Imagine- Chaotic Good Pt 3

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Whilst El helps Eddie settle onto the floor in a comfortable position, I check on Steve, who is surprisingly conscious and okay, apart from the numerous cuts and bruises on his face.

"Go clean yourself up and find the others, make sure Nancy and the kids are okay." I tell him. He nods and rushes upstairs briefly before heading out to find the others.

I walk back into the living room to see Eddie lying on his back, with El sitting cross legged in front of him. The TV is on, but it's just static noise. The two are talking about something and smiling, which makes my lips tilt as I wonder what they're talking about. Eddie's eyes find mine and he actually blushes a little.

"You should be there with us, as a way out for me, and Eddie." El says, looking at me as if I'm the child and she's the adult. I nod, knowing I'd do anything for Eddie.

I lie down beside him, our pinkies touching as I close my eyes and try to relax. Minutes of silence pass and I think nothings happening, until my mind drifts and my body feels like it's in some weird state of awake and asleep.

I force my eyes open and see that we're in Eddie's trailer, exactly how it was before everything went, well upside down. Eleven stands next to me, looking up nervously as I look around, wondering where Eddie is.

In answer, Eddie strolls from his bedroom as I stand my ground in the living room, unsure whether I can trust him or not. He doesn't do anything alarming, in fact he just reaches into the kitchen cupboard and grabs a box of cereal, before eating some out of the box, completely oblivious to us.

"This is Eddie's mind, he can't see us, but technically Vecna should be here, and he will see us." El tells me. I nod and hesitantly step forward, but within seconds the lights flicker and Eddie literally disappears. In his place is Vecna, looking as peculiar and terrifying. The whole trailer has transformed into my worst nightmare, with vines and particles drifting about, just like the Upside Down.

"Didn't you learn the first time Eleven?" Vecna deeply asks. Eleven clenches her fists as I look between the two, wondering how I could possibly be of use.

"Go find Eddie, talk to him and make him come back." Elven orders. Before I can ask questions, she's forcefully using her powers to shove me out of the door. I hear crashing and grunts, but I have to have faith in El.

Looking around, the trailer park is covered with even more vines, and I get the feeling of deja vu. Where would Eddie be?
The woods!

I sprint faster than I ever have to our special spot, and I let out a sigh as I stop in my tracks, finding Eddie sitting on the leafy floor, his head leaned back against a tree as if it's a summers day.

"We've got to go!" I shout, crouching in front of Eddie. He looks at me as if I've gone mad and shakes his head.

"I'm not leaving now, it's way too nice out here." He replies dreamily. I scoff and shake his shoulders.

"Snap out of it, come on!" I yell, but he doesn't seem phased. I growl in frustration, then get an idea.

"Eddie, you promised you'd teach me to play your guitar, please come back and help me. Please." I desperately ask, my voice shakes as he squints and looks at me.

"I did, didn't I?" He dazefully says, trying to stand up. I nod enthusiastically and wrap an arm around his middle, leading him back to the trailer, scared of what I might find.

El sits on the steps, cut up and bruised, but alive. Her face is streaked with tears and blood. I open my mouth to ask but she shakes her head and gives me a watery smile.

"You found him." She mumbles. I nod and look up at Eddie, who appears confused and unbalanced.

The world begins to fade and blur, making me panic and thrash about. My eyes open as I sit up, panting and sweating. El sits in front of me, her hands on either side of my face as I take in my surroundings. I'm back in the Wheeler's house.

I look down beside me to see Eddie passed out, his mouth open slightly as his eyes dart around behind his closed eyelids. I look to El in a panic, but she shushes me and tells me "He's just passed out, he'll wake up soon."

I nod and throw my arms around her. She stiffens then returns the hug. "Thank you so much El." I whisper. She nods and leans back just as a groan sounds beside me.

I turn around and kneel beside Eddie, grabbing his hand and rubbing it with my thumb. "Am I real?" He mumbles, opening his eyes and looking up at me.

I laugh weakly and nod, helping him to sit up as he rubs his face with one hand. I finally let my emotions get the better of me, and sob.

Eddie's arms wrap around me as I cry, his warm hand rubs my back as I choke out "I lost you."

Eddie nods solemnly and kisses my head "I know, I'm not sorry though, you're alive and I wouldn't have it any other way."

I shove him back and angrily say "You're an asshole for leaving me Munson, I love you so much."

His mouth tilts up in a smile as he leans his forehead against mine. "I love you too, I promise I'll never go all Kas again."

I smile and press a kiss to his lips, until I hear a gasp and a sob behind me. I turn to see Dustin crying. Eddie holds out his arms as Dustin throws himself between us. Eddie grins as his eyes fill with tears.

"I missed you too kid." Eddie mumbles, wrapping us all together, finally.

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