chapter 1

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1822 - February

"Will you just leave me alone?!"

Eloise smirks at Anthony. "Never." She shrugs.

He sighs deeply and rubs his aching temples. "Eloise... I have a teething child, the family accounts, several projects to look over by this new week and I am about this close to staging a carriage accident with you in it." He snaps.

She clasps her hands together tightly. "P-leaaaaaaaase!" She begs again, separating the p sound from the rest of the word just to annoy him that little bit more until he...


Until he snaps. Ha! She smirks wide and claps. "Yay! I shall send word to the others - we can leave this eve."

He sighs and let's his head hit the table as she leaves, a deep groan leaving his lips. While Eloise has many valid points for her spur of the moment trip, such as the family having not all been in the same place for near enough a year and the season being only a month away meaning their plans are about to pile up, he truly has a lot to do. But a few days at Aubrey Hall couldn't hurt, could it?

He sighs deeply again and stands, intending on exiting his office and heading to find his dear wife; she's probably somewhere getting for luncheon, somewhere with the children OR hiding in a cupboard since little Charlotte is teething. Their first girl and their clingiest baby.

Edmund and Miles? Easy peasy. Though 2 years apart, they're like twins. He'd rather handle twins sometimes than sweet Charlotte - not that he doesn't love her, good god her does.

There's a knock at the door and Anthony looks over. "Come." He calls.

A moment later, his sisters worried face slips through the doorway, quickly closing it. "Anthony... oh Anthony." She cries.

He frowns and closes the distance between them in only a few strides, pulling her into a hug. "What is it, what a happened? Is it the children? Or Simon, is something wrong?" He worries.

She cries into his chest. "I-Im not sure... Anthony, he was so mad!"

"Who?" Anthony demands. "Simon? Did he hurt you?" He demands, instantly mad. He can't fathom the idea the Duke would hurt his sister but he can't take any chances of doubting.

She looks up at him terrified but stern. "No! No, he would never do such a thing!" She sniffles and pulls away, beginning to pace. "He ran. Anthony, he ran away. He... he burst. A letter came and-and I heard this-this almighty crash. I ran to his office to find it in tatters, he was breathing so heavy. And he looked at me... so angry at something. And...and..."

"Spit it out Daph." Anthony snaps.

"He ran away." She whispers. "He's gone. I-I don't know where." She stops moving and looks at him with wide eyes.

Anthony takes a deep breath. "Right..." He pauses. "Head back to the house and pack - you intended a week in London, yes? Bring it all, we're going to Aubrey Hall. Eloise's idea."

Daphne stares at her eldest brother in shock. "What... I am not running!"

"No, you're not. You're going to go ahead and spend time with the family while I go see Simon and sort whatever this is out. If you are with the family, I shall know you're okay." He says calmly.

Daphne stares at him for a moment before nodding small. "Thank you..."

He smiles small. "Go on, Eloise is eager to leave this eve. Can't imagine the fire she'll spark if we're late."

Daphne smiles small and nods, heading out. Anthony sighs and sorts his papers out, calling his butler. "Saddle a horse for me as quickly as you can. And have these taken to Aubrey Hall. Where abouts is Mrs Bridgerton?"

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