chapter 3

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Simon clears his throat as he composes himself. "A urm a lady of the night?" He rephrased.

"A whore." Alma shrugs. "If you pardon the language, brother." She blushes as the word feels funny on her lips. "She was 19 and hired for a private client. Turns out that was your father, I suppose OUR father. It was about a year or so before he died, when he couldn't take care of sorting his own needs."

Simon tugs on his collar slightly, clearing his throat again. "I see..."

"I never knew he was a Duke until today. She just said it was a man well above her, older, wasting his money." She shrugs.

Simon takes a deep breath. "Good god." He mutters to himself, then speaks more clearly. "What education have you had, Alma?"

She shrugs small. "None really, sir. My papa, Sebastian, he has two sons. My brothers were prioritiesed for the education that could be afforded. They'd come home and try to teach me things. Arithmetic is like a foreign language to me." She admits with a nervous laugh.

"Where are those brothers now?" He asks.

"Elias is 19 and married to a lawyers daughter, they live in Scotland. Tobias is two and twenty, he is overseas with the navy." She looks at him. "You have a wife?" She asks, looking at the ring on the hand she holds.

Simon tilts his hand a little to glance at it. "I am, to Anthony's sister."

Alma giggles a little. "And I imagine that didn't go down well at first?"

"Not at all." He chuckles. "All is well now, thankfully. We have 4 children. Amelia, Belinda, Caroline and David."

"Alphabetical?" She quirks an eyebrow.

He shrugs smirking. "Family tradition on her side. Her mother had 8 children all named A through to H."

"Remarkable." She giggles small.

Simon flashes a smile. "Is education something you would enjoy?" He suddenly asks.

Alma tilts her head a little, curious and thinking. "I mean... I'd never turn it down. But I'm too old for it. There are many things I wish to learn but I guess most of those will be learned during my duties as a wife."

Simon stops his lip curling at the idea. He takes a breath to compose himself. "If I were to offer the means to an education, would you be willing?"

Alma stares at him shocked, slowly releasing his hand. He tucks both of his in his pockets nervously as she plays with the strings on her shirt. "Uh..  well..." she stutters.

"I'm so terribly sorry, Alma, that was far too forward of me." He quickly says.

Alma shakes her head. "No not at all. It is a truly kind offer that I'd feel... wrong taking." She admits frowning.

Simon shakes his head. "Do not. As a child of my father you are certainly entitled to some of my wealth."

"No no no!" Alma gasps, her eyes wide. "I'm a bastard!"

"I dislike that term." Simon shakes his head frowning. "Definitely dislike it. Regardless, it is my money to shared. And I wish to share it with my sister. And if not share it, use it to aid her in some way."

Alma scowls a little. "I am not a case for charity, Duke Hastings."

Simon suppresses a groan as best he can. "Not in any way, Alma. But you are my sister and I wish to be a proper brother to you. Anthony provided financial support to all of his siblings, it's tradition. I wish to do the same for you."

"I am a bas- okay, I won't use the word!" She tuts as Simon glares with a raised brow. "I am illegitimate. I am not his true child."

"You are as true as I." He shrugs. "Please. Allow me to help in some way. I truly wish to be of help."

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