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i woke up tiredly and yawned until i remembered where i was.

"good morning," joão smiled. i also noticed that he was holding my hand.

i smiled back and mumbled "good morning"

i got up from him. "do you have any clothes i can wear?"

"of course," he replied as he got up and threw me another jumper and black jogging bottoms from his drawer.

i thanked him and went into the bathroom to change, it was quite big on me but it looked alright. i fixed my hair up a little bit using my hands since i had no hair brush and i wasn't going to bother doing my makeup today. i unlocked the bathroom and walked out to see joão already changed, he then told me to go downstairs and that he would be there in a few minutes.

i walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where i saw rosia putting toast into the toaster. "hey i'm making toast, do you want one?"

i nodded. "yes please."

"how was your sleep?" she asked, getting the butter out of the fridge.

"it was good." i replied."where is antònio?"

"sleeping." she smiled. "he loves to sleep in"

me and rosia sat down and ate our bread at the table after buttering it.

"where's your boyfriend?" she teased.

"right here." joão said as he walked in the room and kissed my head. rosia looked at me knowingly and i blushed.

"i've got practice today with the team, do you want to come and watch me el?"

"yeah - just drop me home first then we can go," i said, as i washed up the dishes.

"vocês são tão fofos juntos," rosia squealed. (you guys are so cute together)

"cale-se." joão blushed and left the room. (shut up)

"care to translate? i hope your not saying anything bad about me." i worried

she laughed. "don't worry i would never say anything bad about you. i told him that you guys looked so cute together and he told me to shut up, but he was blushing."

i let out a breathe that i didn't know i was holding as rosia went upstairs to wake up my brother so i just went to the living room to joão. i climbed into his arms as he was sitting on the sofa and he pulled me closer to him so that i was basically sitting on him. i pulled out my phone and starting to scroll on tiktok. he watched my phone as an edit of him came up, i blushed and skipped the video.

"wait can i see that?" he asked as i handed my phone to him.

he scrolled through my for you page and smirked. "wow." he exhaled. he then got his own phone out and searched my name on tiktok and followed me back. he then handed me my phone back.

after a few more minutes of cuddling he asked if i wanted to go home and get ready. i agreed as he ran upstairs to get something he forgot. then we put our shoes on and got into his car. he played my favourite song again.

when we reached my house, he opened my door and let me out. he walked me to my door.

"wait, i've got something for you." he smiled as he passed me his jersey which had his name on it.

i smiled "thank you." and kissed his cheek. i then walked inside as he drove off.

it was only 9 am and most of my family was at work or sleeping still. i went into my room and took a shower, i blow dried my hair and put a little bit of makeup on today.

𝗜𝗻𝘀𝗲𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 - joão félixWhere stories live. Discover now