Chapter 4

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Lucia pov

The party is tonight And I still have no idea if Amelia is coming or not so I go in her room and ask her. "Hey so that parties tonight have you decided if you want to go or not?"

Amelia looks up from her phone and says "Yeah sure I'll go I have nothing better to do anyways." "Okay the party starts at 10 tonight I can't wait to see your party outfit." I say with a smirk and she rolls her eye as I walk out of her room to get ready for the day.

It was Saturday so I decided that I'm gonna go shopping for an outfit for tonight. I get in my car my and roll all my windows down while turning on some music and head to the mall.

I arrived to the mall and I walk in and go into a store and I start browsing. I find a leather jacket with some ripped jeans and I purchased them and leave and make my way back to the dorm to get ready. I get dressed and do my make up and of course put my beanie on.

Amelia pov

The party starts in about and hour so I should start getting ready. I put on a blue and black dress and some fishnets with black high top boots and I decide to leave my hair down I do some winged eyeliner and sprayed vanilla perfume.

I go and knock on Lucia's door so we can leave to go to the party. She answered the door in her party outfit and not gonna lie she looked kinda good and I couldn't help but admire her in the leather jacket. "Come on the party is starting let's go."

I say while dragging her out the door "okay okay I'm coming" Lucia says with a smug look on her face.

Lucia pov

Me and Amelia arrive at willlow dorm room and let ourselves in there was a lot of people there and the music was extremely loud and there were people taking shots everywhere. "Heyyy Luciaaaa" willow says well stumbling her way over to me clearly drunk.

"Woah you had a little to much to drink." I say while slowly sitting her down on the couch. Amelia was still behind me watching me help willow.

After I sit her down on the couch I ask Amelia if she wants to take some shots with me "yeah let's do it." Amelia says as we make our way to the shot table.

I pour us a shot then one shot turned into two then three then four and me and Amelia were drunk out of our minds. We party for a little but then I got hungry. "Heyyy Amelia wannnnaa go to the cornneerrr store and get ice creeaamm??" I say while slurring my words.

"Omgoshhh ice cream sounds so gooddd" she says as we stumble out of the dorm. We make our way to the corner store it's pitch black out and we're both very drunk. As Amelia stumbles she holds onto me to balance herself.

We get to the corner store and wobble in and grab some ice cream and stumble up to the counter to pay. As we leave Amelia says "Follow me I know a place." As she leads me to a beautiful lake where the night sky was reflecting off of it and the moon and stars were bright.

We sit down still drunk and start eating our ice cream. "You know i'm actually starting to like youuu." Amelia says while leaning her head on my shoulder. I know she's only saying these things because she's drunk but my stomach can't help but flutter.

I lean my head on hers as I watch the night sky and after a few minutes I look over and see Amelia sleeping. I pick her up and start heading back to the dorm I was still a little tipsy.

As I get to the dorm still carrying Amelia and her still sleeping I put her in her bed and as I leave the room she grabs my arm and says "wait stay please." I look down at her pleading for me to stay "okay okay fine" I say while laying down. The second I lay down she wraps her arms around me my whole face turns red but you can't tell because it's dark.

I look over and see her sleeping I wrap my arms around her waist and stuff my face into her green hair. She smells like vanilla with a hint of beer. As I drift off to sleep I can't help but wonder if she'll remember this when she wakes up.

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