyebrow. "She was threatening me!" I screamed out getting visibly angry. " do you have any proof of the threatening?" The judge asked while keeping very strong eye contact with me. "Well no but-" I was about to say when a familiar voice cut me off. "I do I have all the proof!" The voice said. I turned around to see who it was and it was Lucia and she was waving around my phone in the air as she ran up to the judge. "Lucia you hot son of a bitch!" I thought to myself with a big grin on my face. Lucia pulled up the video of Quinn threatening me and much more that I took on my phone awhile ago and completely forgot about and showed it to the judge. The judge watch the video in complete shock. " well i've seen all I needed to see." The judge said as she pleaded me not guilty. i've never been more happy in my life as I watched officers take Quinn away as she kicked and screamed. "YOUR GOING TO REGRET THIS YOU HEAR ME!" Quinn screamed as the officers dragged her out of the room. "You are free to go." The officer said as I walked out of the court room with Lucia. We walked outside into the pouring rain in the dark sky we sat there in silence for a second until Lucia said "How about a thank yo-" right before I cut her off pulling her into the biggest kiss that I never wanted to stop as her hands grabbed my waste. Just as I pulled away I said "I missed that I missed you."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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