Chapter 14

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Amelia pov:
I wake up the next morning with a pounding head ache and roll out of bed with a massive hangover, I walk over to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror I had a whole rats nest in my hair and all my makeup was run down under my eyes making my eye bags look worse then they already were.

I pick up my phone and check the time it was 6:40 so I had about 30 minutes to get ready for school. I took all my run down makeup off then hoped in the shower to get rid of  all the blood that I still hadn't washed off for some reason, Also I had to wash the beer smell that was lingering on me from the night before.

I get out of the shower and get dressed into a hoodie with some sweat pants and high top converse it was a lazy outfit but I didn't care anymore to be honest. I walked into Lucia's empty room and just stood in the door way. She's still not back and now I don't think she ever is coming back with how mad she sounded yesterday.

The time was 7:15 so I had to leave and start heading to school now. I walked out of my dorm building and headed to my car I unlocked the door and hoped in and started to drive off and head in the direction of school, it wasn't to far from the dorm building maybe like 8 minutes away but it was far enough to need to drive.

I arrive at school and park my car and start to head inside this shitty school with bitchy people who I did not want to deal with right now. I make my way to class and I sit down I notice Quinn still isn't here. I hope that bitch died to be honest, I thought to myself while i flicked my pencil up and down on the desk zoning out.

"Excuse me Amelia please pay attention." My teacher said as I looked up from the desk and pretended to pay attention. Class ended and during passing time I decided to go to the bathroom just because I had nothing else to do. I walk into the bathroom and see Willow in there washing her hands. I was scared to talk to her because i didn't know if she knew about that big fight me and Lucia had. I stand next to her and look in the mirror at myself.

"Oh hey Amelia what's up?" Willow said cheerfully. So that means Lucia hasn't told anyone about what happens yet which genuinely surprised me. "Hi willow nothing much how you been doing?" I asked her. "Oh it todays been goo-." Willow said as she cut herself off in the middle of her sentence and her face went pale and she looked extremely scared.

"Willow are you okay?" I said grabbing her shoulder with a confused look on my face. "I think you need to see this." Willow said while handing me her phone." As I read through the texts on the phone my heart dropped it said- "I'm sorry to tell you this but Lucia got in a very bad accident and is now at the hospital you should visit her as soon as you can."

My heart was beating 1000 beats per minute. I ran out of the bathroom and all the way out the school doors, I hoped in my car and turned the key then headed to the hospital.

I arrived to the hospital and basically ran into the doors I went to talk to the lady at the desk to try and get to her room. "Uh hi i'm here to visit Lucia Noceda." I said to the lady at the counter.

"Okay her room number is 45. Are you a family member?" The nurse asked me. "Uhm no I am not." I said while playing with a piece of my hair out of nervousness. "I'm sorry I cannot let you in if ur not a family member." The nurse said as she looked back up at me, but I didn't even care I ran past the lady at the desk and pushed everyone who tried to stop me. I looked around frantically for her room number. I finally found it and I walked in and this is what I saw.

Lucia was in the bed with a whole bunch of cords in her arms and a breathing tube up her nose and lots of scratches and bruises. I immediately run up to her lifeless body a wrap her on a tight hug. I started to cry Lucia was the best thing that ever happened to me I can't stand seeing her like this.

It make my heart ache bad. I was holding onto her waist hugging her and sobbing when I felt a hand start to brush my hair lightly. I look up to see Lucia looking at me with her eye barley open and a slight smile on her face.

I immediately scream "Lucia oh my god ur awake I can't believe it i'm so sorry this happened!" I said while trying to hold back my tears. "I-it's okay Amelia. I know that Quinn lied about everything and I am so sorry I didn't believe you at first I really thought Quinn had changed but I guess not." Lucia said letting out a little laugh.

"Look I don't know how long i'm gonna be in here for but I swear when I get out we are gonna go on the best date ever." Lucia said as she held my hand. "Okay i can't wait." I said laying on her chest. After a few minutes we heard some noises outside of the room and I didn't know what it was till tone of nurses came barging the the room.

"There she is that's the girl that broke in!" The nurses said while pointing at me. I had no choice but to jump out the window, Lucia's room was on the second floor so it wasn't to high up so I jumped out. I only really got a few scratches but I was good enough to run back to my car and drive off.

As I arrive and my dorm room and plop down on my bed happy and sad at the same time because of what happened but I just can't wait for Lucia to get better so we can go on that date she was talking about. I thought to myself while looking up at the ceiling hugging my pillow as I slowly fell asleep.

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