Imagine- Bedtime Stories

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I let out a yawn as I finally finish cleaning the kitchen after dinner, then decide to go see how Eddie's doing with putting our daughter to bed.

As I approach her room, I hear Eddie's voice, different accents and pitches come out of his mouth as he tells a wild story about dragons and princesses. I smile and lean against the doorframe, watching as our little girl gazes up at Eddie from where she's tucked in bed. Eddie lounges on the end of the bed, waving his arms about as he talks.

My daughters eyes are wide and full of excitement, until she finally notices me and giggles, sliding under the duvet even more. Eddie turns and grins at me. "Mommy's gonna help me tell this part." He smirks, beckoning me over as he sits up.

I nod and perch on the side of the bed as Eddie wraps an arm around my shoulders, pressing a quick kiss to my temple. "Okay, then the dragon flew up into the air, carrying the princess with him, he flew fast, and the princess watches as bright green hills and valleys rushed past. He finally set her down near a small cottage, nodded, and then dashed up into the air, never to be seen again." I say enthusiastically.

By now our daughter is dozing off, a happy smile plays on her lips as her breathing evens out. I stand up and kiss her head, then make sure her favourite Teddy is next to her. Eddie grabs my hand as we walk out into the hallway, softly shutting the door behind me.

I slump against the wall and sigh as Eddie prowls closer and leans his forehead to mine. "You're such a good mom, I love you so much."

I smile up at him and press my lips to his, "You're the best dad, I knew you could do it." I murmur, wrapping my arms around his neck as his hands find my waist.

"Let's do it again." He suddenly murmurs, moving his lips to my neck. I furrow my eyebrows and tilt my head. He then adds "Let's have another, start expanding our little troop."

I laugh as he picks me up, carrying me to our bedroom.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat