Imagine- Too Sober

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"I'm too sober for this." Eddie scoffs, walking past me to the refrigerator as he opens it and searches for a beer.

I stand by the door of the trailer, crossing my arms as I shake my head in anger. "Don't you think you're overreacting?" I ask, staring daggers at him as he closes the door and pops open a can.

"Uh-uh." He sounds, before downing the whole can in a few swallows. He tosses it behind his shoulder and opens the door for another, so I quickly rush over to the fridge and lean agasint it before he can get inside.

"Move out of my way." He mumbles, avoiding my eyes as he stands tall in front of me. I just lean more of my weight against the door and stare up at him.

"As I was saying before I was saying, nothing happened. Jason just drove me home." I say.

Eddie's eyes finally meet mine, his face almost softens but then he laughs and backs away, running a hand over his face.

"Jason doesn't just drive girls home Y/N! So what, you kissed him? More?" Eddie shouts, throwing his hands up in frustration.

I sigh and stare at the floor, tears forming in my eyes. Eddie slumps against the kitchen counter to the floor, he brings his knees up to his chest. "Tell me I'm wrong." He whispers.

"I'm sorry," I begin, and the look Eddie gives me breaks my heart, "I'm sorry you don't have enough faith in me. I'm sorry you think I'd just throw myself at some random guy. I'm sorry you don't think I love you and only you!" I shout, turning away as the tears finally fall.

The only sound in the trailer is the buzzing of the lights. It stays like that for a while as we both regain our composures.

Eddie breaks first, standing up and putting his hands on my waist. I turn around and frown, "What? You want the leftovers?" I spit, avoiding his eyes.

His ringed hand comes up and grabs my chin, tilting my face up as I finally look into his eyes. "The girls I've...been the past have always used me and then left me. I know it isn't an excuse for what I said, but-" he breaks off with a sigh.

After his revelation, I understand where he's coming from. "I get it, I can see why you feel that way Eddie, but I'm not them. I don't want you likd that, well I do, but what I mean is that I want you for you, not just a one time thing."

Eddie's eyes lighten up and his eyebrows knit together as he asks "So you only want me? Not him?"

I shake my head and lean up on my toes, pressing a kiss to his mouth. "You are the only one I want Munson."

Eddie grins and kisses me back, digging his hand into my hair. "I'm sorry about what I said."

I nod, "Thank you, I'm sorry the high school girls are such-"

But Eddie cuts me off with another kiss, silencing me.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now