chapter 8

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The moment she hears Alfie's voice, Alma's heart begins to race. She stops on the stairs just before anyone can see her, taking a deep breath or two. She inhales deeply and walks slowly over, smiling as she sees Simon, Daphne, Gregory and Violet conversing in the entryway as a few of the other Bridgertons make their way up.

"There she is." Simon smiles.

Alma smiles politely in return. "Brother."

"You remember Alfie from earlier?" He motions. "And Gregory, the youngest Bridgerton."

Alma curtseys small. "Gentlemen."

Alfie smiles and takes her hand, kissing it. "Miss Basset." He greets, locking eyes for a moment.

Daphne coughs to hide her gasp and turns her face, composing herself. Alma blushes and slowly pulls her hand back as he releases it. "I hope I'm not late." She looks to her brother.

"Right on time." He assures.

Violet smiles wide as she and Alma share a gentle hug. "My my, you look so well! London agrees with you." She gushes.

Alma giggles small. "It does feel rather refreshing being away from Clyvedon." She admits. "Though that is definitely home for now."

"Shall we go to the parlour? We're just waiting on the Featheringtons and Francesca." Daphne suggests.

Everyone agrees, heading in that direction; as they do, Alma stumbles back as her arm is grabbed. "Hello to you too!" She giggles at Daphne.

Daphne watches her husband and their guests go on ahead before she speaks. "Does one have a small crush?" She asks, instantly grinning wide.

Alma blushes deeply. "No such thing!" She looks away. "He is just being a gentleman."

"Sure... sure..." Daph giggles and pulls Alma into a surprise hug. "Oh, this is just wonderful! I shall have to seat the two of you together."

Alma's eyes widen. "No no no, one can't bore the poor gentleman on his first visit! Gregory may lose a good friend!"

Daphne holds her at arm's length still smirking. "You shall do as you are told, Miss Worthing."

Alma blushes and nods small, taking Daphne's hand as they begin a slow walk. "Daphne..."

"Yes?" She looks over.

"Is it possible for me to... to take Simon's name?" She wonders quietly, aware they're almost at the parlour where voices float from.

Daphne pauses and takes Alma's hands. "Is that something you desire?"

Alma shrugs small looking at her sister. "I feel it is... but people may misconstrue it as me staking a claim. I do want a claim - over my brother, not his estate or title."

"We know that Alma, do not fret. I do believe Simon would be overjoyed for you to take his name." She smiles gently. "Though... I'm not sure it is possible.  But I promise I shall do my best to find you a complete answer."

Alma smiles gently and nods. "Thank you, Daphne."

They enter the parlour and Daphne heads to her mother and Gregory. Alma spots Alfie by the window, looking out at the gardens in the setting light of the sun. "They are beautiful here but you should see Clyvedon estate." She says as she approaches, looking out too.

Alfie glances over before looking back out, hands behind his back. "I do believe you must be right. I've heard of those gardens." He muses. "I do prefer to look than venture out, however. British weather is terribly unpredictable."

Alma looks up at him. "Somehow I find that untrue." She muses.

He raises a brow. "Is that true, Miss Alma?"

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