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"what the fuck?"

joão immediately pushed the girl off him and stood up from the bed, walking towards me. but instinctly i moved back from him.

"wait no - el, please - it's not what it looks like!"

i felt very dizzy; the blondie stood behind him smirking in satisfaction, which annoyed me. i was too overwhelmed and i ran out the door quickly. the only thing that came to mind was to find rosia.

i found rosia's room and knocked on the door frantically, tears flooding my eyes for the second time that day. a second later she opened it.

"hey-" her expression dropped. "oh my god what happened?"

she closed the door and led me over to her bed, we sat on it as i told her everything. her jaw clenched in anger,

"what the hell?? i think i know who that girl was.. it was penny. but why would she come back?" rosia thought.

"i don't know.." i sobbed in her arms.

"god my brothers a bitch.." she muttered under her breathe and hugged me tightly. "i'm going to talk to him."


after a while of sitting on rosia's bed with her helping me cope i decided to stay the night because there was nowhere else for me to go. rosia gave me some of her pajamas and when antónio came in the room he bought chocolate for me. he understood what happened after rosia explained to him.

rosia and antónio shared one bed so i could sleep on rosia's. i checked my phone and joão had called me five times, but i ignored it and put my phone down. i soon fell asleep miserably since i was so tired.


joão's pov: (earlier that day)

i got out of the shower, put my clothes on and laid on my bed watching tiktok. el had just texted me that she was going out so i replied with 'okay'

an hour had passed until i heard someone open the door, i thought it was el and i smiled but instead it was a familiar blonde hair girl with blue eyes, my smile dropped.

"penny-" i said, sitting up.

she smirked and walked closer to me, "i don't know what you see in her," she rolled her eyes. "i'm so much more prettier than eleanor silva anyway."

i scoffed. "does the p in your name stand for psychopath?"

"oh shut up." she said in annoyance. "i want you joão. we could be together if you ditch that little girlfriend of yours-"

"fuck no," i interrupted quickly. "you need to leave before i call security!"

she laughed. "you wouldn't do that, honey bear." she said as she put her hand on my cheek. i quickly took it off and pushed her away as she started to get on top of me. i tried my hardest to stop her.

"i know you want me joão-"

and in the wrong timing the door opened once more, and my heart immediately dropped when el walked in the room.

"what the fuck?"

she looked frozen in fear as i pushed penny off me and tried to go after el.

"wait no - el, please - it's not what it looks like!" i begged desperately, hoping she would believe me but she quickly ran out the room.

god i didn't know what to do. eleanor thinks i'm cheating on her now.

i turned around as penny giggled. my jaw clenched with anger.

"GET OUT NOW!" i yelled at her angrily. her face dropped and she wasted no time in walking out of the door, i closed it behind her roughly.

"fuck." i groaned and threw a glass on the floor. it shattered and scraped my leg which made me bleed but i didn't care.

i kept throwing things on the floor but the only thing i could think of was my el. i bit my lip angrily and paced around the room - would she still love me? would she ever want to talk to me again??

i couldn't live without her and i knew i had fucked up. i should of made penny leave the first time i told her to..

tears flooded my eyes as i picked up my phone and called eleanor. i waited and waited but she didn't pick it up, even if i tried four more times after.

i assumed she wanted to be left alone so i gave up and stopped trying. i laid in bed helplessly and stared at the wall. normally i would have her in my arms when i went to sleep, but now i didn't. i already missed her so much.

more tears ran down my cheeks and i felt like a useless piece of shit. the pain in my leg suddenly hit me and i groaned in pain - the cut was quite deep but i felt like i deserved the pain.. so i didn't do anything about it.

suddenly the door opened again, i looked up hoping that it was el but it was just antónio.

"are you on a suicide mission or something?" he joked, trying not to step on the glass and sitting on the bed with me.

i rolled my eyes and sighed. "i wish."

he became serious. "rosia told me what happened, but i know you didn't cheat. you love her too much."

"it's too late now. she already hates me.." i muttered and felt like crying again.

"she's very upset but she doesn't hate you - you have to tell her the whole truth and she'll believe you, trust me."

i smiled at his advice and then the pain hit me again as i groaned.

"what the fuck happened to your leg?" antónio asked. then he stood up and got a wet cloth from the bathroom and started to clean my wound but he wasn't very good at it. he wrapped a bandage round it and it looked quite weird but i wasn't one to judge.

antónio said he would come back in the morning and left the room, suddenly i felt very lonely.

i thought about el and she was my last thoughts before i fell asleep.



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