Imagine- Possessive At The Dance

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I stand at the drinks table, the school dance in full swing as I pour some of the oddly pink coloured liquid into my cup, no doubt it's already spiked with some form of alcohol.

A boy from my class walks over to me, pushing his glasses up as he mumbles to himself. He's always been sweet to me but now really isn't the time to chat.

"Hey Y/N, I was just wondering- I thought maybe- would you like to-" He stutters, pushing his glasses up again.

I give him a small smile, drinking my drink as fast as I can so I can get back to-

"Sorry dude, she's already got a dance partner." Eddie says from behind me, but it sounds more menacing than his usual light tone.

The boy nods multiple time before scurrying away, disappearing into the crowd.

I put down my drink and turn around, crossing my arms as I stare up at Eddie, who is staring at me back with the same judgemental look.

"You didn't have to be rude, I was about to politely tell him." I scold.

Eddie shakes his head and grabs my hand, we weave through the dance floor until he pulls me out of the gymnasium and into the isolated corridors of Hawkins High.

"Eddie, what are you-" I begin, but suddenly Eddie's pushing me into the lockers and tilting my chin so I'm forced to look at him.

"You're mine, I get why he wanted to shoot his shot with you, I mean you look fucking stunning, but that's for me to notice, not anyone else." He murmurs, leaning down and nuzzling his nose against my jawline.

"Stop being so dramatic and jealous, he just wanted to dance." I try to reason as he trails light kisses up to my ear.

"And how would you feel if I danced with Chrissy Cunningham?" He smirks, now kissing my neck as his other hand holds my hip.

I stiffen at the thought. Absolutely not, nobody touches Eddie like that other than me. I'm not overly possessive but the idea of his hands on another girl-

"Excatly my dear." Eddie grins, feeling the tension in my body. My arms wrap around his neck as I try to bring his body closer to me, but instead he backs away, flicking my nose as he grabs my hand and leads me back to the doors of the gym.

"Where are we going now?" I ask almost in a whine.

"I want to dance with you my sweet little Y/N." He smiles, dragging me through the doors and onto the dancefloor.

A Tears For Fears song comes on and Eddie's hands find my waist as he begins to sway. I follow his lead and laugh as his head begins to bob.

"You're secretly loving this." I mumble into his ear as he spins me around. I lift my arm up as Eddie laughs and spins around too.

He shrugs as he replies, "If it makes you happy, I'll do anything."

I lean my forehead against his chest as we continue to dance to the music all night. Well until he carries me out of the gym after I complain about my shoes hurting.

After that he takes me to his place where we really do the ultimate dance...

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя