Even the weather seemed to be cooperating to make this special day perfect. The sun shone brightly, not a cloud in the sky, coating the whole King's Landing in a magnificent golden hue.

As they reached the grand structure, Cassandra felt awestruck at the sight of the sept, its large marble dome, and crystal towers stealing the breath from her. With her brothers, she entered the large double doors and found their seats.

They were seated with some of their vassal lords, greeting them and making small talk before the ceremony could start. She also had the opportunity to converse with her aunt Rhaella, asking about Viserys who would not be able to attend due to the king's paranoia.

Soon, the crowd hushed, signaling that the ceremony was to start soon. Prince Rhaegar stood stoically at the start of the aisle before moving towards the altar in the long ceremonial march. Once he arrived at the altar, the Septon opened the book of the Seven, reading the holy words aloud.

It was a long and tedious task that from her side, she could see Robert yawning from time to time, his eyes fluttering shut every few seconds. He jumped when she elbowed him, signaling to the Septon who had just finished.

All eyes turned to the double doors where Elia Martell entered, looking regal and beautiful. Her gown perfectly complimented her complexion and her dark hair contrasted the vibrant jewelry she wore making her look every inch the princess she was.

Cassandra smiled as the ceremony continued, from the cloaking of the bride to the exchange of vows, up until the end of the ceremony that was sealed by a kiss. She clapped with the crowd, cheering loudly as the newlywed couple, turned to the crowd with intertwined hands.

Unintentionally, her eyes found those of the man seated across the aisle from them only to find his eyes already on her. Ned stood with his father, Rickard, and his older brother, Brandon whose eyes were still on the prince and princess.

Even then, Ned gazed at her meaningfully as a small smile crept onto both of their lips, seeing the happy couple and hoping with all their might that they might have that someday. A small moment they shared, just for them.

If fate had not intervened, they might have had that.


Cassandra stood on the sidelines as she watched the feast in full swing.

Ashara was dancing with a noble lord, looking very much miffed, a barely concealed grimace on her face as she moved in time with the music. Cassandra barely hid a laugh at the sight as she took a sip of the Dornish red.

She fiddled with the rings on her fingers as she looked around the great hall, trying to look for a familiar face to converse with. Her brothers were nowhere to be found, with Robert probably drowning in his cups and Stannis retiring to his chambers.

Ned was on one side of the hall with Brandon, the two of them deep in conversation though he still managed to send her a friendly smile from time to time.

"There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere." Elia pulled her from her thoughts, her cheery voice permeating through her self-isolating haze.

"Your Highness, let me congratulate you on the success of your nuptials." Cassandra curtsied, masking her smile with a blank face as she mimicked all the other guests who spoke to the Dornish princess.

"Cassandra!" Elia gasped, looking around to see if anyone heard her and when she noticed that no one had, she started laughing. "You have no idea how many people have said that to me."

"Everyone is overjoyed. All in the Seven Kingdoms are celebrating you and your wedding." Cassandra said, smiling and embracing her friend. "As am I. I am very happy for you. You're a great princess and one day, you will be an even greater queen."

Elia's eyes turned glassy at her words, hugging her tighter. "Oh Cassandra, I am so glad to have you here with me. Having you and Ashara as my friends, as my sisters, have been the greatest gift."

"The feeling is mutual, Elia. Now, there should be no room for tears on your special day." Cassandra replied, pulling back and handing her friend a chalice from one of the passing servants.

"How can I not cry when you say things like that? Gods, I cannot wait until your wedding and I can be the one making you cry." Elia answered, already anticipating the day until she can return the favor. "That reminds me, I have to introduce you to someone."

"To your brother?" Cassandra raised a brow as the older woman began to pull her through the crowd, her eyes searching for someone.

"Yes, I've already told him about you. He has already met Ashara and I want you to meet him too." Elia explained, moving past the dancing couples and her new husband who stared after them amusedly.

"Elia, really, you do not have to. You should enjoy your wedding and dance with your husband." Cassandra insisted when they had scoured almost the entirety of the great hall.

"Nonsense, I see him already." Elia announced, calling to a figure whose back was turned to them. "Oberyn!"

The man turned and Cassandra thought that she was imagining things when a familiar face stared back at her, his shocked expression mirroring hers.



:> Hello everyone! And now they know who the other one is, or do they? Hmm, guess you'll have to wait for the next chapter to find out teehee. Stay tuned and sending you all my love <3!

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