Imagine- This Is Going To Hurt

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I sigh as I lead Eddie to the bathroom and point to the toilet lid, already reaching into the cupboard for the first aid kit.

Eddie sits down, head bowed like a child who's in trouble and knows it. His face has a few scratches and he has a cut on his lip, but luckily there's nothing serious.

"What happened this time?" I mumble as I crouch down in front of him, tucking his hair out of the way as he plays with his rings anxiously.

"I tripped." He murmurs, eyes darting everywhere but my face.

"Really? And it had nothing to do with Jason picking on Dustin?" I ask, already knowing I'm right.

Eddie goes to open his mouth but I interupt him as I press a alcohol wipe to his cuts. He hisses and tries to back away.

"Sorry, this is going to hurt." I apologise, giving him a small smile. He nods so I continue, gently dabbing at the cuts until they're clean.

"That asshole has no reason to pick on Henderson, if it wasn't for me Dustin wouldn't have to deal with it." He murmurs, shaking his head as tears spring to his eyes.

I place a comforting hand on his knee, my other hand reaches up and cups his cheek, "Hey, you did nothing wrong, and nether did Dustin. That kid knows what he's doing and still chooses to be part of Hellfire, stop blaming yourself because other people are shit heads." I say, rubbing my thumb across his cheek.

Eddie nods and sniffles, wiping his eyes with his sleeve. He begins to smile as my hand trails down from his cheek and brushes against his lip.

"Does the other dude have a black eye?" I ask hopefully.

Eddie smirks and nods after a few moments, "Yeah, maybe one or two."

"That's my Munson." I laugh as his arms pull me up and onto his lap.

I hold on as he squeezes me, burying his face into my neck. "I swear to God if you drop me!" I shriek as he stands up with me in his arms.

"I've got you." He murmurs, carrying me to my room and laying me on the bed, he rests between my legs and places his head on my chest, my hands brush his bangs out of the way as he looks up at me.

"I know you have Eddie." I finally whisper, grabbing the neck of his top and pulling him in for a kiss.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now