Chapter One:: Boots & Flashlights

Start from the beginning

After I made sure Sailor was settled on the makeshift bed made with the cushions from a desk chair and some throw pillows I found in the women's bathroom (don't ask), up to the roof I went with my gun.

I crawled military style across its flat top and peered over the edge at the land around us. Dry. Barren. I spotted a few Crankies across the way in the far distance, fighting over a scrap of clothing. Mindless bums.

The base barricade still seemed sturdy. The body of the Crank I killed earlier is still lying on the outer edge. Give it a few long days and it'll be nothing but a pile of rotted bones and bloodied cloth. Thanks to the bugs and buzzards.

At least some creatures are still thriving.

I decided it was safe and quiet enough around me to call it a night. I don't have to worry about something coming into the small base while I'm asleep. Sailor will definitely wake me with his crying.

I found my way back down to the small office room and climbed into the small makeshift bed next to Sailor. He buried his nose into my chest and shortly after, began snoring.

"Glad you're able to rest, mate," I kissed his head. After at least another hour of listening, I fell asleep to the sound of Sailors snoring.

I awoke to the rumble of the floor and the shaking of everything on shelves in the store. Surprisingly, Sailor was still asleep.

I didn't hear any growling or bangs of Cranks breaking in. Nor were there any flashlights or boots from when... never mind.

However the whole place was shaking. I heard something approaching outside from above on the right side. An aircraft of some kind. Then I heard many rounds of gunshots going off and that's what woke Sailor.

Before I was able to quiet him down, he shot up to a sitting position and started barking and howling very loudly.

"Oi!! Mate, hush!! You're going to get us found!!"

I managed to clamp his mouth shut. We both sat quietly and listened as the aircraft left, the rumbling stopped, and the building quit shaking.

"Gods," I let our a heavy and relieved sigh. "You just don't have a brain when you're afraid, do ya, buddy? Alright, back to sleep."

Shaken, I wasn't able to get to sleep right away. And good that, because I heard voices in the distance. I remained dead silent as I listened.

"I could've sworn I heard howling."

"I'm telling you, these Cranks make all kinds of sounds. Who knows, maybe one of ''em made that sound to lure us to it."

"Those damn things aren't smart enough to do that."

"Hey, check out this fence thing," One of them said. I heard my fence rattling, then the thud of two sets of boots hit the pavement parking lot outside. "It's all boarded up. Do you think someone's in here?"

"Dude, if anyone besides us has survived out here this long, I'll have to congratulate them myself."

Suddenly they began trying to knock down the wooden boards I nailed up over the shop door. Repeatedly. I heard the wood creak and splinter and break which woke Sailor right back up.

And, you guessed it, he began howling and barking out of fear. Immediately I began shushing him and trying to calm him down.

"See!! I knew there was a dog in here!" One of the men shouted. I heard a bell ring, the one attached to the shop front door. Then under the door I saw flashlights and that's when I started panicking.

"It's in here!" One of the men shouted, the doorknob rattled and that's when Sailor got up and scurried off under the desk and started whimpering. I picked up my gun and cocked it.

So when they kicked the door open, they both were face to face with my gun. Shocked, they both stepped back. I had tears in my eyes and I was shaking, pointing a gun at their chests with an unsteady finger on the trigger.

"Put the gun down!!" One of them yelled through their helmet. It's the same soldiers. The ones dressed in all black bulletproof suits. With big guns and yelling voices.

The ones that took Newt from me years ago.

"Leave us alone!" I cried out, sniffing back more tears. "Go away!!"

"Put the gun down and we won't shoot!!"

"I won't shoot if you won't!! Leave us alone!!"

"Oh for crying out loud! We're wearing bulletproof armor you idiot!!" The guard behind the first one shoved him out of the way and grabbed my arm.

Out of fear I yelped and shot in their direction, no doubt bringing on the attention of every Crank in the area. We'll be surrounded soon, no doubt.

My bullet bounced right off the guard and he kicked my gun out of my hand. Sailor shot out from underneath the desk and in an act of courage, sank his teeth into the calf of one of the men.

He cried out and to my dismay... shot Sailor.

His yelp was so loud, it shattered my heart like glass. I tried to fight off the men and get to him but they were too strong. I felt a sharp prick in my neck and as they were dragging me out of the shop to their aircraft, my vision blurred and darkness consumed me.

You Make Me Brave // Gally x OCWhere stories live. Discover now