Fouding Hellfire Headcanon

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Eddie hated that everyone had a clique, a friendship group that they fit into, and he's quite an observant person at times.

So he founded the Hellfire Club. It began as a small idea when he was sitting in the library, and saw a couple of other students hiding away too.

He made a poster the same night, and secretly put it up in the library, knowing the ones who he saw alone would see it.

They did, and when Eddie saw that they read the poster, he knew they were in. So one by one he spoke to them and admitted he put the poster up.

After that, Hellfire Club became a weekly thing, and Eddie loved that he finally had a group who understood him, and enjoyed helping others so they wouldn't feel so alone like he felt.

That's why he recruited Dustin and Mike too, because he saw himself sitting alone and picked on at the beginning of high school, and he wanted them to feel accepted.

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